Refund and Returns Policy

At Enaccion, your satisfaction matters! If you’re not happy with our service, contact our tech team for support. You can request a full refund within 24 hours of activation. After that, enjoy the full duration of your subscription while we help you resolve any issues. Reach us via WhatsApp or Telegram for assistance. Thank you for choosing Enaccion!

24 hours Money Back Guarantee

At Enaccion, your satisfaction is our utmost priority. We strive to ensure that you are 100% happy with our service. If you encounter any technical queries or issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated tech team is committed to supporting you and won’t leave your side until you’re comfortably enjoying your TV experience!

We understand that sometimes a service may not meet your expectations. If you feel that the service you purchased is not the best fit for your needs and you have made efforts to resolve any issues with our support staff, we want to make things right for you.

To that end, you can request a full refund within 24 hours of your activation date. This policy allows you to try our service risk-free, ensuring you can make an informed decision. Please note that after this 24-hour window, we won’t be able to process refunds. However, you can still enjoy the service for the entire duration of your subscription, and we encourage you to take advantage of it!

If you experience any problems during your subscription, our technical team is here to help you find a solution. You can easily reach out to us via WhatsApp or Telegram, and we will respond promptly to assist you. Thank you for choosing Enaccion—we’re here to ensure you have the best possible viewing experience!