The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

jlje CJcultj pramme, Aflaln la Frmace. 'iritCHOr THE ISPIEOBOFJHI FBISCH. TtM session of the Senate for the year 1856 tV opened on Monday, March 3d, in Paris, bt the Emperor in person. iBa Imperial Majesty delivered the follow speech and Senator On Hie last occasion of my were engagvd in a where the "ST. th defence raise a doubt of success.

rarope, uncertain, seemed to be awaiting the end of fo maintain the war, I asked you a loan, which you oted unanimously, though the amount might hare appeared excessive. fhe rise In the price of provisions threatened the tsterinf class with general inconvenience, and a dis urtMOce of our mouetary system caused a fear that aasioass and labor would slacken. Thanks to your aid and to the energy displayed both in France and England, and, above all, to the assistance of Provi dence, these dangers, if they have not entirely dis appeared, have been for the most part averted. jLgTtna feat of arms at last derided in favor of the Allies, straggle unexampled in history for its inveteracy. From that moment the opinion of Europe was more openly expressed.

Our alliances were everywhere extended and strengthened. The third loan was completed without difficulty. The country gave me a fresh proof of its confidence by subscribing for a sum five times larger than that I asked for. It has supported with admirable resignation the sufferings inseparable from the de arneas of provisions sufl'erings alleviated by by the leal of the municipalities, and by U' KV 0M distributed to the departments. The "nal of foreign grain has now produced a hil the anxiety caused by the abuT diminished, and never has been more abuii bsve revived the military spirit Ar Nver have been so many voluntary ardor amongst the con of the present.situ uion must be added facts of great political nsnitioate.

The Uueen of Great Britain, desiring to give a oroof of her confidence and of her esteem for our countrv, and to make onr relations more intimate, came over into France. Tue enthusiastic welcome she received has proved to her how profound were the sentiments her presence inspired, and was of a nature to strengthen the alliance of the two peoples. The King of Piedmont, who. ithout looking bo hind him. embraced our cause with that courageous spirit wuicn ne naa oeiore nuiuiiru uu i bsule, has also come to France to consecrate a union already cemented bv the bravery of Uis soldiers.

These beheld a country, lately so totaled and disinterested of its rank in the councils of Europe, now prosperous, peaceable, and respected making war, not with the momentary de gnum of passion, but with thecalmnessofjusticeand the energy of dutv. Thevhave seen thn France that arts sending 300,000 men across the sens, convoking to fans at the same time all the arts of peasV, as if sks meant to say to Europe: "The existing war is to ue only an episode. My ideas and my powers are ilwavs partJv directed towards the art9 of peace. Let us neglect nothing for a good understanding, and drive me not to throw into the field of battle all the resources and all the energy of a great nation." This appeal seems to have been understood, and the winter, bv suspending hostilities, favored the intervention of'diplomacy. Austria resolved on a decisive step, which introduced into the deliberations the entire influence of the sovereign of a vast empire.

Sweden linked herself more closely to Knglnnd ami France by a treaty that guaranteed the integrity of 'her territory. Lastly, the idvice or eutreuties of all the cabinets reaching St. Petersburg, the Fmperor of Russia, the Inheritor of a situation he had not creat seemed to be inspired with a sincere desire to pot an end to the causes that led to tins sanguinary conflict. He determined to accept the propositions transmitted of Austria. The honor of his arms satisfied, it was to his own honor to give way to the Clearly expressed wish of Europe.

The Plenipotentiaries of the allied end belligerent powers are now assembled in Puris to decide ou the conditions ot peace. The spirit of moderation and equity that animates them all neces sarilv creates the hope of a favorable result. Nevertheless, let us await ith dignity tlie end of the Conferences, and be eqnallyreadv. if necessary, to draw the sword anew, or extend hand to whom we have fairly fought. Whatever inav happen, let us occupy ourselves with the iBfcans calculated to augment the strength sod riches of France.

Let us, if possible, draw Closer the alliance formed by a community of glory and sacrifices, and of which peace lU far better exhibit the recriprocal advantages. Finally, in this solemn moment for the destinies of the world, let us put our trust in Ood, to the eud that He may guide our efforts in a direction most condu' dve the interests of humanity aud civilization. MASONIC. JAUCCS DB MOLAT ENCAMPMENT of IVnlgn Templars No. mrrutbe first and third Friday evenings of every month, at the Masonic Hall, corner of St.

Charles and Perdido streets, at 7 o'clock. Officers W. P. Coleman, G. S.

9. SeUrrk, P. M. Cony, C. 8 G.

Risk. Prelate; L. N. Lane, S. J.

M. Hoc kins. J. W. COUNCIL No.

is. R. and 8. Masters Regular assemblies held oo the first and third Saturday Of each month, in the Grand Lodge Hall, corner of St. Charles and Perdido streets.

Omcera 8ml M. Todd. T. I'l. O.

Henry Swazey. Dep. I1L G. AL: Charles W. Newton.

C. of W.i John Anderson. of Charles Schmidt. Treasurer: W. Balestier, Recorder: B.

O. Stewai J. B. Cheea Dora, Conductor: J. Ebman.

SentineL ORLEANS every Monday Bight, at o'clock, in the Masonic Hall. St. Charles street Otficers J. O. A.

Fellows. H. P. M. Todd.

K. H. Crenshaw, S. J. Anderson.

C. H. J. B. Cheesborough, 8.

B. DaSilva. R. A. C.

S. Field. M. .14 H. Doane.

ULid W. Bynham. M. 1st V. i A.

Shaw, Secretary W. M. Perkins. Treasurer. DELTA ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER No.

IV meets every 7 o'clock, in the Masonic Hall, comer of St. Chanes and Perdido streets. Officers S. P. Solomon, H.

T. F. Brewer, R. R. Swasey, R.

Giem.on. C. W. A. Wilson.

P. N. Benedict. K. A.

C. C. ojiiidt. Treasurer Wra T. Balestier, Secretary: Bates.

M. 3d Clement Brown, ILidV.s F. Cardejre. M. iSt V.

Joa Cliiiiet, Tj ler. UiRION LODGE No. OS, F. A. Masons Regular meet hip an eeery Tbarsday eveums.

at 7 o'clock, at the Grand Wee Hall, corner St. Charles and Perdido street. OlErerc Samuel M. Todd. W.

M.j J. y. A. Fellows. Sr.

George Rareshide. Jr. Wm. Perkins. 11 Wiikini.

8ecretarj Thot. Hedts, Sr. D. ax. Fleming, Jr.


and A. It, meets everySsturday Evtuing. at half past 6 o'clock, St the Masonic Hall. St. Charles street.

Officers for the ensuing year S. P. Solomon. W. Robert Howes.

J. C. Smith. J. Henry il Uams, Treasurer B.

Da Silva, Serretarv: Samuel Harby. 8. A. DeSola. J.

H. Holland, 'Chaplain Joseph Chellet. Tyler. Brethren from Sister Lodges are fraternally invited to attend. By order of the W.

M. JaJl ly B. DA SILVA, Secretary MOUVT MORlAtTToGETfoT', F. A. meets every Taes.1sy evening in Grand Lodse Halt, corner of Perdido and St.

Charles streets, at 7 o'ciock. Otfieers for the present year Wa'ter Nirol. W. M. J.

T. Wstts, S. W. J. Anderson, J.

W. Fomo. Treasurer; as. Forneaux, Secretary: J. W. k. S. D. Saiu'l Hswes, J. D.

6E0RGE WASHINGTON LODGE No. A. F. and A. M.T meets every Wednesday evening, ia Grand Lodge Slaaonic Hall, St.

Clunei itrv t. Officers for year H. BL Swaaey, W. Master; Chaa CaUaban. S.

Warden, W. A. Wilaon. J. Warden; ten ens.

Treasurer Q. Ruk, Secretary; J. K. Srot, 8. Deacon: John Bignenet, J.

Deacon; A. C. Wilbur, Chaplain; Joseph Chellet. Tyler. HIRAM LODGfef No.

70, A. KmTA. meets every Wednesday evening, in Room No. J. Grand I.ode Hall Officers for the present year Charles W.

Newton W. M.j Joseph Moss. S. Robert Maicomson. Wm.

Bamham. Treasurer: Arthur Robinson. Sac retarv F.raa tos Wells, S. Peter Kavanagh, J. Joseph Ehman.

Tyler. By order: JalJ iy ARTHrR ROBINSON. Secretary ALPHA LODGE No. 72. meets in room No.

Masonic St Chariest street, every Tuesday night, at 7 o'clock. Officers J. M. Borkius. W.

M. K. Giennoo. 8 W. 8.

Gensler, J. W. A. Shsw, Secretary F. Roc a.

Treasurer; S. L. Bishop, 8. D. i J.

C. Tsylor. J. D. HITMAN LODGE No.

7n. A. F. and A. meets every Friday evening, at o'clock, in Masonic Hail, on St.

Charles street. Members will govern themselves accordingly. Officers Thomss Pierce. W. E.

A. Hall, 8 George M. Bestunan. J. W.

Jaa S. Lesvitt. S. D. Sam'l T.

Palmer. J. D. Tbeo. F.

Searing Treasurer; John W. Laofdon, Secreta Jslurianj r. THB BOARD OP DIRECTORS OF ODD FELLOWS' REST ASSOCIATION Meet at the office of the Grand Secretary, in Odd Felisws' Hall, on the second Monday in January. April. July and October, and on the fourth Mon day in December.

Otneers Henry President; J. Stroud, Treasurer; James Furneaox. Secretary. Cemetery Committee Harper Giliingham, Gardner Smith, Luther Homes. finance Committee Thomas eetTe, W.

C. Wilson, L. Homes. 8eXtonrnir Merritt. Members Frank Lewis.

W. C. Wl.T Geo. Seymour, H. Goldman.

G. U. Bowditch, J. P. arner, H.

Casiarede, B. BoullemeL VAULTS IN ODD FF.LI.OWS' REST may be procured by applying to F. M. CORKY, at Sickles it fo's. ss Canal street; at 1.

FELT STETSON 3. Camp street; to H. HILLSPAITGH, S. Mipt. and at tne jSecretaiy Orhce.

ia Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Camp aud Lafayette Streets. The price to members of stockholding Lodges will be 9 for vault; to all others, aao per vault. "Uartnation relative to the purchase of Lots, can be had application to tha Secretary. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ODD FELLOWS' "ALL ASSOCIATION Meets at their office in Odd Fel Hall, on the first Monday of every month. cera Jarnes Stockton.

President Thoa H. Shields, Joan D. Bien, Treasurer: John Crirkard. H. itetaoo.

J. G. Dunlap, R. Swain. T.

Murray. H. Howard, J. N. Horisou, E.

Smith, AL A. VanHook, w. w. Race Fresh Garden Heed, a Per steamship Black Warrior, consisting of Lettuce, assorted Cabbage assorted Beet, assorted Carrot, assorted P. Parsley, assorted laaive.

Celery. Radish, Bpinase. Onion. Tomato, Pepper, Salsify. Parsnips, sic Also ub hand, received per recent arrivals Fine Tarieriea of EARLY SEED CORN early mohawk beans early china reans; EARLY YELLOW (sis weeks) BEANS; POLE BEANS, aea of PEAS FINE DOUBLE DAHLIAS; FLowEa 8EEI) of nmnnti Tarieties; CLOVER SEED.

c. mh Gravler street. Fer fale, HENF.GRO MAN JOHN, aged i7 years, a first rate carriage drirer. natler and a good cook, also a carpen "vaaanter white wasLer. gold for no fault, but on "1 Jntar Guaranteed.

Apply al 3s ilhrrt' XchoupStouias street, ap stairs. C5Aa VKK1 'EAS Carolina StaeI7Llr2 patent aeamleaa bags of two "anew each, now landine for nie by Bjj A. F. COCHRAN PALL. street STRANGERS' GUIDE BANKS.

Bank IjlIaUM, Southeast corner of Comd and Royal street. W. W. Montgomery M. Offering Days.

and Wednesdays. Discount Mondays and Thursdays. Louisiana State Bank Northwest corner of pnd and Royal streets. I. M.

President Richard Relf. Cashier. Offerinjc Days Tuesdays and Fridays. Discount Days Wednesdays and Saturdays. Branch mt IiOaUlana State Bank.

No. 11 Camp street. W. H. rresiueni.

R. J. Palfrey. Offering Discount Cashier. and Thursdays.

Tuesdays and Fridays. Canal Bank, corner of Magazine and Natchei streets. a R.thhone rreaiaens C. S. Bell Offering Days Discount Days Cashier.

Tuesdays and Fridays. and Saturdays. Citizens' Bank, corner of Royal and Customhouse streets. J. D.

Deneirre reamers. Eugene Rousseau. Offering Days Discount Dava Cashier. and Thursdays. Tuesdays and Fridays.

Mechanics' and Bank, No. 101 Cana street U. H.Dudley President Gustavo Crtuat rVfj Offering Daya Saturdays and ednesdays. DiscouSt Davs. Mondays and Thursdays.

Union Bank, No. 123 Canal street Alfred Penn; President G. A. Freret Cashier. Offering Days Mondays and Thursdays.

Dissount Days Tuesdays and ridays. Bank of New Orleans, No. a Camp street O. M. Pinckard President W.

P. Orayson Cashier. Offering Days Mondays and Thursdays. Discount Days Tuesdays and Fridays. Southern Bank, No.

St Charles street Frederick Rodewall President J. L. Wibray Cashier. Offering and Discount ys Every Day PRIVATE BANKS. JAMES ROBBkOJ.

Nos. 50 and 52 Camp street S. NICHOLSON Corner xchange Alley and Canal ssree SAMUEL SMITH i. Corner Camp and Gravier streets. JUDSON It rner Camp and Canal streets.

BROWN, JOU TON fc. No. 38 Camp street BENOIST, SHAW No. 32 Camp street BANK OF COMMERCE. Jacob Barker, Agent.

Corner Camp and Gravler streets. THOMAS ii BARKER. Corner Camp and Gravier streets. AGENCY I ANK OF CHARLESTON. CoL Aent No.

5 Commercial Place. INSCRAN BANKING AGENCY. C. C. "ATHrop, Agent No.

9G Cump street H. B.Mi i.RlLLai CO Corner Canp and Common streets. IXSCIIANC'K COMPAXIKS HOME idUTfAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Northeast orner Natchez and Camp streets. A. Brother J.

ri. Wheeler Secretary. MER HANTS MUTUAL INSURANCE COM pajv, No. 103 Canal street. "Pemberton President Jules Delhonde Secretary.

Nt.V ORLEANS INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 1 6 Canal street J. uves President L. C. "Adams Secretary.

CRESCENT MUTUAjj INSURANCE COMPANY, Corner Camp and Commercial Place. Thomas A. Adams President C.J. Mansoni OUISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Southeast corner Camp and Natchez streets.

Preeideut. A. Carriere Vice President H. P. Janvier Secretary.

SUN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, corner Camp and Common streets. Thomas Sloo James Edwards Agent DELAWARE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia, corner Camp and Gravier streets. S. F. Ashton Agent PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY.

Also, UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY and Trust Company, No. 43 Camp street B. Agent. H. Doane Ass't Agent TENNESSEE MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE Company, corner St.

Charles and Perdido streets. Perkins, Campbell Co Agent. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Company, No. 73 St. Charles street.

A. Lanfear, E. Rodewald, T. Bvrce. Directors.

H. V. Ogden MONARCH INSURANCE COMPANY of Liverpool No. 1 Union street E. W.

Brigrs Agent NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY; and TNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 33 Camp street; C. C.Laihrop Aerect ItAII.ItOAD NEW ORLEANS, JACKSON and GREAT NORTH era Railroad Company. Depot, corner of Calliope and Clara streets. John Calhoun K.

R. Charles Secretary. Office, 54 Carondelet street NEW ORLEANS," OPELOUSAS AND GREAT Western Railread Compacy Ferry, foot of Su Ann street. Depot at Algiers. W.

G. Hewes President. B. F. Flanders Secretary.

OSce, corner Exchange Alley and BienvUlc streets. NEW ORLEANS AND PONTCHARTRAIN RA1L road Company Depot, coreer Elysian Fields and Victoria streets. W. H. Averv President J.

H. Secretary. Office, Victoria street, near the Depot NEW ORLEANS AND CARROLLTON RAIL road Depot, corner Baronneand Perdido streets; LAFAYETTE HORSE CAR RAILROAD Depot, 18 Baronne street CARROLLTON AND LAKE RAILROAD Depot Tivoll Circle. Geo. Currie Duncan President Albert G.

Blanchard Secretary. Office, No. 18 Baron le street. MEXICAN GULK RAILROAD Depot, corner Goodchildren and Elysian Fields streets. W.

G.Bakeweil Executor. Office, No. 90 Common street. ALABAMA, Corner Tchoupltoulaa and Robin streets. FACTORS', Corner Tchoupitoulas and Henderson streets.

FRERET" Sl Mary street between Perdido and Poydras. LOUISIANA, Corner St Thomas and Basin streets. MISSISSIPPI, Corner TcboupitonJas and Richard streets. BR AMAH, Corner Tchoupitoulas and Market street MERCHANTS', New Levee and Louisa streets. ORLEANS, Corner Levee and Romgnac streets.

PLANTERS', Corner Annunciation and Richard streets. SZYMANSKl'S, Comer Levee and Clouetstreets, Third District SHIPPERS', Corner Henderson and New Levee streets. UNION, 3 Cerner New Levee and Roffignac streets. WOOD'S, Corner Canal and Robertson streets. TEXAS, Corner of Tchonpitonlas and Orange.

LEVEE STEAM COTTON PRESS, Levee street between St. Ferdinand and Monte gut streets. Third District PICAYUNE, Levee street, apposite Post 133, Third District INDEPENDENT. New Levee and Roffignac streets. NEW COTTON PRESS, Levee street between Montegut and Clouet streets.

Third Pi8 CIIUKCIIES. BAPTIST: W. C. Duncan, Camp, c. B.

tsin. CATHOLIC Annunciation Corner Mandevffle and Morales. Immaculate Conception Baronne, n. Canal Jesuits' Baronne Common. St Louis Cathedral Jackson Square.

St Anthony Rampart, c. Conti. St. Alphonse St. Andrew, b.

Live Oak and Laurel. St. Augustln Bayou Road St Claude. St Bartholomew VUlera, b. Segtlln and Barthe lemy, Algiers.

St John Baptist Dryadea, b. Clio and Calliope. St Joseph Common, b. arsis and Villere. St.

Marie Conde, n. L'rauUne. St Mary Josephine, Live Oak and Laurel. St Patrick Camp, b. Julia and Girod.

Sl Peter Marigny, b. Casacalvo and rearm en 8t Theresa Camp, op. junction with Prytanla. St Trinity St yincenl de Paul Greaunen, c. Montegut Tj rsaline Convent Belew the city.

CHRISTIAN: Camp, C. Melpomene. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL St Charles, n. Julia. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL St Peter's (Seamau's Bethel,) 5 Espla avaae.

IEglise Protestante Francslso Ram. part, Bienville. Christ Church Canal, Dauphin a. St Paal's Camp e. Gaiesnia.

St. Luke's Hercules, Dear Felicity road Trinity Jackson, c. Plaquemlne. Annnnciarion Annunciation Square. Mount Olivet Algiers.

Euterpe, b. Baccbua and Dryades. METHODISTt Carondelet b. Hevia and Oirod. FeUcity Road.

c. Chestnut Moreau, Enghien. Dryades, c. Terpsichore. Piety, c.

Greatmen. Marais, b. Bienville and ContL Coffee, n. Jackson. St.

Paul, (colored.) Carrollton, CarroUton, c. Nayadea. Algiers. PRESBYTERIAN: Lafayette Square. Prytanla, c.

Clio. Casacalvo, n. Railroad. Canal, c. Franklin.

Fulton, n. Josephine. Prytania, e. Josephine. Thalia, c.

Benton. Bouligny, Camp, n. Cadiz. GERM. Protestant Philip, c.

Chippewa. Protestant Clio, b. Apollo and Sayades. UNITARIAN Prytanla, r.fgalllope. Prj lania and Dryades.

1 erpsichore, n. Nayades. Euterpe, h. Bacchus and Dryades. Tin l'latr.

Infill BOXFS best charcoal, landing and in store, HX, best branrls boxes best Hooting Tin. IC and I For sale by PRIESTLEY BKIN, mhl and Camp srreer. 'I'HE style oar nrm is this day changed to A. 1 BOSWORTH CO. STANTON st CO.

January 1, ins. A. V. Kofworlh Wholesale and Retail Dealers in H'K. I)D8IE89 OFFICE, Nos.

71 and 74 Front street; li pot, between Poydras and Lafayette. Two large Ire Depots. St Thsiuas street. Ice ileuses, head New Basin, and No. Gravier atreet.

Also, Ice lepot. No 2. Pontcbartrain Railroad, upper si.le. oppoaite the saasensjer aainon. JXew Orleans.

mh 'Vi ly FnirbHnkn'n facaleis STILL TRIUMPHANT! 'rtHK Report of theAmerican Institute Committee oo 1 Scales reads thus Fairbanks At Brnadwsy, fur the best flay. Coal and I'attie Scales: fiold Medal. Fslrbanks for Platfnrm Scale, perfrctly correct, with drp lever Silver Medal. rautansi ic Prescription Scales: Diploma Fairbanks for Gold Coin Detector. and Post Odice Balance Diploma.

The Scales mentioned above were taken from the ordinary stork of the subscribers, and proved at the trial before the Judges of the Institute lust what they are warranted to prove on every trial and in every day service" perfectly correct." They are manufactured as heretofore, by the origins! inventors, and the utmost rare is taken to renaVr them perfect as regards workmanship and material every aie tK'ins subjected to the severest test before it is allowed to CO out of the estab.ishment. Nearly one hundred nuidi first of these Weighing Marhtuis are now offered to the i.ui,ncs pu.ilic. among which are Km i road Track and Depot Scales. flay and Scales, with irou lever. arrhouse Scales.

Store Scales in great variety. Also, a neat Family Scale, which should be fo.ui.l in ever) house. YVeuhniastrra' Besma. Backers' an 1 Dnisgists' Scales. Pot Oftire lialanci s.

tiold Coin S'ait. And. in short, the most extensive and complete sssort nieut of eiguiug Apparatus to be f.nuid lu the nlted Slates. FAIRBANKS Ax nihil lm Broadway. New Tork PSoperior Florida Lambrr, Vc.

Inill I ill Wl FF.ET I ft inch lreas. Yellow Pine .1 It II 1.1 IV tonoed and grooved, flooring. feet 1 Inch tkreased Yellow Pine, tongue.1 and grooved, flooring. OTvo fret inch Dreased Vellow Pine, tongneJ and grooved, ceiling. liV.Oul teet inch Dressed Ycl.uw Tiue, tongne.l and grooved, flooring.

3nn.ono feet I and 1 1 inch dressed squsrf edged, fiot'riug 1 a a feet Dreased Shelving. feet a sorted Titnlwr. Scantling. Joistaand BoarJt. feet 1 inch and I 'f Strips.

feet assorted Juuiix Boards, feet Cypress nm.iaai feet inch Pr aed Decking feet Dressed Weather Boards. Vi.i Shingles. Ii.i.iak JuniiK For sale by POOLF.Y, NICOL A CO corner of Cedar and Julia streets. New Bni.n, and Robertson aud Carondelet Walk. O'l ilai.ii.

SSjT For further, see advertisem*nt in anotl er column. nihil tf wirnub'a Fntent Corn and Flouring il 111 favorably known tbrooshont the Southern States as exclusively possessing the combined quail tit of: ist. Being firmly set in a slrons iron frame id. Using only tie best French Burr Stonei ,1. Running the lower stone, which beitg fart en the tpind.e can never come in contact with its fel.ow, to be t.

jured by rnnuicg empty 4th. Having no dast to gt loose Mb. Having no drives or arid ts make it shake; nth. Having its spindie iu uue piece, from br.Jge tree to bopper liesrer. This Mill will ran five yesrs witbont dretsing be stone.

snJ Is cow offered at tlie ftjllowiug prices: is inch, sin gear SIM. Si li. dju'j gesr 8" 1''. I SO 1S.1 The 3d Inch mill will grind 4o nu Uour with propar peed, and tlie'stnaller ones in proportion. SAMLKL.

U. UTLilAN, ai tJyl New OrteaiJ Shert nnd Hoop Iron. FTi ki I BCNDLES from 1" to n. it ia. vviae, SLrtt Iron.

tjV'U li I'MOIS, 3 i sjs 1" to i. 3.1 IIoup Irou. 5i to IV ir.rhes. i to tnrne. rorsaleby PKIF.STI.F.Y BEIN mhii Hnitd i Cmrrr rreet The Jntallible Srll enlinft Fruit nnd Vegetable Can.

OUR experience diirii.4 rhe pnst jear in manr.ffictt:rinl SKI.F 8EALINO FKl'IT CANS, ami the unikersa! satisfaction and certiheates of parris wtio have pnrcliaed and tested those of vaiiorm makers. Lave ours tue di cided prelerenre over all oihrrs The offer the the let SelfSr Ctn ver invented, to preserve Fru.ts gt tables. A The sealing is invariabiy perfect: all otljera reqiiiie solder or cement. The opening has It enu niuracd to a a full sized pearh. Every Can is peitect'v testt ri fort it leaves our manufactory aud stamped with our naiue.

TAYLOR A HOIXiF.TTS. Manufacturers of Planished Tin and Japaunrd Ware, mlil lm Beeknian street New nrk htate of Texas, Comptroller' Oilier, AUSTIN Febniary 7, 1NDER the prsvisinnsof an Art of the Leg.slature cf tne State of Texas, spprovrd February i.v propo asts will be received st this ottice until the da of April, lev. foi the sale of two hundred thousand dollars of the Five per Cent. Cnited S'atea Coupon Slot k. Ufiut to said State as an indemnity for the sate and surrender of a portion of her Northern and Western boundary, undertlie provisions of an Art of the Congress of the L'uited States, spnrovd September Said proposals should be First, the purchase of said bonds, the tame to be delivered at the city of Aiutin.

and the proceeds thereof to be paid at said place. Second. bonds to be delivere at toe Cny of Washington. the proceed thereof deliverable at the same place. Third, the bonds to be delivered at the city of New Orleans, the DroceefWthereof de iverahle at the same place.

Proposa are also invited for the delivery of the bou is at the city of thereof deliverable at each of said points. Said stock bears an interest of five per cent, per annum, payable semi annually, and is redeemaole in fourteen ea. from the 1st of Jandary, IHM. Five years' interest eu said bonds has been already paid, leaving nine years' interest still due. No bid csn be accepted for a larger sum thun one hundred thousand dollars of the bonds but tue same iudivi dual can make one or more bids.

Bids should be msde exclusive of the interest which msy have accrued on the bonds prior to their delivery. Parties should specify bow long before the fnnds will be available to the State after receiving notice of the acrrp tanre of their bids. Each bid should be addressed to the Comptroller of Pubiic Accounts at this place, and endorsed Proposals for the purchase of United States stork." mhft trah JAMES SH AW. Comptroller. iloominif rinle Property, ASQCAKE OF GROUND, measuring urn feet front on State street and the lower I'ne of Burtheville.

ivi fret front on Camp and Chestnut streets The improvements consist of a two story frame Residence, containing six rooms and two cabinets kitchen and exteusiveoutboure. The ground is in high state of cultivation as a vegetable and (rait garden, having orange, peacb, plain and fig trees, grape vines, shrubbery. Ac The location is five squares above the Magazine strett plauk read and omui bus station. The above will be sold at a bargain and on reasonable terms, or bartered for negro men. Apply to L.

HILL, Real Estate Broker. 20 Commercial Place. Also. A No. 1 Creole Cook, Washer and lroner.

with her child c. yearaold lm I'ooper'ai Well. Situated in Hinds county. forty miles from Vickshurg. by railroad, Raymond within four miles, baUilL from thence bv stage.

This noted Watering Place, for the cure of Chronic Diarrhea. Dyspepsia Dropsy. Gravel, Diabetes. Chlorosis, General Debility, ate, is now open for the reception of yUitora. lNaiAN WILLIAMS, March.

I5fi. Proprietor. N. B. It is well known that the yellow fever was prevalent here last fall, evidently brought here by persons or goods from an Infected district.

Persons arriving at the Well will be struck with iu elevated location, (situated in the pine hills. and will fail to see any local cause for fever. Precaution has been taken to have the bedding used on the occasion pointed oat by the resident physician, Dr. J. 8.

Beaseiey.Jand burnt in presence of witnesses, and their certificates published A thorough renovation ia now going on. and viaitors are daily arriving. I do not desire, nor ds I expect, a very large company the coming season but every exertion will oe made to render the invalid comfortable. nib tf I. W.

Drug Store for (Sale. I wish to sell mv Drus Store, corner of Tchocpi tonlas and Orange streets, as I intend to leave the city. To a responsible porrhsaer it will be sold a good bargain, with a liberal credit for a part as to time. A call from thoa ented It. the trade ia in.

vited. rnbfrt ftt J. V. SM YTH. Apothecary.

Stolen. FROM the nndervlgnea night, No. ofirtl on City Treasurer, for the sum of nine hundred dollars, paya ble to the order of the Treasurer of Creole Fire; Company No. and endorsed by him as such. The public are cautioned against negotiating the same as payment has been stopped.

W. B. SCHMIDT, tubift 3t O'd I.eTee rpBE subscriber requests all persons haviua 'ho. against 1 the steam tawbna J. H.

BELL, tp preaeut them to him at the office of Messrs. Oliddon, Ma shall No. 10 Marigny Buildings, Third District. LOUIS RETNHARDT. mhCt 10 Master the J.

H. Bell. TO RENT A Cottage House, with garden in front, and a large yard in the rear, suitable for a small family Apply on the premises, corner of ay ades and Jiisepkine streets. mhio ot aarSrgSaaaaSaaSTWajaaaaaaa Cllatoat aa) Port HatlttoB Itnllrood CoJt SVW The Cars will leave Clinton oo Monday 11 i nniKwuj uu rnuavy, 7 OCWCI A. BV.

1 TTt jCretnrning will leave Port Hudson at o'cloc P. same days, from this date nntil further notice. f. H. W.

RAYNARD, Agent Clinton. May IS. 1HM. mylS paj NEW ORLEANS AND CARROLLTON RAIL JA4 ROAD inter Arrangement CarroUton Iilas ataatDeparture of Trains From New Orleans. (Comer of Baronne and Perdido streets.

8, 10, II, UA. 14 3. 4, ft, 6, 7, 8, lt, IUP. M. From Carrollton.

i. 7, in, 11, A. and 1. 4, ft. 6, 7, 9.

xn, F. M. rare, IA cents. Children under 13 years and servants. It eeuu.

Bundles or i. red tickers. uriicn'S Departures of Cars From the comer of Jackson aad Tchoupitoulas streets 7, 71 A. then every IA mis) utes until a P. then s4.

Ml. ote P. M. rom Canal street 7JJ, a A. then every IS mil atea until P.

M.s then H. 10. Ilk P. M. Fare, in renta.

Tickets ou rents, in bundles of ten. Children nnders. years, not occupying a seat, gratis. Note. Special night ears for parties, bails, meetings, Ac.

supplied when required after the above mentioned honra. Jefferson ct Luke i'otitrhurirnln Knllwav COXNUVTION WITH THB ABOVE. Departures of Traina From Tivoli Circle eek Days. 10:80 A. M.j 1:10 3: jo, P.

hi. Sundays 8: 2f, 10:20 A. M.J 1:10, Still, P. M. From the Week Days 7k, 9H A.

AL; 1H, P. M. Sundays 7k, A. A i rt i P. The Traina take up passengers at the Horse Statioa.

Jackson street and Carrollton. (as Freight and Baggage received only at the Depots Fare Between New Orleans and Carrollton, 15 cents each way. Between CanoHtou and the Lake, 10 cents each way nld tf New Orleans, Jarksnn nnd CJrent North em Rnilroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. faaw a On and after the Ist day of April next, the JjiJ 1 3 passenger and mail trains will commence the srsrw sf gunimer schetlule, leaving Osyka at A.

reaching New Orleans at 1 1 A. leaving New Orleans at 3'j r. arriving at unjis at r. m. H.

HAZLEHCRST. General Superintendent. nih la New Orleans, Otelouxaa and (ireat YY ea em Railroad. SnMMER ARRANGEMENTS. rasa" faasj This road is now open for passengers and Lfreight from Algiers to Bayou Boeuf, a distance jaUqf aeventy three miies.

Psssenger Trains Leave the Depot at Algiers every day at. 8:30 A. M. Gretna every day at ....:40 A. 'd Arrive at Bayou Bieuf every day at.

W. Returtaug: Leave Bayou Bteuf. 1:30 P. Arrive at P. M.

at Algiers P. M. Fare each way S3. A Ferry Boat will connect with the Passenger Traina, leaving the foot of Su Ann street every moruing at i o'clock precisely. Freighl will be received for Bayou Bienfand Intermediate Stations by the Company on the wharf at the isot of at.

I.nuii street, every day until a o'clock P. M. All up freight must be paid by the shipperi, and freight to be delivered at all other Stations than Bavou des Allemandea, Race land, Lafourche Crossing, Terrebonne, Tigrrville and Bayon It.euf (where the Company have Agents) must be pre paid. Printed Rules, and Rates of Freight for circulation, to be bad ou application at the nfio Company. 24 tf A.

BKGEK. Vice President. ireat t'entrnl Koute. The SHORTEST. CHEAPEST, AND ONLY RELIABLE LINE.

FROM NEW ORLEANS TO Chicago. Detrait. Buffalo, Niagara Falls. New York. Boa ton, rntianeirma, mouin ai, Saratoga springs, tue bite Mnuntaiua.

Ac. A splendtit paasenger steamer leaves New Orleans daily at o'clock P. tor Cairo, from which point there rontiiiuoua railway communication with all Northern and Eastern cities. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. Two traiflj leave Cairo daily f.xpregs at R.

tt a. m. Evening Express at ftr'io P. M. Connertlugat SANDOVAL with Ohio and Missuarlppi Rahruad.

fur St L'uia; at PANA with Terre Haute and Alton Kaiimad. for Louisville and Cincinnati; at DECA TL'R with Great Wtatrm Railroad, for Spiiuglield, Jack snnville aud Naples; at LASALLE with Rock lslani Raiirosi. lor Rock Island. Davt nport and Peoria; at MEN DOT A with Chicago aud Burlington Railroad, for Galesburg. Burlington.

Vuincy and Central at DL'NLEITH in i hours One of tue Minnesota Packet Company's steamers teavt Dunleith for St Pan), and ail intermeJiate lauding, on arrival of the cars from Cairo. Going East, there ia no change of rsrs between Cain, and Chicago, and but three from Cairo to New York Through to Chicago in io hours Niagara Faiis 3S boors New ork hours Begsae checked through. UMVmi tbrocgh tickris. or Information, ariply at the Illinois Central Railroad Ticket Omce, under the St. Charles Hotel, St.

Charles street. New Orleans Fa tf If W. E. REDDING. Agent.

(rent New Orienn nnd New ork DAILY L. S. MAIL LINES. pa" Through to New York iu days, and AAag gthr.M:gh from New Orleans to Montgomery a ar S. nt four hours ahead of ail otber routes Leaving New Orleans dailv.

at 4 o'clock P. M. arriving at Mobue at o'clock A. M. leaving Mnhiie at half past l.itt'ciiHk A.

M. Through from New Orleans to Mont gomery in fifty four houis. only thirty two hours staging connecting wlrh cars from the Eaat. TLe proprietors of the Stage Line from 8'3rkr. tc Montgomery have recently expended atwat In es tabliahiug a Double Daily Liue of Four and Horss Coa hes between S'ocktoa ar.

Moutgomeiy, in connec with the Mail Steamers. They are prepared to givi li traveiiug public ti.e assurance cjuljrt axid exps lit ion. Distance From Mobi to Montgomery, by forty utiles; one hundred and twenty nine nines douh.s daily staging, dirt road, and twenty eight maes doubis saiiy staging on plauk road. The piank road is now per formed at the rapid speed of ten mile per aour. over that portion of the road ithe prairies; which has iieritcfcrt been a terror to paueugrrs on this route.

Tt New Orieana pajeneerj can secure thir aeas leaving their iimlnea with tbe clerka of the New Orleau ooats aJ Ibey For ps arpV 5 GEDiiES. New Orleans Mail No. Ifi Bans Place, K. 0. Slturs ADAM3 CO 3 Expreet.

Camp New Orieara M. CHAMBERLAIN, Genera, Trave ing Agent tf New Orlenna, Jnrknon and (ircnl Northern Railroad, fieoot on street, corner of Ciars street, urar the rw Basia. I Paeiijrr Tram leaves (h city daily at A AiilF W1M i reailfj Osks at I P. M. leaves Ovyki serially at i P.

M. reaches the at 7 Pauengers received aud lauded at ail iutrrmc.ii&te tions. Fare Four cents per miie, esrh way. aud rva its half price. Freight Train frorarie city to Osyka an alt Intern.

di.Ve Stations every Thursday end PitoVdoy an.1 from ka to New Orleans and all tiitennujiate fits tioi every Monday. We.ines.lay and F'riday. gar Excursion Tickets at haif price, to any station ot the roa.1. for pasnrngeri going and returning the same day Sag" Season Tickets Us'iei. on application, at a modera'.

pri.e. GEO. H. HAZLEHCRST. General Superintendent.

aTTri Weekly Line of aget to Jackson. Vina rf4 ALTERATION OF TIME. For Lake Uorgne nnd Mexican Cinlf. MEXICAN GL'LF" RAILWAY. Depot, corner of Good Children st.

end Chamr Eiysees WINTER ARRANGEMENT. rwa To Prortorviiie. Lsxe Borgue. distance tt Xl4 miles. F'are tbrougo.

6o cems; cid.dteu and Brag Tajstalaves. half price. DEPARTURE OF TRAIN'S DAILY. On and after tiie l.ith of December, Isv. From the city, at 10 o'clock A.

M. and 4K o'clock P. 34. From the Lase. at o'clock A.

M. aud 4 o'clock P. M. as otlice. Hit Common sfreet.

For all busiueas of ths Rniiroad Departnirnt. or any other baiineaa connected wttu the estate of the Lite Alexander Gordon, apply to W. BAK.EWELI.. Executor. SaT Omnlhnsei leave Canal street every fifteen minctea.

for the depot. fel '64 tf lihenpeat nnd Kxpedltloun Hosts FROM NEW ORLEANS TO NEW YORK The Grat Inland Koute. via A 4 IT a Vlobile, Montgomery, Augusta. it yXwiiiuiagton. Petersburg.

Rich i mond. Washington, haltiaiore, Philadelphia, to New i ork Messrs. Col. Bramard II Co. very light passenger boan leave Mobile daily for Montgomery.

Ala also J. R. Pow ell at Co. 'smail hue of boats daily to Claiborne, and thence to Montgomery by superior coaches F'rom Montgomery two trains leave daily for New York. Passengers for An gusta and Charleston have choice of routes from Montgomery, via Columbus, Macon and Millen.

or via West Point, and Atlanta to Augusta. Time and fare 'the a un by both routes Two trains daily from Montgomery to Savanr.aa. Passengers for Nashville and Knoxvie, leave Montgomery, daily, at fV A. sepl M. PHILLIPS.

Agent. N. O. Pontr hartrnln Railroad. REDUCTION OF PRICES.

Excursion Tickets to and from the Lake, i renta, I Fall and Winter arrangements for the deps aUafi ETtnre of the Cars, commencing on Thamia STW sr Nov. 1. 1H. XV THE CARS WILL LEAVE The Laie New Orleans: At At At At At At At At At 6 7 i 3 4' o'clock A. M.

At fi o'clock A. Mi At "At 9 At I) At is p. m. At r.v. "At 4 At At 7 On Srndays the Cars will leave the city end every hott OmnibusMs leave Canal, Chartres aud Levee stree every fi and fifteen minutes for the Depot.

UW A Horse Car wili leave the City End every morning at 4ij o'clock, and the Lake End every evening at and lc o'clock o7 Tennessee Iron, FROM the celebrated Tennessee Rolling Works of Hill man Brothers: fmi) tons Flat. Round and Square, all sizes; 25 tons Slab Iron, assorted sizes; 500 sheets Boiler Iron. 3 inch by PRIESTLEY BEIN. Sole Agents, mhn fit and Camp street. Kngllsh Iron.

LANDING. In store, and constantly receiving, a full stock. The following forms a part, viz 50ii tons Flat. Round and Square, all sizes loo best Refined; Hi bundles Bevel Iron; 8 vi bars Angle Iron 100 slabs Refined Plough Iron for sale by PRIESTLEY mhn and 91 Camp street. Ayer'ai Pills, A new and singnlarly successful remedy for tbe cure ot all Biliona Diseases.

Costiveness. Indigestion, Jaundice, Dropsy. Rheumatism. Fevers. Gout.

Humors. Nervous ness. Irritability. Inflammations. Headache, Pains in tbe Breast.

Head. Side, Back and Limbs. Female Complainta, c. Indeed, very few are the diseases in which a purgative medicine is not more or leas required, and morn sickness and suffering might be prevented if a harmless but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of bopy prevails besides, it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious ose of a good purgative.

This is alike true of Colds. Feverish Symptoms, and Bilious Derangements They all tend to become or produce the dep seated and formidable diatem pers which load tbe hearses all over tbe land. Hence a reliable family physic is of tbe first importance to the public heaith. and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by pbysiciana, professors and patients has shown results surpassing anything hitherto known of any medicine.

Prepared by Dr. 3. C. AYER. Lowell, ani sold by every respectable druggist in the United States.

"and by J. WRIGHT mbl lm il Cbartrea rreet Aarentw for the fit. L.oala Shot Tower. ONV ERS.tJxENNETT No. Front street, KJ keep cons antiy on baud an SMortment of SHOT and BAR LEAD, Jai a 1 HOTELS.

QW1 No. 93 Canal atreet. thTDuNTe tw "leral'y Informs ber friends aad Iranvtbe completely repaired tbe dam now rentSrua famlabSr Td lt tbe establishment ia in most superb style for the andwill be opened oTSTX jClT' I Fsa tm aa. IV1 nui.VJ nawniu tied up will bTner ry SSH inat. lor dtw and tmuina lMM lna ol4 tf JOHN T.

JETBH Paradiaie Feint Hotel, Second Wharf at Mississippi City. MThis bsuae is now open for the reception of vMt ora. Persons shipping for this place will please remember that It is the second wharf at Mississippi City. S. W.

TE8ARDEN. May tt, lUftV myrrtf City Hotel, New Orieana. The subscriber respectfully announces to his friends, and the public generally, that this well known, favorite, uid i during the past summer, been completely renovated in every respect. Every improvement that suggested itself has been adopted all necessary repairs have been substantially effected the premises have been painted throughout, and fitted with new. fashionable and elegant furniture, especially tbe ladies' apartments; in short, no expense has been spared in providing for the comfort of tta guests, and It will be reopened on tbe 1st of October next.

a dWtf g. MORSE. Proprietor. Carrollton Hotel. This delightful resort, so convenient to the city only twenty minutes' ride on the cara rnnnina asJLevery half hour to and from having been thorough ly repaired, painted, ate, and newly furnished, is now upeu 10 puuiic patronage.

Families or single gentlemen can be accommodated with board and pleasant rooms, or board only. SaV Dinner parties will be served to order on tbe shortest notice. The choicest delicacies of the season, together with the best Wines and Liquors, will be served to all patrons Jae tf C. H. HORTON.

Proprietor. Korkbridge Alum rprlnra, Virginia. eieoraitu tor its cure of scrofula, curomc mar 13 rbra. diseases of the liver, of the skin, and of the A. kidneys, bronchitis, laryngitis.

bet inat oshthal mlr and nervous affections, and complaints peculiar to females This watering place, whose fame has been steadily growing for the last thirty years, till it now stands, as a remedial agent, without a rival, is situated in the mountains of Virgiuia, five miles from the Central Railroad, and twen ty two miles from the Natural Bridge. Passengers breakfast in Richmond, dine at Staunton, and sap at Rockbridge Alum Springs same days before dark. This will be the schedule after the 1st of July. Tbe cars now run west, of Staunton, and the track is being rapidly laid to Alum Springs Depot, which when completed will leave but five miles staging. Tbe celebrated Yoiandt Band of Baltimore Is engaged for the season.

The ball room, billiards. Ac, and better than all these, a refined, intelligent and sociable company, have contributed in past years to render this one of tbe most attractive, as it has long been one of the most useful, of all oar Virginia watering plarea Pamphlets, with analysis snd certificates, furnished gratis oa application. FRAZIER at RANDOLPH. Jy3 Proprietors. COAL AND WOOD.

C40AL Philadelphia Red Ash. now on board schooner W. C. Mrrsbon, lying opposite the Mint, and will be delivered at any place that the pnrrhaser may desire For sale by (dill BASS. Mm Common st A NTH RACJTE COAL, casxa landing in the Second District, ex Westmoreland, from Philadelphia.

Far terms apply to J. P. WHiTNEY CO Camp street. Brerkenriite Coal. rj'HE eubarribers are now prepared to deliver the above A celebrated Coal to steamboats, hotels, manufactories, private families.

aVr in lata to suit, at Sin ner ton of a.ofv. pounds Orders left at the yard, F'ront Levee, between Julia aud St. Joseph streets, will receive immediate atten tion. CREEVY FARWELL. n3 3v atrhez atreet Coal I'oal Coal.

HAVE roimsi.t on hand a large anpply of the keat quality of PlTTSBLKO COAL. Steamaiiina. Plan ters and Retail Dealers supplied on reasonable terms, at tne soonest notice. K. J.

WATSON. Fl.l ly New Levee near comer of Julia Ureal Triumph in Bitter. REAORF.AU RF.AO. DR. J.

HOSTETIER'S INVIGORATING STOMACH BITTERS, BOTTLES SOLD IN, ONE YEAR. That not only relieves, but actually exterminates, all such diseases as Raeumatism. Dj spepsia. Flatulency, Pi arrbra. Dysentery, Nausea of the Stomach, GdUt.

Consti patiun, and the removal and permanent cure of all Pirn pies and Blotches on the fare, arising from an impure state of the blood. Every day brings forth some new evidence of the virtues of Ir. J. Hostetter celebrated Invigorating Stomach Bitters. For irregularities of tbe stomach, produced mostly by sudtlen hanges from coid to excessively warm weather, such as we have at present, never fails to affect the human system, aud in order to guard against any of tbe above bad results, we would advise all who have not tried them to jet a supply.

Those who have given them a fair trial and their name is legion will confirm hat we say. Ladies and children especially, have found them invaluable where a strengtheniug tonic was needed, and ere long these Bitters will be in every family. Since these Bitters have, for their medical virtues in all rases of Dyspepsia. Flatulency. Constipation, and General Debility, Ac.

become so popular, and in general cse, many onprinripled persoi stave refilled the bottles with some preparatirn. and palm, it oa for the genuine, while others a yattiu r.p ar. article represented to be became; bat we advise a. acqitalntrd with Hostetter's Bitters to ue none r. 1 ujr.t lint respectable dealers.

Sold. ttii tetii, by a.t the principal druggists of the city, and hy ALEI. NORTON Agents. Fi8tf7 Podrai street. New Orleans itlanufartnrers and Hell Hanger.

DEARIE No 77 Magazine street, have opened the above establishment, and are prepared to do all kinds of work appertaining to the business at tbe lowest prices. Beii Hanging, in ita branches; Signal Bella, for steamboats, locomotives. put up at the smartest notice: Safe Locks, for hsnss, prisons, stores, dwellings, arc, ou hand and made to order All work done by us warranted. By strict atteution to business we hope to merit the patronage of the public. FI4 3m DEARIE BKO 77 Masrazine street.

BEN HAS OPENED The Crisis. BEST OF LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Cori er'of Terpsichore and St. Cnaries, late Nayades freer. Shipx, MrnnibonlD and Families aiinpneo.

witn nr.r.r. roitiv. mlt snd KAL. SAL SAGES. TRIPE.

and everything in tne butchering line. Barrels and ha.f barrels of rhuice Corned Beef, put up to order, for cabin or use; at Stall No. 2, Poydras Maket. by mhl3 fi ly AUGUSTUS C. MERKEL tasT Steanmnats ae.d ships supplied with ail kinds of 1.1 vi: STUCK, such as ireali Milc Cows, Hogs, Shoats, Piss Sheep Goats.

Geese Dui ka. Chickens. c. A New Ilnildins Irlaterial. HIS material is not surpassed for cheapness, strength, I .1 K.

i 1 1, marble or cut atoue. It is in fact artificial stone produced by a combination simply of common sand and lime, subjected to great Ipressurr in moulds to the shape and size required, without burning, after which a gradual state ot rrystaiiration takrs place, rresses are now in tbe city for mimtfactnring Specimens nicy be seen and ad particulars bad from the Agent. L. 8. KELLOGG, St.

Charles Hotel, Jars 9m or at 7 Poydras street The Only Awarded by the Jury Of the New 1 ork Exhibitin to Knglial or Foreign Sauce Manufacturers, has been obtained, amongst numerous competitors, by I. FA PERKINS, for their WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, whereby further testimony is aliorded of its being the best 8aoce extant. THE celebrity of this Sauce nas extended to every quarter of tne globe, aud its efheary in promoting the general heaith is becoming daily more observed and acknowledged. In tbe United States it Is to be held the most agreeanle condiment, and is esteemed for its touic and invigorating properties, its habitual use enabling tbe stomach perfectly to digest the food. On tbe continent of Eorose these qualities have been testified to by a gentleman who writes to Lea Perrins.

thus: "I have carried a bottle of your Worcestershire Sauce in a tour I have Just completed f.ougb Spain and Portugal, and believe I owe my pr cnt state of health to its cse. Your Sauce is stomach. and, I think, medicinal I can with truth say there ia nothing in a traveler's bag rage so essential to ait comfort, at least in these countries, asyour Sauce." In India, also, where it is found at the mesa of every regiment, omedical gentleman writes from Madras to his brother in the same profession at. Worcester, in the follew Ing terms: "Tell Lea Perrins that their Sauce is highly approved ia India, and that it is. in my opinion, the most palatable as well aa tbe most wholesome Sauce made." This Sauce Is suitable for every variety of dish, and the oniveraal demand which its excellence has created, has led to many imitations being offered to tbe public, under a variety of names, but the genuine may be known by the name vof LEA A PERRINS.

being impressed upon the pater metalic capsule, or patent glasaslopper of the bottle, as we as the labels and wrapper. UT Sole Agents for the Lnited States, Messrs. JOHN DUNCAN SONS, 406 Broadway, New York. myin sfi ly The Bagaaxc Inrmire. LETTERS Patent for tbe United States were granted to SAMUEL H.

GILMAN, of No. 31 Natchez atreet. New Orleans, onder tbe date of December 4, lrA4, for a Furnace for burning Wood and Bagasse. This Fumsre combines the following qualities as fully proved in taking off SEVEN CROPS THE PRESENT SEASON I. It works entirely by a natural draught, and without the aid of a Blower.

It contains no Grate Bars or other irons In the interior. 3. It never requires a stoppage of the mill to have ita ashes cleaned out. 4. The Bagasse is never stirred or touched after it arrives in the furnace.

ft. It burns all the Bagasse, and makes steam enough to run the mill engine, a steam battery and a pumping engine. This Is the ouly Furnace that has taken off a crop in Louisiana in compliance with the above five eonditoos. This Furnace makes no pretension to burn Bagasse alone and does not resemble any other furnace in a single feature of its form, in the principles upon which it works, or in the results which It produces; neither does it approach the rights of any other party; reports circulated to the contrary are mere tricks of known to be false by those who make them, and calculated only to deceive the public, and palm off articles that cannot stand upon their own merits. No person will be allowed to sell, make or use my patent Furnace, without authority from me and all persona having sucb authority will be fully guaranteed in its undisturbed use and possession My Patent Furnace is as applicable to a train of kettles aa to steam boilers: and I am prepared to contract to apply it to burning the Bagasse to boil cane Juice in tbe common train of kettles, under a satisfactory guarantee to the purchaser.

A treatise on the whole suhtert tn namohlet form, with drawings, sic, to be had of the subscriber, by mail or otherwise. ISAM ULii GIL. MAr. J7 Mm SI Natchez street. New Orlesns Boraunay Wine.

THE subscriber, having been appointed aoi agent ass New Orieana of the highly respectable aad well knosi bouse of J. LAUSSEITRE i Growers and Merchants, Nuita Burgundy, begs to call the the public to the very superior quality of their uwa. 8PARKLING WINES. J. Lauxseure, Vleux Cera) Amber Wine, extra.

Cote d'Or. Pale VVio Red Sparkling Hornanee. no. vou.Bfer FRENCH WINES. CLARfci," RRIr R1; oid Levee.

Jaan st iUolaaaew. rvaaf REFINED AND SCGAR HOCSE, from the TEAM KFri REFINERY, rorsa elrj THOMSON ft tu tm yrhowitqulas ft. TO KENT. FOR RENT One half of tha first and second floors of Building Nat 38 Fulton street, np stairs, suitable for an office with storage below. Apply to oncTvoAzufc.

Aiazci inu i Bs.i w.v mhl4 tf 38 Fulton street. FOR SALE OR RENT A very desirable and every way complete Summer Residence at Miasia sipni City. I miles from Teasarden'a Wharf Rilnvi side. Fine Orchard and Vineyard, kitchen, outhouses, bath boose. Ac, ail in good order, and all necessary furoi ture in tbe house, as well as a good Carryall and harness, and new Cart, Also, an adjoining residence and TerT cheap For particulars apply to jus t.

luua. 144 common strees. stt MT A commodious Summer Residence A com ion able and convenient residence at the Bay of o.wTi in the neighborhood known as family rMm to accommodate a large 00110 neceaury furniturl wablea. carnage and chicken houses, tc. mbiaim rwe.InvSu,tom.u"?!e: Lr8e and commodious Boarding mn unanrea.

iaLMnniJto" known aa the is well furniahed, and will oe rented to a accommodating terms on lease for one or three year? Ocean Springs is one of the most desirable places oa the bout half way between New orieana and Mobile. Tne aplendid new low pressure steamer Creole runs regularly to this place during the entire season, mak ing from four to five trips a week. For terms, apply to Messrs. TAYLOR ft RaDDIN, 41 Magazine street. New Orleans; or to the subscriber, at Ocean Springs.

Miss mhltt 8m JAMES MORRIS. FOR RENT awo large trout rooms, suitable lor offices, in building No. 13 St. Charles street. Also, a good lodging room on same floor.

Apply to H. KENDALL CARTER ft tf 16 St. Charles street. TO RENT From Ist December, the Store No. 68 Commerce street.

Por terms, apply to F. S. HOLD EN ft "7 Magazine street. MTO RENT Two new brick Dwelling Houses, two stories high, ptessantly situated on Camp street, between Orange nnd Felicity streets, with ample yards, cisterns of large size batn rooms, gas fixtures. Ac.

Apply to Dr. MEUX. No. I Carondelet street, corner of Canal, or Mr. JNO.

MEITX Jala tf fCZ OKrlCE AND LOFTS FOR RENT The sub crier la prepared to lease, for commercial purposes, a very desirable Oliire and two spacious Lofts, in the store occupied by him. the favorable locality nf which 1 onsurpsased by that of any other in the city. 4f ISAAC BRIDGE, 22 Magazine st. OFFICES TO RENT There are five tine, airv Rooms for rent for business offices, over the Reading A. Rooms, corner of Common and St.

Charlea atreetjc The poairion is one of the beat in the city. vi rf TO RENT The following STORES, six: No. Magazine street No. Poydras. and the one oa Camp street, near Pseyfare.

Also The Warehouse situated on New Levee street, between Benjamin aud Suzette, and lately occupied by P. A. Hardy for tobacco storage. For terms, Ac apply to RACE ft FOSTER. ov tf cor.

Camp street and Commercial Place 1UKNISHEO ROOM A gentleman can be accommodated with a handsomely furnished Front Room, with it without Breakfast, in a private family. Address K. Picavone office. lu tf BALLS BALLS. ine Arraliue Brook's Uanrlng Academy.

ME A. BROOKS has the honor to announce that she wiil open a New Class, at Odd Fellows' Hall, for Children, on MONDAY. December 17th, ber present class being fulL The Days and Classes will be as follows Mondays. VI ednesdavs and Saturdays from half past 3 till 6 P. M.

Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, ssme hours. 'me B. will also give her celebrated Balls or Children, of which due notice will he given dlotf Fashionable Dane ins Academy. a.1 ar UE DXJaufti oa i 1 v. i Cj ev a iv vf iiD iug laatrii 1 ikiuis al a.

Common ap stairs, cext to Mr. Gaavnt't Writing A emit my will open on Monday, P.4 of DrTr niiH and respectfully aoiiciU ft ml public psttnuiagf. Day of Uanrinc for Lfldfes and Children. Toe taya. inur.ays aui Saturdays, from 4to6oTclork f.

For Gentleme u. on the same daya. from 7 nntil P. M. Also.

Privai lesstoua rivo in fttmilies, schools and aw auiniies. Hp will give Private LtsuDi oo Mondays, ednt Siiayi and Fridays, from 10 nntit 3. A new Kancy Dance, called the He 1 and Toe Oance. Mr. C.

C. Bernard tiaa entraped Mr. A. DENEGRE. being the leafier of Orchestra of Balls and Parties, for the execution of the newest Dances in aU their ranch ea.

n.7 bm Jal.s A. Oeneftrt, Leader of Ore lies ire fur Balls, tc. offers his services to the citizens of New Orleans and viciuity. His repository of mo sic comprises ail tbe best productions of Mtisard. Beaisio and Jullien.

and all the new Dances. He will eive lessons on tbe Violin, accord ins to the method taught in the Conservatory of Music in Paris Mr. Denegri also takes contracts for furnishing Balls and Soirees in the cenntry with music, tat Orders left wjth M'me Denegri, Dressmaker, 13 Perdido street, between Ramoart and Basin, will meet with prompt attention. d4 fim Kahionnble Onncinjr Academy. Mr.

P. CLISSET respectfully informs the vjy ladies and gentlemen of New Orleans that his Dancing Academy will be opened for tbe season ifja MONDAY, the iirth at the Masonic Hall. St Charles street, where be will teach all the most fashionable dances. Davs for Children Mondavs. Wednesdays and Fridays.

from 3 P. M. till dark. Private Lessons for Ladies ana Gentlemen everyday, from A. M.

to 9 P. M. Class for Gentlemen will commence at 4 P. H. nl tf JeMhro Cotton Seed.

SOME very fine and pure Seed, from one of the best and longest stapled crops in this State, for sale by BYRNE. VANCE A. corner of Canal and Caronde'et sta. Florida Yrllow Fine Kuruber. WE have on hand at our depot, corner of Howard and Calliope streets, Yei ow Pine dressed, tongued and srooved I 1 4 aad 1.

Flooring; Square Joint Flooring. Dreased Ceilina; and Weatber Boards. Also. Rough Inch Boar is. Vveatber Boards.

Jaista. and a general assortment of seasoned Yellow Pine Lumber d31 tistSepSfi MERRITT McCONNELL. Uoota, lhoe and Brogaoa. At holeaele. Now landing from sbip Norfolk, andlnstore.

ment or Buurs. OMur.a. flKO PS. tc Plantations snp ime DITCHING BOOTS. RL8 KOGANS.

WOOL. MEXICAN. PALM LEAF. STRAW and CAJIFEACHY HATS, at the lowest market prices. HATS.

CAPS, AT WHOLESALE, We are constantly receiving a general assortment of Silk. Fur, Cassimere. Panama. Leghorn, Straw. Palm Leaf, Meaican and Wool HATS, at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES mo Mr 'v VHOUT fn i.

Vaeazlne rrreet. luri'lu ellsw Piue l.uiuber luiila, 'PHE undersigned have in addition to tbeir old aud well known established lumber yards. Julia Street Land ibg. New Basin, between St. Paul.

Cedar and Pine streets, recently established a lumber yard at the Old Basin, fronting the canal on the Caroudelet Walk, between Villere aud Robertson streets, and on Robertson and St. Peter streets, where they keep constantly on hand a general assortment of building materials, such as 4 and inch narrow and wide, dressed, tongued and grooved Yellow Pine Ceiling Ik and 1 it inch narrow and wide, dressed, tongued and grooved Yellow Pine Flooring 1 1 and I inch narrow and wide, dressed, square Jointed Yellow Pine Flusiriug. Dressed Shelving and dressed Weatherboard leg. Scantling and Joists, of ail sizes; heavy timber Deckiagand i inch Planks, lit and lit inch Pine Boards and Koarb Weatberboarding. I.

albs. Shingles. Palings, ready made Doors and Sssh Blinds and Moulding always on band and made to order. Orders taken for Lumber at their mills on Penaaroiaaud Blackwarer Bay. West Florida, and cut to suit tbe markets of Philadelphia.

Baltimore. New York. Boston. Key West, Galvestou. Lavaca.

Corpus Christi, and other ports s'ong the Atlantic and Gulf coast as may be ordered. They are also prepared to supply orders for the English and otber European markets. Their Dressed Lumber is kept all neatly piled up in sheds, and from the large aupoly constantly on hand, customers may rely on getting at all times an article well seasoned and rea4y for immediate use. POOLEY. NICOL corner Cedar and ulia streets.

New Basin. cerner Robertson and Carondelet Walk. Jyl mhni O'd Basin To Mere hunts nnd Flantera. rfHZ. subscriber hss on band al and ia constantly receiving a large and complete assortment of Philadelphia manufactured Plantation and Road Wagons for horses and oxen.

Cane and other Carta, Drays, Timber Wheels. Oa Carts and Wheels. Jersey and Baggage Wa gons Trucks and Wheelbarrows of all kinds, and mil otber articles in the line, made of the best material and workmanship, warranted to be superior to any otber manufacture, for sale on as good terms and lower than any other establishment. Purchasers will find it to their interest to can and examine before purchasing, elsewhere. DAVID G.

WILSON, S4 Perdido street, between SL Charlea and Carondelet stsl SaT All of the above articles are manufactured of the best New Jersey white oak. with black locust hubs aF Also on hand a large assortment of Sugar aod Cotton rinsrni. si inw pnrra je; wi chsiuh ni I Hrn, deepening channels, improving harbors, or digging uiiu. (uiuug.i uiuj uc UN UUIUUIl IlOtlie, by application to the subscriber, who is now etisraared at Corpua Christi in putting up one Of his Improved machines idc pmixjve ui niaa.iiiK i iiumri taroago roe maa flats." This machine will probably he in one rat ion bv the middle of next March, and will be capable of raising at uwi i miiuuic, or on (lie ubiik, aa occasion may require. All who are interested in such work are invited to call and examine these improvements, which render underwater excavation by steam tiere the amount of work Is sumcieuij cueaper msn can ne aone on dry Kino oy nana.

In tbe meantime, orders for machines, suited to any Kind ot dredging, or estimates for all kinds of excavation, Dromntlv attended to on anrjllcation. For an official account st tbe performance of one of these macnines. omit lor tne u. uoverument. see oi.

so. of the Scientific American New York city or Vol XXX, No. of the Journal of the Franklin Institute. Phil adelphia: or Vol. XIII.

No l.i.of the Artisan, Londoa. Se also Capt, Webster r. port on one of lies built for the D. 8. Government, for Lake Michigsn ai CoL Tumbull's repert on similar machines, for ises "TbrmShlneswere bull.

Tin than they would be for common "fij HOWARD. Corpus Christi. February STAR Mew ll I wTfaf yrmaklin Tbrongh by Day RswTiw Orleaos to ud fow irressura Is now running from tbs steamer soli i a Railroad. (TigerviUe.) to Frauk terminiisof tneupe (Bn(ljng. for the trunportatioa of lis and jnterniema making trips daily, (Thnra leovins Franklin at 6 o'clock A.

at, aad iJ "JLf.T. ontBerrival of the cars. TigerviU. on soe CALDWELL Bank Place ilswe's Cottea Ilarrentera FOR PICKING COTTON IN THE FIELD. THE attention of Cotton Growers, and others interested, is particularly invitee to this new and valuable invention for picking cotton in the field.

The machine is simple in its construction weighing only eight pounds sad with it one hand can do the work of from three to five men tn the field. Cotton picked with this machine is snnrh cleaner, ana freer from trash. mo4 ia left in better condition for ginsung than that picked by tbe old hand method. We are now seiQng STATE AND COUNTY alGBTS for the manufacture and use of tbe above machine. information relative thereto, ran be obtained by the subscriber, at the Arcade HoteL betw thurs oi in and 1 daily, or by addressing e.

A. HOWE, Carveiano, Ohio. Price of Ms chines. Orders promptly attended CORNWALL, Fi lm' 1T Afent Kuwe Ceuon Ha. r.stcr.

8 I tiw ai i general assort BANS. HATS 1 plied with nri SET BOOTS. I SPECIAL NOTICES. SauV eMR8sf? EVOLE.VT ASSOCLlTTOW ir James Dougiaaa. Ptsat Vice every onaav at 7 H.

Jraiac sneetinsat anTVrVmt rJv" JZZJ "fcC Hall, 4CTuyst olifHANs' HU.V1L Csrauof Live Oak Kt. U. Fourth Di tnct Presid" XLZTZZZ Hesideace. corner of Race and Pacaaiev atrst Committee on Children Mra H. H.

Hansell Pellrit Road Mra. K. L. Robertson, S3 OaaacalvcTwreet Mrel R. Brown, corner of Joaapbine and riiilmu atraeta.

dlW ly PELiCA.N LODOE No. U. 8. A reguaw aneet hig of this Lidge will take place at their room, over tbe Crescent Insaraace Com pea y. eorner of Camp street and Commercial Alley, every WEDNESDAY, a o'clock.

By order of tbe grand Commander. i tavsa ly Tf S8JJRIBK Of THE IMPROVED ORDEB; OF RED MEN holds its regular meetings at tbetr Hall, comer of Baronne and Perdido streets over Carroltoa Railroad depot, every Wednesday night at 7 aud every gnnday moenfne at o'clock dta ly FOR SALE. 'OR SALE To arrive, 1(10. tons English Cannel Coat. or verms apply so v.

eiFTNET. NEVILLE vqT 1 1 Common street. For NEGRO MAN, aged about, years, a good Meat and nm iry House Servant Inquire Basem*nt n. 1 2 I amnials i AST Sam, .1. I e.

Mill hassfeet ro le.a, Incuej iron sbal. tofeetdri. V. lt feet driving wheel. Tbe dZSZl 4 feet stroke and 10 feet unvine wbeel 2 inches diameter, manufnettrred by Nibs and nearly 'in5 abandon the culture of cane has no further use fo them.

aT.MalleJ?.a,T1er nd be Fixtares can be tad with the Mill and Engine. Apply to BRaOF, GORMAN lrn wi Gravier street. AT Far SaJsj. VERT DESIRABLE SEA SHORE RESIDENCE, situated on a high bluff at Bny at Louis. The improvements are extensive and in the best order.

The gar 2r. rr in state of cultivation, and the property altogether very suitable for a large family residence To a good purchaser liberal credit will be given Apply to A BEARD a MAT, Banksi Arcade. lejirHble Fropcrty at (ireenTille for A bquare of Ground. No. 64.

Bigbiy iii.pcoved fclu! taviu been cultivated for tbe last five years as a Nurs.ry Garden, and is now stocked with a variety of young fruit trees and plants of the choicest kinds The buildings consist of a substantial frame bouse containing two rooms, two csoinets and garrets, front and back galleries, ki'rhetis. stable, chicken bouse. aVr, Apply to 3 URKONY. or J. CHAL1N, on the presr.iaes.

i ar the lower line of CarroUton, three squares from tne railroad. nh lm Ci ssi tor Naie. I 'HAT well known Plantai ion, owned and occupied by Mrs. N. aiiuaiedon Bayon Detieara.

in the parish of Ouachita, si.d miles from Monroe, with a beautiful road from then. to town, containing between nine hundred and oue acres of laud, with about Sao in a very high state of cultivation the balance is timbered land. The place is well suited to a force of about thirty hands. The improvements are of the very bear quality, lucluding a new Frame Gin House and quarters for sixty negroes good Stables, Corn Houses, and a Urge and well fimshed Dwelling, with all necessary oat bouses. and altogether very well improved.

This tract of land will be sold on very reasonable terms for reasonably prompt pay menu. Possession to be given on tbe 1st Janusry next, or aa soon as the crop is gathered It Is intended to plant a large crop ot corn and whatever It may he, the purchaser of this property cau have, with fodder, potatoes, Ac. at the lowest price. For further information on this subject, apply on the premises, or to rutin nndAW PfT.CHER. GOODRICH A CO or fui A II i ACRES OF THE BEST COTTON LAND IN LOUISIANA, from sun to ftOO acres in cultivation, with food Dweiling.Gia and Negro yoarters, situated on Roumiaway Bayou, one and a half mile from Rich mond.

Madison nansb. and three miles from the depot of the Virksburgsnd Shrereport Railroad. TLe whole or onr tialf of the above tract of land, with or without thirty one acclimated Negroea. will he sold on accorrmo dating terms, by application to J. M.

WILKINSON, ou tbe premises, or to GEO. M. PINCKARD A "ih 110 Camp street. ilollvwoofl fair ratle. This well known wsterins nlace.

contafnfn 4K fo iu, acres of land, situated on the eastern shore of Mobi Bav. in miles southeast nf the eitv with all the Buildings, Furniture, Ac, I offer for sale at a great sacrifice and on very easy terms The accommodations are ample for 2S0 persons, with all tbe conveniences of shower and sals water bathing; the great abundance of pure spring water running to the Hotel at tbe rate of ten thousand gallons per day, which together with its beau ii'ul scenery, good roads and entire absence from mosquitos and rand flies, makes it one of the most delightful placet of resort in the South. It fronts on the Bsy five hundred and fifty 550J feet, and extends back nearly three fourths of a mile. This place I commenced building about tbe 1st January 144. and have kepr it ever since, and no season but what I have made something not half, however, what might have been done hod I the means to have conducted it in the style theplnre requires.

For further partteulare. apply to Messrs. IDG ILL, ROBERTS A No. 13 Cacoo delet street. New Orleans or to the undersigned, at Holly wood.

Baldwin county. Alabama. eel.o im WTLT.TAM FREEMAN. For Foot Hundred Negroes and Ten Thousand Acres of Brake Land, in Dallas and Perry counties, Ala ON tbe first MONDAY in April next, (the 7th.) I will sell at Cabawba, Dallas county. A labama, to the highest bidder, lor cash, or Mobile acceptances at sixty or ninety days, bearing Interest, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY LIKELY NEGROES.

Also. FIFTY OTHERS, on longer time. All acclimated and experienced cottou plantation hands. I will slsosell, at any rime during this year, at private sale, for cash, or on time. TWO HUNDRED OTHER VAL0ABLK NEGROES, in lots to suit purchasers, and TEN THOUSAND ACRES of the very beat and most advantageously situated cane brake and black bind, including tbe nine plantations known as tbe "Trigg Plantation," Mud Hall," Sixteenth." King Plantation," Blevins Place," Lndlow," Lodebo." "Holmes Place," and the Cross oat la all of which for cotton and corn, are in ferior to no plantations in the world Also, an elegantly improved and beautiful RESIDENCE, adjoining Hammer' field, eight miles from the city of Selma.

with about four hundred acres attached to it. The dwelling bouse, offices, out bouses, grounds, garden, tc are all in first rate con, ditioo. These plantations are 70 or go miles below the city of Montgomery, about InO miles above Mobile, and west of and near to the Alabama river, which ia at ail seasons nav irable for steamboata Near seven thousand acrea. including four of the plantations, are oo the Selma and Wood vilie Kaibuad: and oa thiSghody of land, about fourteen miles from Selma. is located tbe depot at the junction of the Marion railroad wrtb the Selma road, to and from which depot the cars run regularly.

Of tbe other plantations one is on tbe Selma railroad, two are two miles, and two six miles distant, one ot which is within six miles of the city of Selma. These plantations are in the highest state of cultivation, with good gins, gin bouses, cotton Ptssos, mills, uegro ca'uius, shops, stables, artesian welii, Ac, Ac. I will sell them in tracts to suit purchasers, of ftOO. Iv. two.

jnro or acres, and so laid off as to give aa much opened and wood land to each tract as may be desired, and wih or without the negroes, stock, plantation tools, com. provender. Possession of tbe above plantations aud negroes will be given to the purchasers at any time wh'lst the crop is growing, or in Decern ber or January next, as they may wiah. I not sold privately previous to the first Monday in December next. I will, on that day.

at Selma. sell to tbe highest bidder such negroes as may then be unsold. Such opportunities and advantages were never before presented for those wishing to continue, or to engage ia the cultivation of cotton. Jt has been difficult for ears past to find a plantation in the cane brakeTegion for sale at any price, or even ts purchase there a large unimproved tracr These plantations are. In fertj fty, facilities for transportation, and in all other respects fully equal, if not superior to any in tbe cotton growing States and I know that personal investigation will prove, to the (satisfaction of every one.

that no portion of the Union ia more healthy than the cane brake region of Alabama 1 will a tso sell privately, for cash, or on time, one of tie most beautifully improved PRIVATE RESIDENCES in the city of Selma. and several valuable and elegantly finished Urge blocks of BRICK BUILDINGS, including the largest and most desirably located store rooms, otters, banking offices. Ac. Also, several very desirable Unimproved Large Lots an 1 Smal Tracts of Land, in and contiguous to Selma Also, about thirty bead of BLOODED HORSES. among which is the celebrated BROWN DICK, several superior Brood Mares, several young Stallions.

Gelaiags, Colts and Fillies all of tbem from the very best raring stock. Among tbe negroes is a first rate trainer, several good race riders, and many excellent mechanics, cooks, seam stresses and house servanta For further particulars address the undersigned, or V. M. BYRD. at Selma.

or W. M. BROOKS, at Marion, Perry county, Alabama Tbe Overseers now on the plantations will give all desirable information to those who may wish to auaka a personal investigation of the premises. BEN. EDWARDS GREY Selma.

Alabama. February idsrs, Fl7 8m Family Uestidenre far rHale. A very pleasant and comfortable FAMILY KE3I DENCE, situated on Louisiana Avenue, the first aa house from the corner of Nayades street, towards Magazine atreet; three iota, measuring 160 feet in depth. Tne building, a very substantial one, in tains ten rooms, two pariora, chambers, dining room, kitchen, servants' rooms, bath room, Ac Tbe garden is handsomely laid out. with a great variety of fruit trees and shrubbery.

Apply to A. T. P1CKRXLL, 84 Gravier street, ol tf corner of Cams' Far tale on Arronnt of Deparrnro. a oeagntraiiy aituatea neii'' Bayon St. John, consisting of a newly house, containing dve spsycioaw row the first story bath roam lanodrrajrj.

boose ia room and wine cellar on reTeicSIent surrounded by spacious awjlfnes. wi gardens ervanu rooms, kitcbenjmd Pg poultry well stocked and in For terms. Ac, apply oa ap! tf csK Preml York Fair, for tbe best CORN AS procure tbem So port offic ortwni ssrareraom and Depot. No. a Natchez street.

New Or JLr Manufactory, Napoleon Avanwa, City of Jefferson, lyd AW ISatha Batba Ratlta. BARBERLZINS. Ita 36 Bt Charles street. OLLTNS ONCE MORE AT HI8 POST. Tbs Veraa 1 dah fire for a while stopped tbe operation of his well known establishment, but Tlnie, the great pkystcian.

has restored to him a better one, where be can give at all boors HOT. COLD, VAPOR, SHOWER or MEDICATED BATHS. His BARBER'S SALOON is sappUed with the neat artists toe country can attorn, ana as Cutting, Cleaning, Dyeing and Dressing have been res need i i kcaa serve wlta and TONICS for the hair. Call a sds Diaunoatt mast Ong and Bathing Saloon. JOSEPH ROLLfyg 1 tsf" 8TOCA8 TII8 AND QM ITH? premium award.d by the Ama CKA Fair at tb Crystal Palace, foe rican to P.

9. SMITH Btaaabctm rreet. New Tort "LWMwilfnod it greatly to tbetr advantage to ea extensive swsortment of ttevery IShS Seartirles for the neck. Grewt iadweeraeota firSfted to Jobbers from Western and Sontbera cities. k.

hJ ariw ail tbe firstrclas Job vrk itv Jso mTIK Uiexiraa mm v'f BETWEEN THB UNITED STATES AND MEXICO VIA VERA CRUZ, FOR the transportation of freight and parrel. a conducting all kinds of bosmess cnaunoa to aa VTTh, Express for New Orieana wiTJ 'fJti a month by Harris A Morgana snasi Uwe of steaaassa VMlt Orie "wf" New ork, office rW'f' Vera tL MOHAN. Ag I I II) IN Mi a i Hr 1 ill ii 1.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.