The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

poacd srl si 2 tAd.vB oors. tn otm Endn doeet it ororjele. It erw, it warps, it tows, It ep. itexnsvste. t.

It draws. It WTH, it tt rives. eol loot aod Mac is, II halts, triage, apse, opoe od BuU wasbee, mixes grind boiu. it Miwta, puucbee and kneads pes, bores. It duvet.

ft i tt a. roll nd reep 6i end eiepa tr bee, card n0 spin and WPi pint 1 It twists, throw, it It I. ic, th ldprtt bair millioB iblna, um UnlM btun ota I 'i fHw Tort Ldr. Quaker Family. aca tt tbt Ptearmaa.) Joaa Citt, March 30.

ua nearlj foar daye that we r. diulomU. atataiman iple Uelere for almost and the Pacifio ooaat, and not failed that time to minted with each other, like a trip at tea to promote ft tt oaDij a Tuning wave, that we are alt in tigetber," ia apt to make one and however conflicting divergent the eareera of thoee for a time the member, aa it ne family, it ia rare to hear of or" eoDtroTarty 5 anything! 'rJ. worda and' good offieea, at many who i do need of tbia temporary one to bring thea together gen. alwaya be favpritee on iM tea, and under whatever "itancea Foremoet among UeLane, our newly ap i to Mexico, to eonvey whom i regnhu ateamahip to Vera at, having been temporarily Company very po i Qaaker City at hie dlepoeaU i Joti toa ef the diatingoiahed i "cLane, of Delaware, 8eo diring Jack eon' i adminiatra i treated at the Weab Point rSn; I believe, he grad Leaving the aead i pretty hard eervioe in the ir boteooa afterwarda, i ar for the pruning hook," to theenore peaeefel pro.

law. He teUled in Baltimore, 'j and varied talent qnickly i tsf, not only in hie profeeaion in the allied field of politic and Bilde repreeenting hi own iai ef Baltimore two term i la Congreaa, he haa also repre 'a in the important miaeloo to i performing hie dutiee faithfol MteoeetfnUy. And I venture little tlie tame of the delicate miaaion ia now tent, and which mast for tome time, be one of inquiry i pndenoei vigilance and aaga 1 evente, I anderatand, he will not authorised to acknowledge either ntending Government to the ex. other, till he become convinced, obeervatioB, that it ia in a eon uin heelf and give effect to ita 'x. L.

ia married to Viae TJrqohart, of ana, eUUr of oar reepected fellow i that name, whom ill health and I i I oi aia miaaion oompeiiea aim ehInd. De ie aleo, by a large per. intimately connected general tociety Li Seiodrie, the Secretary of Legation, of bat lived maohof life the Inland of Coba, where 'A language became to him, a it i. end vara scalar. He waeanbee "uaeeted for eevaial year with the dron, in a literary capacity, aa erne more reeentiy in one of the aiWaabinffton.

From hie long ca the Pacific eoaat, at alao from ti reading, he haa already a valaa of infareuttioa eoneerninsr the to il be it accredited. culntst tttions the diatinxniahed people "4 ta, ii Hon. Delazon Smith, or gjiiifc aa he ie called, Senator theiamcwho, ttartingont in wu coamiaaioned to tome inland a the r.cifle, and after teveral year i imibi therein retained home re wa no each place op earth mi" "Tbie ia one etory, and too 4 but I am aaaared the fact it 1 1. toally eommiaaioned to Qaito, Uiiag there to he ehook the i i' oe and went quietly about hie "i eemmendable example and tor general Imitation,) leaving eU ia the dark aa to bit move ti a4 up Senator from Oregon. kaoEg the dietingnlahed of oar Suitor Broderick, of California, t.

kaH battle on hand to fight, Jr. Mcijbben, M. C.from the 4A M.M .11 int pee route. lAbntof place here, perbapt, i were given the Call ttan however, on board, jioom a three foot tcion of oar 'f dTi balU gray eye, that gb it mlgbt face Bal dy, blinking. He wlf.

in hie Htfhur it. ana women tBd when he eaa eteei awav to 4 af rtfttoBeeee men of war" bo4 the 'l thia. it let alone, he oat. iJ li la only when among alapeere aeany. ue will alwava be eaP.

aad if be eaaaot be that wng may After all, tmlable tailor boy, and has al Warn te reepeet blm 5 erew" mu Beeaee. QfAttaCiTT, vot et, Afare 31, 1859. 1d end with 1 the SIU aaon. d' tcrled naLa a. rw BSSUBSI gay." the last paragraph above, suddenly ae roagh, aadera which we entered early "i that it not only srjepended out moet or oar companions to the not the and to at at bet before their at sad blow to their hopes, fretting Off that noti.b8tAnifngoar taming ship, they woold have 'eprnc AsU was, too i4 to lie qnfetly tiiAt even 1 1 1 fcillLzj tLzy got a I onrt'ir tlia Til "fit.

lonl aiutn unlnil il 11 lfUllUtiw I 'vw tk all, i i 'H'" i I I I The morning broke, bower, mcDi njiai onvx ior um OTertOelrtbiMM I eoait, bat occanonallj opened up or parted' idow ue wDite eune othe one tide, on other the thick tropical anderxrowth, be. twees blob, "the river" debouobee into the Golf; and finally it cleared away altogether Above all the tea waa quiet, and the rirer teamer at hand and oar California eompan lone, tome of then the first time elnce they ailed, looked oat and emiled." A few minntee eofflced to eee them eafe oa the other boat, when they tteamed away for the other aide, we to pome oar joarney oa net. Arrireal at Term Cram Una. Vxaa Caaz, Apnl 1, 1859.

iWe might have been here well enough last night, at a reaeonable hour, bat as we would gain nothing thereby, and Capt Shnfeldt did care, under the ctrcnuutanoee, to enter barber at night, we kept off till then entered by broad day HghW The morning waa a magnificent one, auch only aa may be seen, in fine weather, in thia match leae climate. A alight haze hang over the city and eoaat at an early hoar, only jut enough however to eaften down everything the eye; but at we advanced even that cleared away, and the city, cattle and fleet Saciiflcioe, and ablpping in the harbor proper, tbone out under the raye of the clear morning tun, brilliant and romantic at a Moorish town, which it in more than one rerpect retemblee. Tbi Hidden and unexpected appearance of the' Qaaker City, her first in these waters, canted great excitement in the town, espeoi. ally when it became known, as it toon 'did, that tne new American minuter wat on board. Mr.

LaSere and Maj. Twyman, U. 8.: Cbntul, were on board almost before we had eaat anchor, and toon after Mr. MeLane waa honored with a visit from the captain of the Savannah, and aa he went ashore waa weL corned by a handsome salute from that vessel, and an immense crowd of people. R.

r. f. The T. C. Twichell, Capt McComaa.

leavet to morrow evening, at 5 o'clock, for Nashville, Memphis and intermediate land ing i connectieg at Memphla with the Charleston Bailroad for all Eastern cities, and with firtt claif packets for Louisville, Cincinnati and St. Louie. J. H. Freligh, agent for through ticket, under St Charlea HoteL COMMERCIAL.

OFFICE OF THE PICAYUNE, I Saturday Eraamav April a. 1SSA Chip COTTON With a moderate supply and rery tall price Claimed tbc aales today fell off to about 8000 bales, mot toe tranaartkmi beta at outalde rata. Inferior TIMIddUn U1.elk Ordinary 9 Good wood MMdUn Fair 13 )u LewMiddllnc lU.BUlHIFair STATEMENT OF COTTON. tock aa hand 1st Beptember, 186B bales 10.ST4 Arrlrad ainc l.M8.(m Arrtrad day i.soe 1.680.33 t.seo.ns a.aa aaaaa taM183Tal Exported to date Exported to day 8.474 1.318. 8 Stock ob hand not cleared 363.888 SUGAR Stock light and market saiet with sates of only too to 400 hhds.

at about previous rates. Fair to fully fair ranging at 6W6c 9 M. MOLASSES Inactive. Some 400 bbis. have been sold at weaoc.

tor fermenting, and 9 gallon for prime. i TOBACCO We hear of so and 13 hhds. sold to day at I so at Set at site and a large lot ef which no partke eiars were reported. STATEMENT OF TOBACCO. tock oa hand 1st September, 18M SS.S16 Arrived tT.saa Arrived to day no es.T'.O Exported to Exported aMiay Stack on hand not FLOTJR Tbe market continues dull and barely uot bbla, have been aold.

Including SSQ St superfine at 80; lto extra at Mi loo at $6 so, aad eooTes da. aa private terms. CORN We notice sales ef aboat 4000 sacks, Including 300 mix in store at saci set) en the Levee at tso aad oe prime white at and 130 fancy white at 90c aPbaabet. OATS A few small lots sold at TOSflSc 9 bushel for ordinary to prime Nortaera. PORE Tbe only sales reported to day were 190 bbla.

M. O. at 8l, aad 70 bbla at i for M. O. and 1T 9 bet.

for Meee. Retailing Irregularly at 81717 SSandtlT 60 9 bbt for Mete. BACON Oners of 6H and icfased for Shonlden rid ribbed Side which ere held at aad Sc. 9 LARD hear ef aa transections of any note. COFFEE Sale confined to about MO bags, including! Sis at lie, aad UO at B.

Two further cargoes emoracmg tm hags arrived to day from Rio direct. GONN BAGS We notice a sale ef sosbelee medium weight at 10c FREIGHTS Cotton shipping to Liverpool mostly et fad. to nil op. EACHAMGE iThe demand la moderate at our quota tions London (clear bills) 9n9k and 4ct prem. raris M.iaMM.l New York 60 9lk end 11 9M.

Ib4i dol. MS and i arc ret. die. Blew i ore aignt If, 4ct, prem. MONETARY AND FINANCIAL.

i SATURDAY EVENING, April 9. Business moved along steedily to day without any change worthy of notice i some transactions took place In strictly choice long dated Paper at 71 ect, but the offerings are still Insignificant compared wtth the de The Bank Statement for the week ending this evening wBl be found below. It most noticeable feature, when compared with the previous week. Is the item ef Short Loans, which abesrs a sailing off of ever three quarter of a million of dollars the Specie column exhibits a loss a ever a quarter of million of dollars, and Deposits a reduction of nearly tbe same amount, while Circulation and Distant Balaacee have varied but little, and Exchange Increased within a fraction of half a mllllonof dollars. We annex the precise changes Increase la Exchange Increase in Distant x.sis Decrease in Soon 80K.W6 Decrease In peri 38.347 Decrease in posits.

arVl Drcreaaf In Circulation x9.aoo WSEKLT STATBM gT OP THS NEW SI. BAAS BaAKS. i C4if 4S8KTS. Losas. tree li.

BABBA I April 9. April t. April 9. ApH Citisens' 6.0A7.363 4.UV7.I64 4.440.116 Canal 1.6I1.M 1.6W.W! I. OBI.

181 l.aub.KtS Looisisna 8.8T..7W 3.148.7W9 4.146.9M 3.SII.OI9 La. State i.Wi.Mi 6.tou.li9l 4.106.IK) j.wy.wi siech.A Traders' 1.SH4.477 l.ea.304 618.4K7 616.661 Bank ef 1.MI.960I tio.670 676.3 926.773 3I4.6M 1S4.60H 3H4.10. Union 1.318. 107 1.300..! 809.184 383.868 Mercbanta' 767.18 9WS.436 Xr.743 Crescent City 1.178.067 1.1.W.7M3) sco.631 America I oho lir I.Qrl7.W7 6t4.74.' N4.39 Total :l.06.76n s.4l6.;6lle.960.7W 16.679.137 Decrease BW.V!'Decrease 3i.M7 CASH LImMLITIKS. ciKCUlaTiua, DtrotiTt.

BABE. Apfl Apr) April 9. April i. Citisens' 4.614.046 4.623.610 6.60.167 Canal 1.313.647 l.atiS.Pai 1.196.666 1.373.3U6 l.aM.4 4 1 .1 6.1. 104 s.Ssk.sdi 6.366.88.

La. State 3.SVS. 6.110.130 6.889.671 Mech A Traders' 2A.4:i6 43M.SI6 I.047.93K 1.S17.633 Bank of N.Olie 641.940 661.76 1.366. IM l.470.ft Bos the S94.646 440.910 664.617 Union 647.170 618.06 1.S40.49I l.OUO.080 Mere btn ts' 364.466 866.830 T76.666 681.3 9 Crescent 900.136 9U6.886 476.644 667.331 America Ct4 feau 4i.636 1.074.361 l.O7t.770 Total 13.036.M6 13.14.910 st.ote. lw 'Decrease 9.30ii Decrease Tb aUowing table exhibits the respective amounts Exchaugs held by the veriooe Banks, and also the earn do to distant Banks a compared with last week, the, tttsr being comprised ia the toble of Deposits, ss thswa above mxg.

BXCWSBCB. DOB DIsT. BSBBS. April a S. April April S.633.916 t.

611. 73 684.404 694.60 l.83.S34 1.683.067 11.363 1M.69 KiSaf S.7S T63.9B7 740.697 TWa''. 1 Jfi .16.843 607.68 HO. 978 tirrriiu? ji; 8 est. BOaAefH.Orl.

,70.4817 673.3B7 196.887 101.087 I.8OS.790 tlSl.440 a7B 4M.907 sr.ti. 117.446 V5 CUr 77.815 79.876 1S.SJ1 M.Ki xuenca s.goe 6.996 Total 9.034.043 9.0rV9.ia ajl. hrt a notice. kta tb bolder. trredtoA'I prieea.

Th tranaactlon ro ported today are to Railroad Mortgage Bend at a pneo aot tmpird, and 8 thm, BanAW America l0i fcaa.i.... ieheiiee eemtiimee quiet, with large offerings a Bodemto emuad for aU diintionx, gte bars onAgr 4 .4 i a a 1 as. t.waKtion to the close of bust nee. dtp. vir am.

(An L. I Dill. i.V Dill 1 Ninnn vtua WV, Wl 1 It Ml Diua wim. ku a uoiag Mitch 9ct premium, nuei M.IIH Sixty day BUI oa New Terk aad Boctoa I ta 9 HdiKattparatai4. The aulkbavlBf failed tram eU aotats ta dar, era i wttbont later reMrta fraam toa Warthera or Eattara CATTLE MARKS T.

JeSenon City, Satarday Brealnc Aarll BEEF CAlTUE mi ar feoa vania wera aretty qaete prima Weatara at llka e. a art aadTexMatlOc BeceipU ie bead. HOOt A aood atoek retalltnf slowly at 8k99c. 9 8HEEP tcacce at tT head. MILCH COWt At taS 9 head.

VEAI. CATTLE UoM demand. (ceipta U4 Prteva ft brad. MARINE NEWS. nCAYTOT OmCB.

Aaril a Mr. JORH a WAtKWQTOIfi and aarirtulm. ua aaly aathoiixad Mario and Siar Vawa Beportan for tha rKayua. CLEARED TE8TEX.D A Tbo Jrfferaon, HHU Boaton, 8 Jane Aca BDipcarnanc, ueTereaax. laverpooi, JrWhitaer Ac Bark Anuie Bodimau, Hyler, LiTerpoo), Meeker.

Knox Axa Br Bark Manaonlta. Beta. LlTeroaoL Scbr Oardnei. Boone. Baltimore, Hrun Ac a ecor dim oquau, wauiicn, moon, 0 UaaUaxVia mi mwT eiirbi rCIUaCOia.

Overton Aco Bchr Paacagoula. Fowler. Mobile. Huntinfton ARRivrn Bteamihlp Texaa, Wllaon. tm Indlanola rla GalTeston to Pavne lit district Btaamanlp Charlea Morian, Lawleaa, fm Indlanola Tie sBinui.

wta ravne lit district Bhlp Kentockian, Merryman, fm Havre Slat Feb, to HT Vennard let district 4 hip Oeiden Croaa, Fairbenka, fm Llrerpooi istb Jan, aad Belfast 3d Feb, ta Baxter, LotcII Aco ad diatrict 34 Ship Joseph Holmes, Hasaon. fm Antwerp 11th Jan, to Baxter. Lorell Aca 1st dlatrirt BbipCarlyle, Simpson, fm Liverpool (3d Jan, Tie Mllford naen I3ta reo, to neexer. Iknoa atco 3d district 49 Ship Orosimbe, Nickeraon, fm Orimsby loth Jan, Tin Dan cenrss 9 dsvs to master 3d district 39 BhipPaciac, day fm Hew fork, to A Cohen ta aismct Ship Far West, Bennett days fm New York, to 0 rvoooron atco lai aisinct Ship Dncle Joe. tWwall, fm Cardiff, Wales, S4th Jan, to master Point Swedish Bark Cbarlea Cottle, Prytts, fm Bristol, Eng.

In ballast, to master 1st district Span Bark Garetee, days fm Havana, la ballast, to master Point Bark Davis, Hand, fm Rio da Janeiro 23d Feb, to mas ter isiaurna xe Brlf Tsllalah, Hansen, fm Rio de Janeiro (3d Feb, to Sco iainan sa autnci is Bris West Indian, Cook, days fm Havana, to Paul Bondousonie Aco Sd district 19 Bchr Mason, Staples, dayi fm Grand Callon. to Sol den bow A Lesnanv Point Schr Emma Da Roata. Roach, Roach, days fm Pencacola, to master Basin STB aJIBAS. Florida, Hawx. fm Evansvilla Monarch.

Williamson, fm Cincinnati. A Andrew, 8mith, fm Red River Jno Blmonds, Smith, fm Memphla, erosne Tete. Groat, tm vViiliamaoort Tow boat A Whitmora, Whirmore. fm the Passes towed down and ta aea on tne 3d Inst shio John A Albert. nd bark Oceana brought ap ship Rentuckiau and bark Charles Tottie Tow boat Canqoeror, Brown, fm the Paean went down ngnt nrougat up snips Joseph Ho roes, cairyie, and brie West Indian TewDoat Star.

Whitney, fm the Passu went down light brought up snip uncle Joe, oark and tear Win Tow boat Ansio American, Martin, tm the Passe towed down sad to sea on tee Sd mat snip Jss Tltcomb and bar Cherokee brought up ship Golden Croat, bark i Davie end brut Tallulea Towaoat St Charlea Chambers, from ths Passes towed down and to sea oa the 3d tost ship St Peter, bark Lube, end brig A Stevens brought up ships Far est and Pacific Tow boat Ivy. Palmer, fm the Patau towed down and to see on the Tth tnst smpscnariemagne Mountaineer and bark Catalans brought up ship Oroxlmbo Belcw Com Ins no. Ship Wartemburg, McLellan, fm Liverpool 8th Feb, to vsnimey atco Bhlp John Wood. Mack, fm Liverpool Ota Feb, to Box ter, boveu avca Vhlp Clara heeler. Delano, fm Liverpool to Hart Aco ilpFereet Aing.

Bones, tm Uvsrpool sutn Jen, to Hart Aco Ship Sarah Mlnot, Wheiden, day fm Boston Cargo, iubt tons ica a s. aroer atco Shi Louisa Bath. McLean, fm Sunderland 9th Job Snip Bourns, Edwards, day fm Boston, to uewey Ship Felicia. Bella, fm Liverpool tth Jan, to Whitney Ship Saccast. Child.

devs tm New York to OWHya son Aca Hex Schr Brilllante, Espinola, I day fm Cam peachy and Bias, to a rernanoes atca EXTORTS. LIVERPOOL thtp Carnatlc soiS bales cotton LIVERPOOL Berk Annie Hodgman 4164 bales cotton lm staves LIVERPOOL Bark Mansonlta 697 bales cotton. 1482 bbis main. Soon stave STO 8b ip Thee Jefferson Sni 8 bales cotton BALTIMORE Bchr Gardner Sao bale, cotton. 110 ebds sugar.

I0M bdls and SKO hides, 40 pkgs mdse PEN 8ACOLA Scnr Harv Ellen bbla molasses, XOO aks corn, 7ft bbis pork, has cote BtUBii.K scnr rsecagoaia ism txs corn, li exs eecQM 188 bxs hhds tobacco, Sat lb marble. I aks all cake MOBLLE Bchr Block BoaaUM) bbla whiskey. 40 bbla Bquors, 4 bbla Oear, 41 aks corn, 34 aks oat. S3 kg lard, 60 pet bagging IMPORTS. NEW TORE thin Fac the Assorted mdse.

consilliees previously reported X.S.V iusBBaipiyica smnciinusv GB1MSBT Shle Oroxfmbo ton coal, order. RIO DE JANEIRO Bark Deris woo bet coflee to order. RIO DE JANEIRO Brie Tallelah S360 bet coflee. Nstban 1.1 KKfOOIy Ship Cartyle kito salt, order CARDIFF 6nlp Uncle Joe Railroad iron, order LIVERPOOL Ship Golden Crots 61 oko mdse to Ts'smnn A Dvssames SO Buntlogton ABruokt 49 OB (Jrsbsm 44 A MrLeoren lit Cramer Aro 7 Clark 3 Smith A Bro 44 Greenwood Bailey Sixer S3 Miller 7 Dougherty I Pierre Aco 61 A Bargain A Maiguao II Buddecke Aco St Banlett SO Carrtere as 8 Moore Aco Cramer Aco toCCGainea Ace HI Rell 1 MU'er A Son 89 Gaacbe 97 phis bware Brrdow A Wusthoff a do sroa lark. Itauffer Aco 6Wi do Hewee A la chaise no hdis ta Hk A Bro onodo Dc Blanc A Fan rheux pkgs eware Larouasini Aco 3 cks soda ash 100 bbla beer is3 pes stone Jss Druben 14 pkgs mdse ew tons coal oo bdla win 967 bxs tinalatc 146 tcs bbis soda aab to order HAVANA Brig West Indian IS caaea cigars Laborde A Xiquea I Vltde Surrex Uarel Jr7 Game A Mssicb 1 FRodewaid Aco I Moreno Bros Cabal irro A Basualdo BarelU Aca 1 Pritchard A Flower A Tardos 1 A A Kevins Aco 1 Guma 9 Gaut erin I do fin bxs do Matpeio I do 3 cases do bbis paper cigars Rivet 6 pkgs mdse 4 pipes rum Grlpi 41 bates tobacco a Costa 7XI risers Thomas a tobacco caaea cigars 10 bdlacedar boards and lot fruit, order HAVRE Ship Ken tecs lan 7 pkirs mdse Mallard 1 8 Zimmerman 7 Fischer 4 Marreaiiy 4 Jss Dick Hill A Jacqoet Boutrouc 4 Guerand 6 Marburg A Foster Mioton Aco 11 do SturteneSger A Eternod Lang 1 A Pepario Gaharuche li Babcork 1 A Del pit 3 RiCsjiss 4 Pilfet A Son 3 do nirnarn, Aioige aco i a iuaouttat i tiaao 1 rrots Albert 7 Moulor 3 BoulangerBco Pierre Ace Gsirjes Aco 1 Douasaa A Jaequier Cramer Aco Marks Aco Cabstlero A Basualdo 7 Guillot 18 Clostermann.

Tourne Aco 7 Plnserd Aco I Founier 1 Barrstln 6 Talamon A Dessome Elie A bsirsesnar 9 Earouate A Andre 4 Tricoa A ton 6 Rimailho Aco 1 Reiubart 6 Deynnodt Kobn Genera I Levi. Siuson Aco 19 Weiscfaser 4 Tsrdos eo Stelner A Merimd I Scbmfdt A Zetgler 1 Sanderson Henderson A Peale 7 Roeha I Aeiard 1 Grabem A Vnisain Haggerty, Bros Aco 1 Letchford Aco Uiqo I A Jam urn de Aock 3 Brrdow A Watthott 1 CT Bhddeeke Aco 6 do Hi enlg A Zeruecke ceses wtae Pierre Aco eo bskte do Gretiae, Commas re Aco 30 do Duntxe A I ken 60 do Fischer 86 cat. rks cheese Plaggio A Vuoc do Lenata Bros 4 do Brulat our 1043 burr stones Livinetton 16 pkgs mdse. order PER 8ACOLA Schx Emma De Basse 86,000 ft lumber Mnrrey Aco RECEIPTS UP PRODUCE. MEMPHIS Steamer Jno Blmonas 9.9 bales cotton to Bradley, Wilson cs 19 Cooper Aco 36 Watt A co Miller A Foreetler 47 Moore A VanCultn 67 do Gallasber 99 Greex a Crumn I Walker A Snider Brruggs, Donegan Aco 1 Nugent Aeo 1 hhds tobacco Fellowes Aco 904 sks oets to Bogan A Murphy 966 do dd Short Aco 49 sks corn Michell Aco sundries, order Totsl 676 bales cotton JEFFERSON Steamer A Andrew 37 bales cotton Regeley, Blair Aco so Plsucue Aco 16 Thompson 10 Cleveland, Bros Aco 3 West.

Rent haw A Carameck Miller A Forestler 8 Lowe Aco Wood A Low 6 Herdle Aca Lewis A Oelesbv A Tullv Aeo 9 8 Dounell Aco bbis pork Fellowes Aeo 00 hides eisnn co eondriee, order Total 1 so Dales cotton CINCINNATI Steamer Monarch 60 bhls flour 6 bbl beef 7 bxs tongue 90 tcs bams Bard, Caulfieid Aco 60 do 600 bxs candles 0 hhds baron 8 Wright Aco 33 bols lard oil 94 bxs beef Yoorhles, Gjiggs Aco 10 tcs hams Geddes 6 cks sides Oglesby A Marauiay 6 tea bams 3 Ik us mdse Connoly Ace 6 do 40 bbis beer Fisher 0 hhds tobacco Hoean A Murphy 8 tcs bams 6 bbis Boar 4 bbis whiskey to of bbis beer ung 63 bbis whiskey no bxs candles 31 bxs Cheete 16 bbis beef Grietf, Byrnes Aco 110 bbis whiskey 8 Kerfnedv Aco 10 rls lesther Bull. Ellis Aro 99 tee bams Dudley, Nelson Aco 67 rls leather VVelsbsai 19 do Mann Aco A tea hams Place FT heirs cotton Fellowes Acs 4 do Lowe Aco 76 bbis whiskey Queyroote A Langtdorff 3o sks corn to Twichell Aco 63 bbl whiskey 100 bxs Mod lea Rogers 10 bbis eggs 16 frknt butter DelBondlo 86 bbis lard oil 8 Kennedy co 6 do Laugblin I bxs tongne 6 Dolten A Son ison pee bulk meat 06 kegs lard Robertson A McDougall 646 bbis pork 10 tea hams Wallis sundries to tuudry ednsignees EVAN8VILLE Steamer Fuirida 37 hhds tobacco to Short Ace 37 do bales cotton Moore A VenCulin 300 aks rorn Hewitt, Norton Aeo 176 de 38 bbd tobacco Given, Watts Aeo 17 do Summers Aco do 100 bbis whiskey Campbell, Aco S4 'hhds tobacco Jo Turner 6 do Yeatmxn Aco 6 do Michell Aeo do Moise A Levy de 16 bxs po 904 sks corn Soery Aco 140 do West A Nettelton 611 do Rodewerd Aco 78 do 14 bbis pork 1 cks bacon 9 bbl eggs and 7 bbla flour Twichell Aco 188 do 8 Kennedy Aco 7 do do Oglesby A Mactulsy 413 do do Etbell Aco so pkgs marble Barelll Aoo 8 bales cotton Bradley, Wilson Aco 8 do Bendenen, Terry Aco hhds tobacco 66 sks core Lotspiech Aco 48 do Banxsmith pkgs mdse Pel Bond. 33 bbis pork cks bacon and sundries, order WILL1AMBPORT 8 teamer Grosse Tete 4 bis cottoa Nolle Aco 19 Carroll, Holmes Aco 16 Bragier II to Bel I acq, Nebtom Ac I Bread A Landry 1 hhds sugar Gordon Jr 8 do inn Mils I esses 0'Conneli 49do4S bbds sugar A MIKanberger Aeo 1 de. I DaStlvo Aeo to de Smith, Hsrris Aco 41 do Menard A Vlgnaad 40 do A I Montgomery 14 do 31 bbl molasses Bondoos quie 140 do 98 hf do Bogert, Foley A A rery sundries to order Total to balm cotton bade sugar gii bbl 68 Per H. Jooksoa and O.

BT. lUlroad. CANTON ts baies Warren. Gillmore Aco IS Psyne A Harris. 1 Thorn hill Ace 39 Robara A Allea 17 Byrne, Vanes Aco IS Harding, Abbey A Meeehead I Gordon Jr 14 Cutrer, Barriaon Ace 6 A May Aco A Oglesby to Rotchford.

Brown Aco l3ALevi Ace 6 Connelly a Chemplin West. Villere Aeo li to Cerrell, Boy Adam Ace tl Hrdl Aeo Winston. Morrison Aea a A 8 Ricks Aea XT Pritrbard A Flewer io do MeFtrland A Borkadale and sundries, order Total bole cottoa 4 Per If. rlotiVi and O. W.

PaflroaA, A8HE 8. CI'i bale eotrrn Yeatrran Aco .88 i lorer, i "lowiaro 04 otendemso. Terry Aeo 47 ceieoiaa, A Vi sces timm to Aco Aco Lsas Aco Mark Aco 8 Bail Aeo a fast gale large dsv. lost, off end the the or ra' rctssswr Ttv Tarleta. Wfclttni 5 11 fe BailttlT Tbompaoa Are I A i Tolly Aco Laca a Orieabr Neuoa ttoJ William Watt A ta BMLewcftca at hhdatniar LoMt A Ctiarpubnr iT da Jsrkaoa eee 3 do Laverleh Aea it 104 bbiBioiaM Menard A Vlgnaud laeda Belioca Noaloaa Acs I da BWilaoa aad aandriaa, ardor TatalIM aalaa cotUia bbd aaaar bbla BalauM CONSIGNEES VaraAra Par Weat.

fm New York Aabbw AIto Bock la CartM ur A Beqoie Brrdow A WaatboffiBlock. McAte Ao.J Carter Aco Byrne, Vanca Aca Caaminn Aea A Bronaaeaa Aeo Bull, EUl Aco Borraav Clarfe A rtcton Connoly Aco Cotrer. Harrlaoa Aea Boora A eo Connelly A Chaajplln Dadley. Nelaaa Aca Clkia Aco Cbampaane Dryer Aco Den man Ac A Doofherty Aro Folaer Aco a Fodir.k Frola Farley, Jarey Aco Fiitiraa, Conway Aco Pawlar rreanwiw qnai, aici, qiaaoea at aeuti Gnche Hawitt, Norton Aco Heald, Maaala Aca I Banaey Are Sreenwood Lloyd A Frteram Aco A Lotv Banerty LaU A Broa Hanrey Aca Jotanaon Lcicnr ra aca v. bowoor atco LellbUm Barbae Menard A Vlgnaad McrUeroy A Bradf lard Waa 1 MeGreaor Aco A Mav Aca Maius Catcbon, Howell Aco Marshall Aco McCleaa Obsr North, DotblU Aca Oaborna A Car rad In Bruce Pitnam Oliver Oglesby A Macaalay A I Paw A Harrison Prica, Converse skca Prevail Person Ace Robaoa A Allen Priestley A Beta Boosset A Benin Reel Sanford Bros A Schwab Shaw Aco Rives Battle A Nobl Smith Berofgs, Donrgan Aco Soery Aco ThomhHI Aca ornet smitD, name atco ama co arrea at Bhetby.

8ev moor Aco Slsrx. StaaiTer Aco Vincent Tfatele, Seller Aca Vredenbarxh Aco A Violett Aco Woodruff Aco Wilsoa, Pamroy Ace Woodman Wood A Low a Wbfney Aco Taad order. MEMORANDA. BaT The ship Illustrious went to aea yesterday ever Paa l'Ontra. (V The ship Northampton, hence, went to sea en the Inst aT The ship Golden Cross sailed In esmpeny from Bel with ship Ann Thompson, of Beta, Me, tor this por tT Capt Gadd.

of the ship Pacific, redoria having ex periimeod on the nth nit. In ths Gulf Stream, a heavy from 8 to WN W. tarns day shipped a heavy sea which stove water casks and filled the cabin, ceasing a quantity of water 0 go below. ear CaKt ansen. ef tbe brix Tsl lolah.

from RlcXSd Feb. reports tbe ship Calacoa. Caot BaSner. for thia port seme 1 Bhlp Sea Lion to nil same day for St Thomas la Spoken. By Capt Nlrkerson, of tbe ship Oroxlmbo, on the Tth off the Passes, ship Golden Eagle, Capt Stone, hence By Capt Simpson, of the ship Cariyle on tbe tTth alt tbe Greet Isaacs, ship Margaret, 73 days oat from Havre, for this pert Tex sib.

To sail oa THTIB8DAY, i4h at 8 A. BL U. S. MAIL LINE. fea SOUTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY For Galveston and Matagorda Bay The sapa Sob rior coppered and caooer fastened ateamahra CBAS.

MORGAN, J. Y. Lawless, commander, will sail at above, carrying the C. Mails. For freight or passage, having superior state room accommodation apply oa board, or to spio B.

PAYNE, ST Camp street, sir A steamship ef this Una will leave every Thoredsf Sunday mornings for the above porta. Brazet Hantittaies To sail on FRIDAY. April a. atS A. ts.

BOUTnERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY, i United States Mail Line For Biases Santiago vie Indlanola The sanerior Iran stnamahln ARIZONA, H. Dennisoo, commander, will sail as above, carrying the U. 8. Mai la For freight or passage, having elegant accemodetiona, apply on boaM, or to ap9 C. B.

PAYNE, ST Camp street. tar A copy of the new tariff of reduced rate will be tarnished to shippers on application. Verm iram. To sell on FRIDAY, April 18, at SAM. run.

veba o. a stall Line Tbe superior coppeied end cooper fasU asteaanshlD TENNESSEE. Thm.rorhea.naa xaaodst, will leave for Vera Cms as above, punctually, carrying ths U. Mails, For freight or passage, having elegant accommodation for cabin end steerage faaai gera, apply to spa B. TATNE.

67 Camp street. Bar The Tennessee will leave New Orleans regularly ea let and 16th for Vera Crux, leaving the latter part ea 8th and nd. Key Hen, To sail on FRIDAY, April 14, at A. M. FLORIDA U.

8. MAIL LINE. FOR KEY WEST, VIA PENSACOLA, i Apalachirola, St. Marks, Cedar Keys, Tampa Bav and Manatee Southern SteamshlD Com panyThe new end superior coppered end copper festeaed steamship GALVESTON. W.

H. Hutcbings, will leave ea above, carrying tbc U. Mails. For freight passage, having superior stateroom accommadsiiora, apply to apo B. PAYNE, 87 Camp street.

aT Freights to ApaJachlcola and Tempo Bey subject to lighterage at steamer's expense, but et the risk of the consignee. 8T freight received without aa order. FOR CLIFORNlA The Isthaaao ef Tehaastepee. Balls oa TUESDAY, ltth at A SL Th 8 Mall steamship COATZ ACOAL COS, Wilton, commander, trill leave her a V. t.

above. with the California mails aad oatsenecre. Vor havine surjerlor aocom sodatlons In the first and second cabin end steerage, epply at tbe office of the LOUISIANA TEHUANTEPBC CO apS 46 Carondeiet street. New Terk. rim Havaaaw Te soil on TUESDAY, ltth Inst at 9 A M.

Tbe D. MalltteamshtpCJUAACaCITT, I R. W. Bbefetdt. commander, will leave her twbert at the feet of Bt, Jaeeoh street, for New York, touching at Havana, as aaove.

Far freight or pottage, having superior state room accommoiistioas, apply at the office of the LOUISIANA TEHUANTEPEC BpS 4t Carondeiet street. Ualyeatow and Jiagr Bay. Te sell oa MONDAY, lltb AoriL at 6 P. M. U.

S. MAIL LINE SOUTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY I For Galveston and Mataeorda Bav Tha keunerior ceoDarrd and corner fastened eteem hip TEXAS, ft. Wilson, commander, will sail ae aaove. carrying tbe United State. Mail.

For freight or passage, having superior stateroom occonunedatloa, epply en beard, or to apt C. B. PAYNE. 67 Camp street. SaT A steamship of this line will leave every Thuradag and Sunday mornings for tha above porta, New York cV rbariewtoa Pieman hip L.loeH IbKUUvH ICR El B.

Pmm Montgomery, Alsv, to New York .9 00 a. Atlanta. Oa. Bt no Aagusta, 04 Can be bad on application at the Railroad. SOT Ticket Offices ma each point.

rite ttDDCiD. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STDB wheel O. A Moil steam. nips, through la to 080 boors. ateamship COLUMBIA, isoo tons, Berry, eomr.

NASHVILLE, 1800 tone, M. Merrey, eomY JA8. ADGER, I sno tons, R. Adams, com 'r. MARION, lno tons, W.

J. Foster, com Leave Adger Wharf every WEDNESDAY end SATURDAY, at blgh water. Tbeae stesmebip were all built expressly for that Une, and lor safety, speed end comfort, ere unrivaled oa the coest. Tables supplied with every luxury, attentive aad courteous commandera, will Insure travelers by this Une. Every comfort, having elegant stateroom oecommoda tlo.

For freight pwtge, eprry to HEN BY MfSSROON A corner ef East Bey aod A tigers South Wharf Cabia Psw ge. 1 mr New Ialaael Kaate te Teasve. D. B. MAIL LINE Twenty four boars' time saved, end the risks end ammovl forte of a eee voyage greatly diminished.

ny oe STEW ORLEANS, OPELOUSAS AND G. W. RAILROAD TO BERWICK'S BAY. The new and splendid line ef tTEAMSHIPl, all built expressly for this trade, arlth superior stateroom accom moaatiotia for psssengere. LEAVING THKEE TIMES A WEEK.

MONDAY, MATAGORDA, to Sabine Past and Galvestoev WEDNESDAY. ORIZABA, to Galveston and IndianoU. 8ATURDAT, MAGNOLIA, te Galveston and Indianol. Carrying the U. 8.

Mailt. Th ferry running to tbe Railroad leaves the landing, foot of Tool street, nearly opposite Jackson Square, at 7k o'clock In tbe morning. Tickets may be ehtained and atateroorna aero red et th Railroad omce, corner of Bt Peter end Levee streets, opposite Jackson Square, dally and at the depot, before the departure af tbe Texas train i BENJ. F. FLANDERS, Secretary.

New Orleans, April Sd 1869. Fr Tbe eteomthip AMERICA, a eke new ties. 1 at fot of Harmoay erreet. Fourth DWCrict, tA built In ISM. ef oak.

and well fastened i wat thoroughly repaired last fall, end now to complete order for bushiest. Capacity about torn barrel, and drawa 7 feat loaded, end with M0 barrels only 6 feet. She carries hogsheads ea deck, end bat remarkably flne oecommoda tion for stock. Tonnage 87 0A For term, Ac, apply to WOOD a LOW, mvn 87 Natch street. DANCING IBS Carondeiet etreet.

Mr. A Mrs. ANGELINA respectfsily Inform the public that tbeir Dancing Academy will be open until JMK the 1st of June. They cell the otteottoa of the amateur of Dancing to tbe elegant anibeaotila SBBl Quaxtille ths Prince Imperial," which made ol furore Id Pari end induM ably will be deoced tbia eem mer at the fashiaoeble spring Msaicawsaie at at. Eli A Cha aignac'e, 78 Chartree street.

op6 ltl BlBa'e DeBsvr'e Daaelaa Aeae1eav, BSt Boxoane etreet, between Girod and Jalla etiweta. serB Tbe Ladles ef New Orleans are respectfully tn 1 toformed that tbe above Academy erul opoa ea Vi WEDNESDAY, Nov. at, when all th taabawiaM tV Dances will be toaeht. atxaV Ladies Monday, Wsdsuoday and Friday, bom i to is, and 4to to ek. Uldren.

Taeeday. Thursday aad Baturday. from 4t to Prtvau Ltssous Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from lo) to tit. lir Tenne Iodies, 81 per month CbJldraB, td, paid ta advance. Twerve leesone to the moath.

tor "me DeBer eon be eeea at her Academy any day, fTomlQHtotH.andtsi toeia. aol tf Geleler tfc C. CELEBRATED CHAMPAGNE, I mm rial Brand, tm quarto, piste aaa half pjnta Botooeeot, ED. BEGOUEN mhio lm Mo. 14 Carsndslai stiee 1.

Iteaiaaata. thb bank op jajaeb kobb cjxtck ea 1 J14 tf Far Baie et PHrmta Bala, A ata I BLACK SMITH. Apply to SL V.wNIbV via af ia (Sal Va 101 It, Caariee sue, rif) OT8TEEA Tha bom to Be i outbern wquii't. LIU CORt Th tmeat exaime to Be anywhere, olway to ho Baa at this OS No' a. TTTE hVt re Store a.1 Trhoupirnala etree 7 two doc brio 0r 1 ner mm.

Bi tfB ess i BOOUIi 1 IB ttCaUtaM ply Li 1 on will oT at ew KsUUCt rn.C0m: ieaww9r Vr r.T HIPS SHIPS. 4 EOREIGN'PQRTS. jTl jJunuon Tba Al ery raat aaffiM la. ahip FAALaTiea7aaVrV bTin a lara part mi bar caa Ad indiei f.ry Ucbt wta ban taaaaadakUaaapat Fat trUgla ef lobacc apply to Far paaaata, bamnf anpert n. inanaliraa aa.

tatbacaptaiaaabaard, Faat ta. Pint D4artEi7 ijt xaiaw TOR BLA8SO Th Al Rt4tl.hl Bkaaa.t L4 A at A Of ITA a waaa tm aa aai weini awf a9vaea, awm ra man nd will i apply ta ioavdlae and will bare frdctator .4.16 C. lEintCTR IS Oiaihii Hiaat. FOR GLASGOW Only The fast aau. tug American ship MAR I A ADEUNsV Wana.

aassxasAmaater, la now loading far the above opart. Vat passage otuy, apply is tne captain aw aias ssbt s. r. WHITNET A COSS Bsvaaasv. TOE BOWDEAUX TbeAl CastsatUag Amert.

ss sarsiruroki xjaraaara, master, as now laadiae and mill hua Ammmmti balance of freight apply to BAXTER. LOVELL A CO. a FOR BORDEaUX The Al feat sailing Amert can ship ARaTHON, Vsndycke, master, I now loading with despatch. For psssage only apply to master eet boerd. or to eps MEERER, KNOX STGravWe.

Jftt FOB BORDP.AUX The Al American ehlp r5 WAB A8H, Parmton, master, ia aew leading Per "freight apply to BAXTER, LOVELL A CO board! hrlB Prtor areemmedatimts, epply DOMESTIC PORTST" New YwrlL. ii rR NEW TORE Tbe fine fast stillng brig sx.i.ia Aran, miles, msster, (Beef Market.) la enow ani k. iih w.i i tail Lu a few dajt. For balance of freight or pastas epply to POOLE A SB Maglsins tV OP" corner of Puydree. VOUR The vary test satllag brig UEHOB8E, Bmitb.

meater, ie new loading and swill have Immediate desrjatr.b. Foe fri.Kt umi. mbsif to A JONE8 A CO 1 Grevter atreei tsT ror passage apply to the captain ea board, Pos Second District. Xv.rOR NEW TORR Halmes's Une of Packets The fsat sailing regular packet ship SULTANA, aasaasBrT. A.

Barrett, master, la now loosing and trill be immediately For freight or pessege, having ps Kcomnwaauons, apply to tne refrain oa ooard, Post 34. opposite the Vegetahle Market, Second District, Jit FOR NEW YORK Tbe very fast sailing reg celar packet sbp LIBERTY, Bead. Atkins, msster, the principal part of her cargo engaged end will have immediate despatch. Foe balance of freight or pessege epply aa board, at Post IT, First District, or to mh99 CREEVT k. FAEWELL.

37 Nate hex street. Charlea Uib. FOR CHARLESTON. A Th. verv fast sailing regular packet schooner B.

p. STONEY. Berimen. master, la now koadlna. and will hava quick despatch.

For freight apply to ape JONEI A CO Gravmstreec. Agents hi Cbaile ton, Messrs. Holmes A ttoney. Balttrnare. FOR BALTIMORE Regular Ltne The Al dfTilfsst si sailing pecKet eng iALLUL.d, Was.

m. ss sbS. Plusamer. master, having moatef her cereo en. gaged will have despatch.

For balance of freight or pa. sage apply to apv GEO. W. HYNSON a Ceaxp at. FOR BALTIMORE Resular Lins Thanst selling packet schooner EW.

GARDNER Boone, master, bovine most of her rarro eweaaed will have quick deeretch. For balance of freight apply aa board; at Post 19, Second District, or to op GEO. W. HYNSON CO. St Camp street.

PhllaeelDhteu FOR PHlLADELPHiA Regular Line of Packets The regeler pocket berk 8ARAGOIIA, 1 wi i. mm vwsv ll will have quick despatch. For beiaaae of ireigbt or pasts apply to ap GEO. W. HYNSON a CampeA 3T FOR PHILADELPHIA Louisisae Line The atfyai fast sailing Al packet schooner WEST DENNIS, oa aB)tadiTt matter, being of very smell capacity, will bave Immediate despatch.

For balance of freight or passage, having elegant accommodations, apply to mnai COHEN M. tORIa, 14 Carondeiet etreet. FOR PHILADELPHIA Resular Une Packet. iTbe Al fast sailing pocket berk STAR, Smith master, havine most of her cars aosaicd will oars oespatcn. ror oaisnce oi rreignt apply to mb9 GEO.

W. HTNSON A 83 Camp st. Beeteav. JTKt FOR BOSTON The Al berk WAVERLT, e11 Thorn psott, master, is now wading aad will have aaaBfcdeapatch. For freight or ptetege apply to ep6 T.

a JEN BUN 8, 11 Gravisr street. FOR BOSTON Deorh Lin Tbe Al very CSV Whitmaa. aasa fast sailing packet ship VENICE, Wbiti having portion of bar cargo engaged aad beineof all capacity and very light draught, wul asset arlth De detention at the bar. cot tea booIt to ror ireigut et near aaa ap 8 JONES a 91 Gravler etreet. FOR BOSTON Rivere A Co.

Reguler Dee i patch Une Draws only 13 feet loaded The A cllooer berk SCIO. Ewer, master, will have dra pe) rh as tbore. For freight of too bbis. pock or floor eppiy rk to apl n. USjOTSj Gravler ex.

FOR BOSTON Reeulsr Live ef PKkvta Th i Al new packet bark ATLAS, Bartlett, master, bavins moat af ner rareo entaeed will have euick despatch. For balance ef epply to mh9 GEO. W. HYNSON A 8 Camp et. tSacj FOR BOSTON The Al ehlp LUNA, Tools S.

nn. master, aril I have immediate dewatch. For freisht ar aaol aw hward. at Post SO. Fb vt District, or to Bb37 T.

C. JENKINS. 1M Gravler etreet, FOR BOSTON Elvers A Co. a Regular Dea patch Line The faat salting light draught a BBa.M. WM.

JARVIR W. Ballard, master, to aaw loading aa above end will hav despatch. Far freight of pork, Boar and certoa apply to mbi WM. J. DEWEY.

88 Gravier street. Far Sale. Frelrht er Charter. jtiX The Al celebrated Baitlm re Upper brig TAL fwTLLLAH, bortbrn rro ton, earrie. SMO BO sud a aasBain compl te order tor any voyage.

Apply to ope GEO. W. HYNSON A as Casta at. Kwr HtUo, Tl The fast Bailing trbooner P. BROWN, tt tons Lj rexitter.

built ia ortb Carolina la first rote saUBC. ordar. and ready lor any eoyaee. Can be seea at tbe New Basin. Por lull particular, appiy to oahlg BLE88EY A Peydres Far Idtue.

Tbe superior, fast sailing bark 8ERAPINA, S4W eTowsltons burthen, cepectty trino barrels flour i safls ia sood order, pert oewi copper fastened and new Ti now reony lor w. or terrns apply tn lo GEO vr. tt iejrs K.KJ. ea v.srop mcrvru Far ataiia. Tbe new.

feat sal line sioon vacbt "Ramd." 40 tret tang. 16 feet beam, 3 tout burrbet Price, teiooo. ADolvto W. A D. CROUHART.

138 Common street, Far eteilA. A cboics lot af Carnage Buggies end Hsr nest meoafacturvd Illinois of the best Eastern timbet from New lerse end Penn sylvenlo, end were msde for home stack t. be from the two failures af crops In that State, are offered for sal la tbls city. Livery men aad, psrties wishing ts purcb te ere perticalerlv invited to examine them. They are ell wer eoted.

In tbe lot ere two Cerriases which took the First eed Second Prea.ium at the Illinois State Fair, tep ten.ber, lsf alt onoopea Beggy whica took the Second Premium. Tbey can be re en et Uncle Sam's Warehouse, ea Levee street, between Nortrs Dame and Jail, where te aader. tlgnrd en be foand. I would refer to E. K.

Converse. op. 6t G. A. SMITH.

For Hale. A LABGE TWO STORY FRAME BUILDING. situated at the Lakeend, opposite Batoa Bt, Jehu. 1 here ore eisht rooms In the melo bulidlnc. betdea kitchen and out bouses in tbe rear also, a Ten Pin Alley 117 tret king, nearly new, and in very good order.

Tbe ansle booae a covered with s'ates and tbe place well provided with cistern end tanks. Tbe piece is ander fence, and Is very suitable for a garden For farther informs tloa and liberal terms, spply to SCHMIDT A ZTEOLER, lm Old Levee street. Stray eel, Jf From the Feen Stare No. Poydras street, one JLamftbay HORSE, 164 hands hieh, years id, ong mane and tail i bad on when strays a hemp ad stall halter, feet very large from not being shad In a long while Anyone returning sold Horse te the above place will be liberally rewarded. E.

A DAVIR roydret street, opyi 3tr between Pew Levee end Fulton street. WlnahlB'a PATENT SELF VENTILATING REFRIGERATOR, Fot piexerviag Meats, Game. Fab, Fruit, Vegetables, Ac, Ac TH enderstgnrd are agents for tbe tale of the above Refrigerator, and invite the public to call aad examine It This Refrigerator It new used bv famiiiea thraaeb out tbe Soots, eid be beeo thoreugniy tested by scientific men, ei tbe result has in every instance beeo setie factory. Article of strong sud unelesssnt odor est be Slecedln the prevision chamber tagether with the moet elk etc tubstsncet. withint any possibility of communicating their Severe me with another.

It to lined throo shoot wilb sine thereby preventing tbe absorption of those oeentive ooort net are lnarpareoM irons any msioe tar face of wood. For sole, wnol sale and retail, by' AUSTIN A GOODWYN, Sign of tbe Golden Coff Pot, op 3m corner Front Leva, mum Cattomhaass at. i'aeely far Expert. BODGKTNS'8 KNICKERBOCKER CANDY; ROCK CANDY, (BO coarse pieces, no dost;) JUJUBE PASTE, (print article t) GUM DROPS, tot. pacAaetsxkl6TiiboxMi FANCY CASDY.

184 Greeaeieh street. New York THOMAS HO DO KIN 8, Maoxfacturer. Thee good have been favorably known threugheat th. States during a period of treaty eight yeara They hav proved eminently Bt for the Boo them market, aad are farntsbed at the meet reseenekle term for cash only. Bar Caut'en See that th boxes art branded HodgUa Man.

facta rer." mhla HERRING'B PATENT CHAMPION sTtra a Bel Bare larwPvaar Maftoa. TX7TTH Hall's Patent PVwar preof Locks, tow eaaw that wera aarardad aeparate medal at the Wsridw Pair, London, imi, and th World Fair, New York, iwA and are the only American tiuaarer awarded at the London World Fair. Theee eefes form tbe tneet perfect eeeertty aet are and burglars of any safe ever offered to thepuooc ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD yXat to any pereoa that eea show that a Champlou Safe ever fahad te wamrv Me ooatenst la on accidental are. Barker end The oubecrlber otoo assaufBctore efl xinso, of BMier aa Chilled Irea Bank Cheats aad Vaiet. vaor.

Tl, toxee. er Cheats tsr Braesra, ior Paste. Diamond, and other va OlI'MO a a. a Ajrent T. T.

E.ZWARD Rea 'CNTY FIVA JVih; T.adeejwd. la Bway frrrr to ml February th twurrw apply "Tr? ef" bar toe Assamptteo. m. 4 aheat to or a veors. CrvT.

1LJli a A color an! l.d i owe eye. HJiTI endeavoring to retar theee. lmair "IJiJSri bJV'u for bn deii.ery mawywf. tltmiW hcwi 2 Iffon 1 ir t. SHIPS SHIPS.

FOREIGN FOR LITE POOL The vtt fwt aintu Al 3 aa.apaw iap aa aa, a wr HI A.M uaor. mm rtio, fa, tU aoe pa'JnTI va Lif aiek. isaani. tj aw rrM ew CEBETT A Faawtli! 1 ar exa A. FOtDICK.

apt Wattaat awaat Via, FOR LrVFRPOOU Th al iaat suilas kjmmrC 5ean ship JOHN FATTEN, Jarvla PattasL wesr aw Isadmc tsr tbe ebeve beigbi J. p. a HUB El CO. MCaiwaaolHet'' FOR UVeR POOL Tew Al fast eaWa irsssBm susiasLis. n.

win nswa tmeaadiato dsapatcB sAove. Fsrfrcint a FlRWEXUMNateaatst. sets JEKBINA It rariarsrre. FOR LTVF.RPOOL Tba Al fas saiUaa AsaasV. I can eoip vuLAnl, Bray, mastar, at now taaatsg tor the above sort.

For trelehi aoM So 1. P. WHITNE1 A Canwdcietss, tsT Par passage eppry ta the captain eo board. i FOR LI EE POO Tbe Al Hgbtdrafht. fast 'atilln.

American rahto JAMES R. REE LEA. I wawiiin mester. Is bow Loading, aad ertH baveeotcA I qaick dnpatca. ror freight of 400 bales cottoo, I BVAATEA, IAJ VaMJs ACO.

Ul FOB LI VBRPOOL The new Al very fastsaS tng light draught America ship LAFAYETTE, owauBBgoale. master, bavins a laraa nart af bar ears ord will have ImnaMliaU despatch. For freight af B. JONES A CO 1 alrswtaTstia t. or T.

C. JEN BIN A BaPFor apply to the captataea sward. Post Pint 'strict. FUt UYEkPOOITh. a ll.k, a ua a.

uastiis, wiawo, meeter havloe a laraa nark af a TjTii very quick detpatca. For freight of 600 teAsscottce, apply to SPA ONEI a Ol Orlmr wmTTvrx a Boards Pom as, Tkwd Utict. IIVB BAA mmwvu saa ai very real aninn flsht draught Aateriraa shia B1R lOHri Goult. master, la ehove port and wul meet with prompt despatch For avsveajs aUWIf SrW mbto MEEKER. KNOX ST Gravisr e.

mm rw mw i JSuL FOR UVERPOOL The Al fast salline aod Hrrit dreosht Americas ship ELIPHALET us REELEY. Cutter, mastae. la sss wli a i vim sasva pvuanpt oeapatcn. is freight apply to i MEERER, KNOX A 7 Gravler st, Far psmege apply to master eg board. FOR LIVERPOOL The Al light draught and fast sailing American ehlo SEA A1NQ.

Barker. aDiaarer. ss now iiaaniiis ana anil sa i in. iu. taW la, Mi tar For Ferfreisht eoelvto KNOX a 87 Bravler sL apply to FOB LIVERPOOL The eeiendid Al vars fast eaillngjieht draught regular packet ehlp (LAR VULll ittMS part ef her cereo enxaeed rrmvm.

ailM, B.lUf tmrWM and going oa board will have bxmrdlau dsspatca. For freight of sno bales cotton apply mhso to A JONES A CO, 91 Gravler (tV taT Pw pastes apply on hoard. Past ea. First District. FOR LIVERPOOL The Al very fast sailing si acav.wup auissu, aniungoaox, i meater.

hav. ing a large pert of ner cargo ea. smau capacity ana very won at ue oar. mhso Forfreis A JO BoT Per paaa Third District. apply to the captain en beard.

Feet 48 FOR LIVERPOOL The Al debt Ass. ncas amp 'amu vnuiun, Bryan, to aow leading seat will gave despatch. Fori apply to H. ASHBRIDGK NEPHEW, iso FOR LTVERPOOL The Al tmm. alHu ormagns aa snsp vasawn xsttSBaJr spbww looaisg tor frsisb af eattaa bddIv to nihil J.

WfcUTIIET CW For apply to tbe captaio ea board. Ajl FOR LIVERPOOL Tbe At Ught draught fast sailing American snip atalauta, wutmore, aBB sBBbsasater. ia now loadioe and will nave despetco. Per freixht ef eon bele cotton acrotv to mbto BAXTER, LOVE1.I. A CO.

Aj. FOR LIVERPOOL The Al at Llavd ten afwrlebt drouebt bar GRACE, ttowe. msster. Is new bbsssbbb loading at Post 33, tint District, aod will hava mmemaet aespatcn. ror rreigat oe poatage apply to x.

m. jansaaisa, Growers! FOR LIVERPOOL The verv tm. mUUmm Al Aasericea ship BOLYROOD, Jevdoo, eaaateB, to toaaiag tor aaove port ana wul aav inv gior to above port and will hava troieto etsoercn. ror rreignt sppiy to mhsi MEEKER. KNOX ST txresjier.

mw rer peeitgi epply te FOR LTVERPOOU Tbe Al Mcbt draueht a est ta Una Amor ship WM. WIRT, swtyttvroTta avast er. is bow loadlns lor toe ooeve port end ill hare rm mediate despatch. treiaht aaolv to of MEEKER, KNOX A Wt3rev1er street, er COHEN M. SORIA.

14 Carondeiet street. SaT For piwige apply usastav aa aaara. sahs Ajl FOR LIVERPOOL To Al fsat tailing Aavsri afteyScaa ship SEA FLOWER, Tbocabiil. maatsr. Ie a aananaw ready far cargo end will bave quick despatch.

rsr Tviaat as aw nates awo oprv to mh9 BAXTER, LOVELL a CO. FOR LIVERPOOL Tbe Al Hefat draaaht 1 1 IAU IllVil I au wnx. a. r. bare ins a laree sort of her care.

ennard. vui aav aaapaiea ror oaiaace or rreurut, apoiy aa J. AIHBRJD4.C A NEPHEW. Bar 10 Goota Am FOR LIVERPOOL Tbe very fsat sailing Al SW mSL I. SliWITlf 1ST a i a u.

1 1 am. aatBBBBabavlog tbe greater part ef her cars ravaged trill meet sua prompt oespatcn ror DO'enee of rrrignteppry snail to sia sv, anvx et iv. ei errav ar I aav Far passage ar Hy to FOR LIVERPOOL Tbe very faat aelllng Al Sl.D.a.UB 5 laa ina. Hup wU WC, ii r. iter, to Bow loadin fnr tha above aarx.

aad wi.i nave immeoiate ooepaacn. rer rreignt er pea having elegant accommodation, apply oa Board, er otb36 CREEv A FARWELlstoWa FOR LIVERPOOL. The Al very Hah draught, fast sailing American ship ST. CHARLEA Coa wev. mester.

bovine tbe xieeter ear af cars en eee ged will mtet wtth prompt despatch. Por belsnre of freLsht anolv to ta a mm a aaa, a M.Br.a. nrA ,11 orsriirB, orie i. awutuir l.u.,si nsacnessc ar For pssaaac apply ta mater on board. atht jyA FOR LIVERPOOL The Al very faat Baiting Americaa ship NORM AN DY, Tyler, SBseter.bav a sBng a large pert af her cargo engaged will meet With quick despatch.

For balance of freight apply to nMD MEERER KNOB A 07 Oieistl tusei. sT For passage apply to master oa board. FOR LIVERPOOL The Al faat aailinx. lleht dreugnt Amercan ship EXCELSIOR,, bmaaUr. I now reedy lor car so.

and will nova lat mrdiate despatch. Por freight ef SoO bale cottoa, "m'StS BAXTEB LfVELL A CO jrx. FOR LIVERPOOL The Al bark UNION, Devte, raster, will have hnmerta'e dtspatca. aa eWtbs wr freight of too bales cotton, appiy to mot T. JENRIN8.

IMGrsvlevsttwet. FOR LIVERPOOL Th Al fseteeiline Ameri cea ship ARNO, Deering meater, la now leading for tbe above eort For fieisht aoolv to mh3 J. P. WHITNEY A 36 CarotvteW t. BaT For passage apply to th captaia ea beard.

Post 61, Fourth District. FOR LIVERPOOL Th Al fsst sail ins very flight draught American ahip BlLLE OF THE OCEAN. Beed. mester. is now loading and will nave Imtaediate despatch For freight ef 600 tela cottoa aptly tn mhsl BAXTEB, LOVELL A CO.

FOR LIV a POOL The A I auttaiUna Ameri can shio COMMODORE, Is, msster, Is now oi'Oding 'or tor anove port, rer ireiget eppiy to rsifl J. P. WHITNEY A CO 36 Ceroadelet et taT For esssage apply to tbe captain aa board, Past 87, Third District. ijj FOR LI ERPOOL Th Al light draaght and y'; fast sailiug Amerlcao ship MILtn, Badger, mat a ssatteT. to bow loading for tbe above pert, and will bave prompt dr.

p. eh For eight app'y to mux. Bttatt, anvs For ptmage apply te sateron board. FOR LIVERPOOL Toe Alltghtdn ssrfat shis 8EHA8TIAN CABOT WUti master, having meet oi ner cereo ensaeeu. wiu aqvouesootcn.

gov rreigw et oeu oeies rsusn, appit to mh 3 GEO. NeHJK A 8 Corns st. or to R. W. DEAN.

Ceroadelet etreet. Am. POR LIVERPOOL Tbe Al light dreegtit (oat OfwSg. selling Amertcaa ahip CHAA A PEN fi ELL, a sBBte Mrlcl er. master, to bow lowllng aad trill hart uespatco.

For truant appiy to mbiS BAATEsV UOVBlil, a sjtm. FOR LIVERPOOL The Al light draught American shis CHIM B0 RAXOl Gilehrlst. master. barms a laree part af her car so ensae sad i od oc smalt ea "welly, wm nave lameuiate eeapaeca rsr fi eight of too bole cotton apply to tntii A CO tl Gravler tar For passtgt appry to the captaia ea board. Pes 8.

Plst District Jj. FOB LIVERPOOL Th epieadid. w. AJ arwoft Hght draught aad eery fast aalllngehlp RICHARD sefb 8. ELvTuvlngstoae, master, to mmm will have deeneUh tor tbe above sort.

For seeoceef WREEYY A FARWELLJ bj BaT For Beasage, having enaun wasdoems ht for raain end second eehls psssengars. aptF on aoora, raet 4aqTiira uistrc a SAB I ITT.D DOll Tl LIVER POO 1 irsT. a L. assa. A very last sung eraxurlcaa able JOSBFH aa sbls Jl' ZT ah.

llcbrmt, mr. to am. TTj TZl "ZTia wtcb. rrfrigotetw rLTJr "L.flVo. anox a i Gravisr at.

win Por j. as saw eo 1 hee cars saeBO wihl apply tbe oa beard. Peat Bar War First 15 frba Al hefat dnsurht Bit 7Z FOR UV POO fc A 1 very Hgbt draaght "mmR1 lB WfllL sf EBr WWH A aaw a iw SOVa aasmaam wprsjBBsj) Krittl abip ROSALIE, tut'oe, oxastar, to OaW flIg 1" i i. a Joli uTDcTuNa fasw welal Ptoee, BsUU, tm tCO efttstaa ins TIBftll AVI kd A A I WA FOB LIVERPOOL The Al very st sailing Tit draagfat Aa sHc a ship BEVLjtCC Pr srar Irvent wrww to f. A KN 0X a CO, 7 thaeler st.

eeaeag apply to etostsr oa beard roa irviRrooL Ths at at iieH ttUk tn'. ahibsj Aadrtif, ms eer, to bow om. i and Oul i FmsreigKT er to T. i mo ua. master, to rea ta receive ctq eaa trk demote lot yavrQJi A CSV Til bsra part of T.

freteht of bavs qoica awl a JONES A 1 tr er tea IV I lvera.fc,. VOX UVTEclkL Si i salliig t.i at masta, aavtag ail her cart, rsiseed. il a lr thrsbswprt ew or aawut ta ism. Pe mm baviag supensr acesmsisilatoBS (or aM thirty r4e pwsragua, aptxy eabaard. Post rir I 'net, arv epJ BAATCa.

tOiLu. FOR LIVAhPOOL Tt fast a. in Al l. n. jabvia ex.

w. ir, am ee, gai Hi a art at her car, aa tsar a. I far b. is nr. of fn aorxy sole j.

ss AiriSi.ios. A iTTTW. tarThssabaes ship Is water when loaded. Bar Taw shove ship Is gssranlsad not ts drao IS 4. XI.

JS. "I t. FOR LIVES POOL Tke Al iwuMrl b. hip JAMES CsiEATON. Brvew, aavr.

Sua haUM ta tr r. trsJxfcl ml which aows ta ep.e j. a. AtSBitrDeB a irr' FOR LIVERPOOL Tba AJ sata ambaXL ntaster. having aearit au ber cm LolBtaaterKheeepatrk.

far ea ta i. B. ASiltaiioI A FOB I FOR UVrRPOOL The Al tMt PLbUADAA. HsiLBaasv. aaw above part.

For fr iyhtar ta ae strew J. P. WHITNEY Co ta cad st. Third Daartex epaiy to reptetn mm fast 42. Far freight wTw BAXTXa LOVELL CO.

r.V rrwia Al teet sauiag wt jywsi wis rirritiu, Dixry, maarar. is mm luauina lor ta ahava anrt. a a ku ik.i a. SB is aT Per aeaaaga apply tr Til apisi aa jTtA FOR Li ISPOOL Al fast satu.s Ai ar jean ship tOOTER JOHNS rotiaa, aaa Isedhia for the a set son. r.

spwr to epa r. WBl. it a i tst. Far pasasaye. ssply ta ta.

rarwa aa ara. FOR LIVERPOOL Tha Al fat axillae bru idraaght Aavertoaw ship CARNATIC, leiecs aesaatar. la is issdlss ts toa Bark, arssgus ef cotton aaexy aa aavUv i nihSl J. J. P.

WBitNEY a CO MCwsadslMstjwea. Peri esvrytotoo FOR LIVE RFO The Al Hefat dra sole FAA hLI! HATI SS BS lMwtm ama sHJ ta. Sn.a despatch. Fw tratghtef SOS ba" eattaa oonry BAA TAX. LQVia 4 CO.

FOR LITE POO LTb. ay sb 4 is Al e' nT abip HARRAEEBET. i I i.b. it, 'r Part her tea eagaead end betns al Hi bt dreuxbt. will have aa 4si aa tk.

a. Aeiebt sf sOO hales cottvs sem. t. xon mmmmmrm 3 A CO. 1 arravMv ts, First District, FOR LTVERPOOL The Al vy ar.

A 1 aw eoip CHARLES lislvl. 1 hevina laraa Bart, of mmr earea mr i siidiaeslu*t, sua rnwram ee ssaau capacity aaa vary urn SB With BO Sttantlaw sA tha bae. we I ef tut bales catts t. annls ka suo abulias a ertr rs. First jTHa FOR LIVERPOOL TVe very ft aa.ig Al aT htp CHARLES FAR WELL, ui.ama, n.

aBS sbtrT, baa oeariy all her carp engaged aad ar, ta prompt iaapeii A Par trelgbt ef see baas eatvoe or aa. age, having etegant ers esaiiiadaHorw, apr ty mm Board, mw itttti riiitixUKiiaUMSi or MEEKER. KB OX A Greets a the FOR LIVERPOOL Tbe Al at Liovas in nj ehip ELT1ABETH A. BkifiHT, Htcraw, bssvk, iaadlaa Bad will have bwmaii.sis Saapsii a. Fsr freight appiy at TOO" Pit arte BAXTs R.

iL A CO. 21 FOR LIVERPOOL. The Al Hsht 4ru. I a 1 kablv fast saiilas A rrlcm bui 1 7 HODGMAN.flvbrr. master, ts aaw ortll have Immtdloe dawparrh.

foe ''St JSAAAXR, KvA A 07 irranse tir et. ar Par aassasa sibIiIsbi.j aa k.n Porte Prior J.l FOB PORTS AU PRINCE. HAYTT BaftiBW af" TEmlgratioB Coorpaay The fsst avoiiog cniwst ai aia I iiacket bark ELLEN MORRItOSL V. bTh. Pix.

Baring mnet ef bee core eoeoeed ewd soIbs ea board will nave mi mediate finsrra. Far a. iter, mi ttelebt er psasag, aavtag apleatti ecee amadaUoasi to captain aa board, rest tt, Beeawd Distrirt, or to sr. xvuaVvtyui aplO BTOtovWree. IHectwee J.

Al POR FLEETWOOD Tbo Al ebeeaea awrk eywEVERHARD. DELIUS, BemAolt, now inn ImAin Ferfreisht SKOvte epT BAATBRLOTEtX a Mt. NavuSLlrw. POR ST. 74 A ZAIRE Th Al DBA ssflfai Aasa.

tries ship ORPHAN. SmHo, meeter aavii.g sae of her ears tmsBsred anil Baaat srstb BakA aaa. fwtcn. eOTBeaacom natgrat epwy to opt sia a i a. i LOVELL A CO.

HAVRE Tbe etarAetel asaa hjsaUnf labia VAUCLUSE. Coeoev. asastar. fcsi tW eKe ahMve nart Par feeieot ar ilv mm t. P.

WHITNEY A CtX, taraade St. SBBsaatBsrsBBtaa aa aA PoarU DBstrict, Aa FOR HAVRE The Al right draaght A aory ELI Aa, raaalsis, saaBBBBiBaw luitlog, SB wul bav very For freight ef cottoa er tobacco, eewry to ap6 a a. n. epr yoa board. Pott 44, Fearvh Districa.

Ajl FOB HAVRE Tbe Al rrtjaler packet 'P BLOBE, Baker, Boaster, oawtag xaatt af bar cart "np) wiu st wita qacx eisgieit a rtr ro xaslndsr of freight appry to op BAXTER. LOVTTX a CA Foe fists gt, bovatg. sapariar i captaia oa kiss s. to that FOR HAVRE Tbo Al feet eoulag dp NEW ORLEANS. Rica, aul BaBster, ba 7 roriy all her cargo engage, will have 1 For balance ef fr igbt er ateer st to CREEVY A FABWELL.

sw Of to JOHN O. WOODRUFF A CO mbS XI tk FOR HAVRE Tbe Al ear Beat draae. Amencaa abht CRIMEA. Neaaa. sBastex.

to oi ioadins end bavins tbe gneltr porttoa hf cargo engaged will hove tmmtrtawi daspatcb For trsUa er paatog oaply to mb T. JENKINR 10 GravW sti nt FOR HAVRE The ver fast saiiin 11 A TRUMBULL, Deal Pratt, Buster, has ana Dort ef bar coraw swAosed and vU bav pvoenpt despetrn. For freigbt of too baste caetoa ar ms sage, having eletaat errtiiimtdatlnqt, apply ew ksard, I Post Third LH strict, orte in ttttr a raxwtidawnaxawaii FOR HAVRE The Al eery tea salline pacha ship HEIDELBERG, Rodewald, ateater. ft dlac and will bav Iremsiiists deseetrh 1 at belenceef freight apply to W11 DttlbS, UIHUl St VV. MarweIUea.

Ai FOR MARSEILLES Ta Al terdinlaacl WS'P COLOMBO BaaBcbo. BMater, aaaxag a aSSBr of bar cargo engaged and iag an board wul with quick opauh. For sceBaiadat ml treigkt er FOR MARSEILLES To Al Sardinlea cBeper a. Spa aia IA abH mm FOR MARSEILLES To Al very fast aw M.f Amertcaa ship ARAM clDE SNOW, Booster, havine aaatl of bar core enra ed. w.d meet with quick deeLotca.

For balaoce ml freigm ta CeaA6 BAXTEd, LOVE Li. A Co. 21 FOR GENOA Tbe Al fast eoHta Aa Tiraa ship CHARLES A JANE, Baooer, merer, haw rug aearly all her eafge engaged Wul hare aav I For freigbt app'y to BAXTER, LOVELL A CO. patch. Am.

FOB GENOA The Al faat emang EDWARD HI MAN. Nail, masts a In lh tmw tbe above ps t. Far rreirat, aooy to i. P. BtURSI tV a 1.

iwm. apply to tbecop'eiaea eoaed Fil Hu PfterohartT. FOR 8T PETERSBURtt Tk Al' fastaeflhi FOB PETI Ai jDsrs a.vrr, 1 a a BB aker rare, entaeed will meet wit bolaBco of fretxV aptly boerLeri J. H. AiBBBiDGB A hTaahbridgb a nephew, r.r ie Csmatso t.

o4T POR ST. PETERSBURG The AJ mm ot'Atnerai a waVm aster tblp tl1.1 a. see lead ins fat tbe eswve part, tm T7xzj Tst ooattit of fi atat awTij tj 'JTHBRTDGK A NEPHEW, 10 athl srT FETERSBUK0 Toe apstwdi Sent St Al ship AB PAHA. Twvasa.r to evUkef bar caroe eBeaeed will aasa i.a i. iliaafrk rsr anssrs im, si rat 'C i mm POR ABTWEBP The Al rag lee AasestrwA 4r nar.H ship JOHN HANCwCK CafBo, atee aassssAhavmg Pert of kwr care owd ga aw vrill saretwna quica

gox remsiaaex et SA mmmjm 11.1, vv aU a aa? gar Forpesseeeecrly eo board. Faat oa, Taird mrt. a. a. FOR ANTWERP Too Al fsst Hmn h.

draagbt AoBerleaa absp JOSEPHCA tvalt a. 1 1 master. Ie aafw stodina fur the aaove part, far ftmnViyf' WHITE El A CO 88 CaroaAs at i 4 nd ear Par eaataa sanl ka th easa a mm anL fmrnt 7. Third Dwtrict. a POR ANTW IBP Tba Alt aaliia saini ehlp MAtCONOMO, lulta.

assur, is soar 1 i 1:. tf il Ve mr TT ifr 3 4 I A 1VT eMi cl.Ls (r' mm.P I i i 4 i uth. fmw the above aort. Par frei r. mm wiht J.

P. WHITNEY A COtoCasvurtav stvpiy to tb eapteta ee tsar. Pest AtTT. A Ale IS Ba ertxoaeblp tiAiA stoltotWe rjrlr; is a. a wi I A bl alu a SSrTa yat caatsiaeo mna m.i TM A mlXTi aTLAA I nwrt, sf br ere.

ee' foe eit ie tO. v. I at a a i i p. i mmmmmm ta "At. Farp immil Ai rOB BREMc.5iTa vfvwV Al leeiliep American ehlp to ABY.

J. Bto 1 Mill i. elli sail 18 li li ml 1 he rt. For po saew, boving tteas faV eoaat tAaea ttoeiaao smuagirs, spp aa tare.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.