Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

a 3 FIRST AND BEST--AS 1 MARION, CHRONICLE, MONDAY, JULY. 1, 1940 SEVEN- Last Activity of Season Held by of Lodge As the final activity for the season dance by the Knights of columbuel Saturday at the home, Seventh and Washington streets.Among those working on the -committee were Dr. William W. Bourke, James Henry and X. Gartland, Jr.

Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eisenhour and Robert Eisenhour: of Huntington; Miss Catherine Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Leo I.

Gorman, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Sullivan, Gas City, Mr. and Mrs.

Max Hart, Mr. and Mrs. James Henry, Philip Bowers, Dr. and. Mrs.

William W. Bourke, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Damon, F. X.

Gartland, Miss Constance Carter, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Hubert Harold Gehlbausen, Bauman, Gorman, Miss-Lorna Leon, Miss Lillian Kazmierzak, Robert Tolle, Mr.

and Mrs. John C. Funke, all of Tipton; Mr. and Mrs. Albert J.

Latendress, Mr. and Mrs, Frank J. Mr. and Mrs. George O'Brien, Miss Maxine Thorn, James Weigand, Jack Bailey and Miss O'Connor, In honor of Rev.

and Mrs. Paul was Reish and family, a farewell party held by several friends re: cently at their home in Kokomo: The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cole and son, Bobbie; Rev. J.

R. Richey, Mr. and Mrs. William Gillmore. a.

Gladys Tharp, Donna, May and Jerry Tharp, Rosalie and Bonnie Tharp, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Meek, Sheldon Ganter, Bernadean Gunter, Joe Gunter, Glen Meek, Roy Abernathy, Mr. and Mrs. James Cunningham, Mrs.

Addie Drook. Mrs. Verda Barker, Mrs. Jessie Hardin, Miriam and Wayne Rush, Madaline Reynolds, Mrs. Myrtle Pennington, Mrs.

Lucy McGriff, Mrs. Minnie Meek, Pink Meek, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence, Cates. Mrs. Ruth Odle, Colling, Russell Odle, Rachel Evelyn Lucas, and Mrs.

John Lucas, Anna Mark, James B. Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Omas Stanley, Donald, Fredie and Norman Stanley and Rev. and Mrs.

Reish. Friends Give Farewell Party for Reish Family Church Class Arranges to Hold Picnic, Party meeting of the Ever Ready Class of Mt. Olive was. held cently. at the home of Waneta, Mary, Robert and Charles Cates.

During the business, session July 21 at Celina, O. Contest winplans were 'made to hold picnic, ners were Maxine Pattison, Merle Bragg. Those present were Maxine Pattison, Patch, Barbara Schick, Ruth Anna Julian, Rosemary Schick, Ruth Anna Shook, Wanda Smith, Orville Stevens, Merle Bragg, Max Pattison, Edgar Cook, Charles Fenstermaker, Clifford Bragg, Everett Highley, James Shook, Ralph Cain, William Goodman, Rev. and Mrs. Kent and Mr.

and Mra. Eddie Cates and sons, Jesse, Lester and Arthur. Douglass Family Holds First Reunion Sunday The first 'annual reunion of the LAFONTAINE, July, Douglass family was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglass, west of LaFontaine.

A basket dinner was served at noon. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Melton, Swayzee; Mr. John Melton and son, "of Hammond; Mr.

and Mrs. Ronald Melton and daughter, Gretchen, South Whitley; Mr. 'and Mrs. Elbert Douglass, Mr. and Mrs.

Mer.vil Douglass and daughter, Mrs. Sadie -Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Mra. Milo Douglass and children, and Myrtle and Dave, Converse; Mr.

and Mrs. Eldon Douglass and children, Ellen and Paul, Amboy; Mrs. Robert Jobnson and son of Greentown; Mr. Mrs. Eli Allen, Jonesboro; Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Douglass and children, Clara Mae and Rex of Huntington; Mr. and Mrs. John Good and daughters, Rheva and Mary Alice, Matthews; Mr. and Mrs.

Gifford Dougless, and children, and Earl Dee of Wabash and Mr. and Mrs. Douglass and children, Barbara and Max. MEETING CHANGED A meeting of the Ladies' Aid, Presbyterian Church Matthews will be held Wednesday instead of Thursday at the home of Mrs. Grace Ritter.

Mrs. Marie Dicka-son will be the chairman. $2.00 Wave Regular Permanent Wave Sale $1.00 Beautiful Oil $1.75 Come up Anytime from $3.50 Ware Hair Grows Out Only Regular 8 Guaranteed -Permanent Until Waves the For m. to 6 m. 83.00 Wave Regular Marion Beauty Shop $2.50 Over Lauber'a E.

Third St NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY BE RIGHT BUY RITE FINEST TAILORED AWNINGS Direct From Factory To You At A RITE CANVAS PRODUCTS CORP. Upland, Indiana FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 262 UPLAND Loans for Vacation Needs "Perhaps the every-day grind becoming burden that' endan. your health. It's sound economy to take vacation NOW 1 enjoy it. than to pay a costly doctor bill LATER.

It and quick ret money The American Security Company. YOUR FAMILY PROTECTED Our "Certificate for Cancellation of Lean" sured by the People's Lie Insurance Co.) rides in. came of death the lean balance celled. The interest you pus pa year lean pays for this, pretertion. No other charge made for Everyone Uses Our AMERICAN SECURITY CO.

OF INDIANA, INC. Ground Floor Glass Block Phone 2500 SOCIAL and PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pulley and son, Millard, and Mr. and Mrs.Elmer Pulley, spent Sunday.

in Berne, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hosier and family, former Marion residents. Miss Rosanna Carter has returned General to her Hospital home from the Marion. and is reported improving from an appendectomy.

mother, Mrs. Delight Carter, who was injured in an accident Sunday in New Castle also, has reported improving her home, 2608 South Calle Gallatin street. and Mrs. -0. C.

Worsley and daughter, Anita, have returned home from 8 through southern states. They visited Mrs. Vorsley's father, H. W. Rowe, in Mobile, Ala.

Mrs. Crisler has returned home -from Crawfordaville where she spent last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kostanzer. Her children, Shirley, Donna, Susan and Fritz remained in Crawfordsville.

Mary Hamilton of West Fifth street has returned to her home from Chicago Heights after a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beeson and son, Eugene, of Hagerstown, Hobart Rittenhouse, Olive Rittenhouse, and Mr. and Mrs.

Xen Sours of Warren were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Mayne Pilcher. Weekend guests of Harry Feiock, East Ninth street, were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Laux, Miss Stella Horne, Mrs.

Frank Feiock and daughter, Shirley Jean, all of Tarentum, They were enroute to Los Angles, Calif. Mrs. Francis Winder will be hostess to the Sigma Phi Gamma sorority 8 p. m. today at her home, 1327 Euclid avenue.

Reports of the national convention held in Minneapolis, recently. will be given. Mrs. C. B.

Straight arrived here Saturday from -Gary- to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boller. Miss Beryl Boller will arrive home today from a two weeks vacation in Cleveland, 0: She will be accompanied by Mrs. E.

R. Boller and sons, will spend several days in "the Frank Boller home. Miss Kathleen Dunham left Saturday for Charleston, West where she will spend the week visiting Mr. and Earl Cramer. Mrs.

Thomas Wilkinson Fort Wayne will spend the week here visiting here mother, Mrs. Louise Davis of Crescent. apartments. Mrs. Hazel E.

Lemon and Miss Glendora Lemon will spend part of the week at Lake Wawasee. Guests over Thursday will be Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hasinbeller of Chicago, John Rhorer and Ira Walker. Mr.

and Mra. Glen Lowrey and children, of Hamilton, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Pearson, north of Marion. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles E. Dayis, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bonta, left Sunday for 10-day trip to Washington, D.

and New York City. William Rudicel. of Chicago is visiting his sinter, Mrs. Madie. Bowerman of 28 East Grant street.

Mrs. U. S. Felton has. returned to her home' from a several days trip to Troy, visiting relatives.

Mrs. Merrill Talbott will be hostess to the La- Lo-Sis Club Tuesday night at her home on West. Fourth Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Owen returned Washington to their street home today on South after spending several days at Silver Lake, Ind.

The Gamma Nu sorority mumbers will hold a meeting tonight at the home of Miss Fred Johnson. Installation of officers will held. MOTORCYCLISTS. HURT WABASH, July 1-Donald Bailey, twenty-three, and Pearl Martin, were cut and bruised when the motorcycle they were riding struck a dog which ran across the road. The motorcycle upset in a ditch and was heavily damaged.

PAROLE VIOLATOR HELD. WABASH, July 1- Eldon Herry, local young man, was held in jail here today on 8 charge of parole violation after he allegedly had atolen him father's automobile. A REAL BARGAIN You can buy genuine Hoff-Brau Ale or Beer at the same low price an ordinary beers. Hoff-Brau contains lot more Grain and the best Hops that money can buy -that's why it castes so rich and full. Ask for Hoff-Brau and get.

your moneys HOFF BRAU ALE AND BEER REFRIGERATED STORAGE FUR AND CLOTH GARMENTS LONG'S CLEANERS Class Holds Party With Miss Overman Alberta Overman was hostess to the C. I. C. Class members at wiener roast and party held recently at her home. Present were Garnet Jarvis, Bernard Key, Louis Strausburg, Larry Shone, Mary Ellen Key, Wanda- George, Willa Mae Peterson, Martha Ladd, Madonna Nash, Claudia Pratt, Harold Harper, Mrs.

Anna Thrailkill, Inez'. Overman, Martha and Ruth Parson and Alberta Overman. The next meeting will be held at the home of Louis Straysburg. -Family Parly Held By, Fowlerton Club An ice cream social was held for the members and their families of the Fowlerton Home Economics Club recently at the home of Mr. Land Those Mrs.

present -Holland were Nottingham. Mrs. Ben Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hand, Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Malott, Mr. and Mrs. John Haisley, Mr. and Mrs.

Mitchel Brinson, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Dickerson, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Kirkwood, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Balrey, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Little, Mr. and Mrs.

Claud Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Reeder, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kirkwood, and Stewart Murray and Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Vog Yarborough, Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Webster, Mrs. Clyde. Caskey, Mrs. Fred Overshiner, Nellie Pearson, Jeanette Simons, Edna Kelley, Flora Havens, Mrs.

Harry Poling, Kathleen Lynch, Olive Buller, George Smith, Wade, Barbara and Billy Murray, Roma and Eugene. Dickerson, Patty. John and Margaret Webster, Billy, Vance and Joyce Myers, and Russell King, Dale and Marilyn Reeder, Donna Overshiner, Mark Norton, Fred Haisley, and Raymond Lynch. Mis. Dubuque on Daughter's Birthday Everett Dubuque entertained at a birthday anniversary.

given in honor of her daughter, Rosemary, recently at her Games were played and prizes awarded to Mary Fowler; Jean Long, Norma Jean Lett and Rebecca Rose. Guests were Beverly Hubbard, Ruth Scheerer, Norma Jean Lett, Joan Crimming, Mary Fowler, -Long, -Carolyn -Ann- Swartz, Marilyn Scott, Helen Lerch, Rebecca Rose, Robert Fryer, Barbara Foulk, Rosemary Dubuque, Mrs. Don Swartz, Mrs. Edith Stevens, Miss -Alia: Dubuque, Mrs. Mattie.

Spencer and Mrs. Dubuque. WABASH REPORTS WABASH, July 1-One of the features of the Lincoln Club convention held here over. the weekend a dance staged Saturday. night at the Hotel Indiana.

A Purdue orchestra provided the music. Mrs. Alfred Coleman; Mrs. Amos Drook, Mrs. Harry Holmes, Mrs.

Daniel Brock, Loretta Figert, Mary Forbes, Edith Chopson, Pearl Hollenback were present for 8 picnic supper held in honor of Mrs. Blaine. Thompson, a recent bride. Betty Alexander: and Martha Kumley united in entertaining a party honoring Mr. and Jacob Obernholt, who were recently married.

Present were. Mrs. Rolland- Ulshafer, Mrs. John Boardman, Mrs. Faldy Renak, Mrs.

Tena Renak, Mrs. Glen Yates, Mrs. Jennie Prickett, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bennett, Mr.

and Mrs. EliAlexander, Mr. and Mrs. Houston Schaff. Mr.

and Mrs. Eli Bonewitz, Mrs. Blanche Eltzroth, ert Arnold; Mrs. John' McAllister, Ruth Alexander, Mrs. Ed Anderson, Mrs.

Jake Fighley, Mrs. Russell Kuffel, Mrs. Betty Stal-. cup, Mrs. Robert Watkins, Mrs.

Vernon Mullett, Mrs. Walter U1- shafer, Mrs. Arthur Renak, Mrs. Everett Belmy, Mrs. Walter Switzer, Mary Scott, Martha Brown, Marcile Alexander, Katherine UIshafer, Marie Collins, Norma Boardman, Virginia Schaff.

and Clarence Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Miner and Mr. Mrs.

Arnold Schipper have returned to their homes here from a visit in Richmond. Annual reunion of the Joshua Wood family was held Sunday at the home of Mrs. Metzger on Euclid avenue. Mrs. William Wright, president of the County Federation of.

Clubs entertained with a luncheon at her home for other officers of the organization. Ruth McKeeley has returned -from Virginia Beach; where she represented local chapter of the Kappa Delta Bhi sorority at fits national convention. LAFONTAINE NEWS LAFONTAINE; July 1. Mr. and Mrs.

L. S. Neff entertained recently. Mr. and Mrs.

Glenn Richards, Haggie Johnson, Wabash, 'and Willard Cleveland, Denver, Col. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Stack, Elwood, spent Thursday with and Mrs. Crumley.

Mary Virginia Smallwood Esther Louise Shaffer 'left Saturday for Epworth Forest where they will spend this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tyler were guests of their children, Juanita and Mr. and Mrs.

Gerald Golf club in Wabash. occaTyler, at dinner Sunday, at: the sion honored their wedding anniversary. Dick Duffey will leave Tuesday for Buffalo, N. where he begins work as a chemist with a subsidiary of the Union Carbide Co. Alfred Saturday for Washington, where he will take a with the Federal land, It' is a civil service position.

Everett Matthews, Ovid Hummer, Homer Stephens and Rose Kendall spent Sunday in Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cook. Marion, were recent dinner guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Ovid Hummer. City Calendar MONDAY Night Sigma Phi Gamma Mrs. Fran-. cis Winder, Gamma Nu-Miss Freda Johnson.

TUESDAY Golf Luncheon Afternoon Country Club. Night United Spanish War VeteransG.A.R. Hall. C.Y.0. K.

of C. Home. La-Lo-Sis Club Mrs. Merrill Talbott. WEDNESDAY Afternoon' Ladies' Aid, St.

John's Lutheran Church-Mrs. Elza White. Woman's Missionary Society, First U. B. Church Mrs.

Jack, With Moore. the Wind Club- Mrs. Roy Cox. Night Theta Rho Club I. 0.

O. F. THURSDAY Night Informal Buffet Supper DanceCountry Club. Glad Hand Class, First U. B.

Club-Mr. and Mrs. John Cretsinger. County Calendar JULY 2 Center Township Home Economics Club- Mrs. Ruth JULY 3 Mill Township Home Economics -Mrs.

Tina Oliver. Westside Home Economics Club -Mrs. Charles Watson. JULY 4 Monroe Township Home Economics. Club -Upland Park.

JULY 5 Northside Van Buren Home Economics Club- Ruby Doane. JULY 9 City Hustlers Economics Club-Mrs. Meredith Fowler. Upland Community Home Economics' 7:30 p. Mrs.

Freda Ballinger. JULY 10 Good Will Home Economics Club -Mrs. Thamos McKee. JULY 11 Center Mastercraft Economice Club-Mra. Belle Carr.

12 Grant County Home Economics Club Picnic-Matter Park. JULY'18 Farrville Home. Economics Club -Mrs, Louie Pulley. J. FAIRMOUNT ITEMS FAIRMOUNT, July 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Neal, Nagautuck, are here to spend some time with his mother, Mrs. Maria Neal, and his brother, Wilson Neal; living on West Second street. The Girls' Friendly Society of the Friends church of which Miss Leah Hiday is the president and.

Mrs. Otto Morris, sponsor, will hold hamburger. fry on the church lawn Tuesday night. Mrs. B.

P. Bogue joined party of Marion relatives Sunday going to Flint, to attend the funeral of the late Thomas A. Mossop, to be held Monday. Prof. and Mrs.

Garfield Cox, Chi: cago, were the guests Saturday and Sunday of his father, Milton 130 West Second street. Prof. Cox, former Fairmount man, and a professor of Chicago University for many years, has been in poor health in recent montha. He has far recovered that he is now ing one class, but has been advised' by physicians that. he will probably be able to return to full time duties this fall.

Mrs. Mitchell Costion and daughter, Martha, left Sunday morning for Waukegan, to spend the coming week with Mr. Costion, employed there. Members of the Berean Sunday school class of the Friends church held the regular quarterly social and basket dinner in the basem*nt of the church Sunday at the close of the morning services. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Smith, living northeast of town, have returned from a vacation trip to New York state into Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Retz, living near' Swayzee, were the Sunday guests of friends in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. George Norris and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hurlock are spending this week in northern Mrs.

Violet Jones has joined party of relatives living at Liberty Center, on a vacation trip to the state of Michigan, The Fairmount town: board will hold its regular bi-monthly meet-. ing tonight, at the town hall on West Washington street. The only other meeting, regularly scheduled for the month, will be held July 15. Mr. and Mrs.

Orval Jones and children and Mr. and Mrs. Guy OF Porter were at the Jones cottage. on Ridinger Lake over the weekend. Mr.

and Mrs. L. H. Ribble and family and Mr. and Mrs.

Horton Ribble attend the marriage of William Ribble at Muncie Saturday. Fairmount barber shops will be unaffected by the recent decision of the Indiana Supreme Court defional. claring the barber law unconstituNo effort was made to conform to the provisions of. the law here although a uniform. price agreement has been in force and will continue in effect as will the opening and closing agreement.

Sponges really are' skeletons. Living sponges are covered with flesh and somewhat resemble fresh liyer. ALWAYS ASK YOUR DEALER MEATS -AND LARD MRS. BARTLETT HONORED GUEST Complimentary to Mrs. Ross Bartlett the Nu Beta Chi sorority held surprise birthday annivercently the home of Mrs.

H. C. party, and buffet supper re-. Clapper.Several gifts were presented to the guest of honor, West, Mre. Wilmes Kestner, Miss Those- present were Mary Nadine Balsey, Mrs.

William Roy, Mrs. Ivan Swanson, Mrs. Ruth Martz, Mrs. Glen. Bartlett, Mrs.

Rex Miller and Mrs. Clapper. Reunion of Fidelis Club Is Held at Jonesboro. July 1- A reunion of the Fidelis Club, which was organized in 1910 was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Hubert Hodupp on the Muncie Pike, June .23. Seven of the charter members were present as well as 20 present and former present were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Payne, Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. William Hupp, Mr.

and Mrs. Orville Long, Mr. Mrs. Robert King, Marion; Mr. and Mrs.

Glenn Seward, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dean; Indianapolis; Mr.

and Mrs. Willard Shields, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gard, Mr. and Mrs.

HI. H. Petty, Mr. and Mrs. Reese Morgan, Mr.

and Mrs. Clifford Harris, Miss Florence Johns, Washington, D. Miss. Leona Long, Wabash; Mrs. Beulah Parks, Muncie; Mrs.

Arthur West, Flint, Miss Gladys Neal, Mrs. Anna Hupp, Mrs. Nina Ferguson, M. Friedline, Mrs. Otto- Schrader, Mrs.

Paul Seiberling, Mrs. Clifford Harris, Hobart Long, Wabash; Richard West, Lynn Petty, Martha Harris, Jim Hodupp, Billy Harris, Miss Ethel Wright and Mr. Mrs. Hubert Hodupp. Mr.

and Mrs. Murch Give Party For Son Mr. and. Mrs. H.

L. Murch entertained with a -party-in--honor of their son, Irvin, recently at their 'home. Mr. Murch was married to Miss Geraldine Sauntmon Sunday at the Spencer Avenue United Brethren church. Guests were T.

B. Kisling, Clyde Scott, Herschel Baker, John Morris, Orvil Holdren, Jack Anderson, Burl Lynas, Orval White, Howard Ramsey, Chalmer Conners, Robert well, Oliver Yeager, Joe Cook, John Shaffer, Vic Hood, Robert Robert Sauntmon, Manuel Sauntmon, Russell Chambers, H. L. Murch, Hattie Ramsey, Marg: aret Wilson, Ruthella Clevenger, Laverna Yeager and Mrs. Luella Murch.

Mier Ladies' Aid Plans Meeting at Lake Home Mrs. Paul Riesh led the devotions at the meeting of the Ladies' Aid, of the Methodist church of Mier recently -at the home of Cyntha, Hale. Jane West WAS the contest winner and the following were present: Mrs. Reish, Leota Lake, Martha Barker, Pauline Harper, Jane West, Nellie Taylor, Evaline Watterson, Mrs. Jess Hale, Geraldine Richards, Fanny Mark, Betty Hale.

A shower was for Mrs. Richard. The next meeting will be held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. LODGE TO MEET The: Marion Rebekah Lodge will meet 7:30 p. m.

Tuesday at the LO.O.F. Officers will' be installed during the session. NOW! ENDS TUES! ANNA NEAGLE RAY MILLAND IRENE RKO RADIO Picture with POLAND YOUNG ALAN MARSHAL MAY BILLIE BURKE- ARTHUR TREACHER PLUS! MURDER IN THE AIR! With Ronald Reagan Lya Lys John Litel -James Stephenson PARAMOUNT SPECIAL! Double Dip ICE CREAM CONES TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY ONLY! TOMPKINS I Ice Cream Co. McCLAIN'S Dray Line PROMPT SERVICE Phone 259 14th and Railroad' Ave. AUCTIONEERS PUCKETT SON -TELEPHONES Marion, 3611-R1 Upland 1037 or 104 Four-H Club Entertained by Home Economics Club Club members were guests of the The Future Homemakers' Fansler Home Economics Club recently.

at the school. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Ina Bonner, Mrs. Mary Daniels, Mrs. Alerta Miller and Mrs.

Fern Jacobi -Group singing opened the meeting and devotions were led by Mra. Versie Maitlen, The program included readings by- Mrs. Xen Mayne accompanied by Miss Virginia Spencer, several guitar selections by Miss Dorothy Broyles and a reading by Mrs. Mary Daniels. Delores Miller, Judith Woodmansee and Stevens gave talks on club activities and a- report of the 4-H Club.

camp was given by Norma Rich. A demonstration was given by Jean Goff and Joan Jones. Those present were Jean Goff, Joan Jones, -Delores Elea-Tto nor Mary Haskell, Miller, Janet Doris Woodmansee, Thompson, Betty Orsborn, Bonnie Smith, Bonnie Sheron, Linna Harreld, Bar.bara Sheron, Judith Woodmansee, Maxine Dial, Lois Stevens, Edna Mae Bonner, Norma Rich, Velma Berry, Ruth Anna Stevens, Helen Rennaker, Joan Rennaker, Patty Green, Betty Farley, Audrey Julian, Francis Howe, Dorothy Broyles, Mrs. Alerta Miller, Mrs. Ina Bonner, Mrs.

Mary Wayne, Mrs. Dorothy. Mayne, Mrs. Iva Sterrenberg, Mrs. Jessie Oliver, Mrs.

Gertrude Younce, Mrs. Blanche Tolle, Mrs. Clara Shinn, Mrs. Versie a Mitlen, Mrs. Minerva Johnston, Mrs.

Mary Daniels, Mrs. Ella Cooper, Mrs. Cecil Foltz, Mrs. Fern Jacobs, Mrs. Lou Spence, Mrs.

Bessie Broyles, Mrs. Goldia Julian, Mrs. Gladys Thompson and Mrs. Lizzie Reece. Mrs.

Ada Dennis Elected President of Dorcas Class Mrs. -Ada Dennis was elected president of the Dorcas class of First United Brethren Church recently at the home of Mrs. John Other officers are Mrs. George Stricler, teacher, -Mrs. Mina -Pulley, assistant teacher; Mrs.

Nellie Huffman, vice-president; Mrs. Nettie McDavid, secretary and treasurer, and Mrs. Ed Bowden, flowers. Those present were Mrs. Stricler and daughter, Dorothy, Mrs.

Mollie Wycoff, Mrs. Nettie Goodall, Mrs. Alice Enyeart, Mrs. Nellie Durlin, Mrs. Mildred Mrs.

Lou Mrs. Nellie Huffman, Mrs. Pulley, Mrs. Ira Coy, Mrs. McDavid, Mrs.

Sarah Sprinkle, Mrs. Lucy Adair, Miss Merle Lain, Rev. and Mrs. A. Emmert and children, "Herman and Ruth, and Mrs.

Conn. TODAY TUES! A LUNA LITE A great picture comes to your Luna- Lite story of six women on the brink of life's greatest experience Their hopes. and fears. triumphs and tragedies woven into unforgettable film?" Starring GERALDINE FITZGERALD With GLADYS GEORGE. JEFFREY LYNN GALE PAGE PLUS Thrill Chapter No.

2 "DEATH STALKS THE HIGHWAYS" "The Phantom Creeps" HANSEN-JONES MARRIAGE HELD Jones, marriage. daughter of Mr, and The Miss. Ruby Mrs. Ernest Jones of Columbia City, to Arthur Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Peter Hansen, was held at 10 a. m. Saturday at the First Baptist church with Rov. Robert White officiating. Attending the couple were Mrs.

Jesse Gray and Patrick Kiley. The bride wore light blue dress with white accessories and a was corsage dressed of in gardenias. navy blue. Mrs. Gray After the ceremony, Mrs.

Robert Kiley held a breakfast. for the couple at home in Northwood. Others present were Mrs. Mayne Pilcher and David. Mr.

and Mrs. Hansen will make their home after Thursday in. Chicago. MEETING SCHEDULED Mrs. T.

J. Mason will be hostess the Treasure Club Wednesday night at her home, 1808 South Boots street. Mrs. Jack Maxwell will assist. MEETING CHANGED The meeting of the Mattie Gibson Women's Christian Temperance Union scheduled for Wednesday afternoon has been changed to July 10 at the home of Mrs.

Marybelle Ryan. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE Without Calomel And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour 2 pints of bile Juice Into bowels every day. If this bile is not Bowing freely, your fond may not die rest. It may just decay in the bowels. Then bloats up your stomach.

You ret You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk, takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 3 pints of bile dowing freely to make you feel "up and up," Get package today. Take as directed. Amazing in making bile Dow freely, Ark for Carter's Little Liver Pilla. 104 and 254. INDIANA ENDS WED! 25c 35c Eve.


ROMBERG ROBERT L. LEONARD ENDS TONITE! 'Shooting High' "Nurse Edith Carell" LYRICI TUES. 2-GIANT Each in it's own right worth the price of Howdy, Amigos! Here I am back again with new thrills new enemies. and m-m-pretty senoritas Come, I give you thrills! VIVA CISCO KID with CESAR ROMERO JEAN ROGERS CHRIS-PIN MARTIN MINOR WATSON STANLEY FIELDS and Here We Gire You MOMS POPS Who supply more romantic fun than you ever asked from one STARRINO Yours LORETTA DAVID YOUNG NIVEN HUGH HERBERT BILLIE BURKE C. AUBREY SMITH ZASU, MITTS VIRA FEUD 3 BIG DAYS -STARTING THURSDAY "VIRGINIA CITY" "Farmers "Farmers in.

to of is I.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.