Xfinity Mobile Coverage Maps (2024)

Xfinity Mobile runs over Verizon's network. The cellular service is supplemented by Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots throughout the US. Xfinity Mobile's Verizon coverage is shown in the map below. Enter an address or city in the search box to zoom to a specific locations.

  • Xfinity Mobile (Verizon)
  • |
  • 4G & 5G Coverage
    • 4G Only
    • 5G Only

') .addTo(comb_map); } else { var rsrp_tech = -1; if (activeTech == "4g") { rsrp_tech = rsrp_4g; } if (activeTech == "5g") { rsrp_tech = rsrp_5g; } new mapboxgl.Popup() .setLngLat(e.lngLat) .setHTML('' + getNiceName(activeCarrier) + ' ' + activeTech.toUpperCase() + ' Signal
' + signalToWord(rsrp_tech)) .addTo(comb_map); }}) comb_map.on('mousemove', 'res9s-fills', (e) => { if (e.features.length > 0) { if (hoveredStateId !== null) { comb_map.setFeatureState( { source: 'res9s', sourceLayer: 'res9_hexes', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: false } ); } hoveredStateId = e.features[0].id; comb_map.setFeatureState( { source: 'res9s', sourceLayer: 'res9_hexes', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: true } ); } });// When the mouse leaves the state-fill layer, update the feature state of the// previously hovered feature. comb_map.on('mouseleave', 'res9s-fills', () => { if (hoveredStateId !== null) { comb_map.setFeatureState( { source: 'res9s', sourceLayer: 'res9_hexes', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: false } ); } hoveredStateId = null; }); })function clearMap() { /* clear active tab */ document.getElementById('vzw').className = 'nav-link tab-link';document.getElementById('tmo').className = 'nav-link tab-link'; document.getElementById('att').className = 'nav-link tab-link'; bar = document.getElementById(''); bar.className = 'nav-link tab-link'; bar = document.getElementById(''); bar.className = 'nav-link tab-link'; bar = document.getElementById(''); bar.className = 'nav-link tab-link';}function changeCarrier(carrier) { activeCarrier = carrier; painter(activeCarrier, activeTech); updateTechMenus(); //clear pill for previously selected carrier clearPills(); //make new carrier active (adding pill) activePill = document.getElementById(activeCarrier); activePill.className = 'nav-link active'; //update mobile menu document.getElementById('network-1-mobile').innerHTML = document.getElementById(activeCarrier).innerHTML; if (activeCarrier === 'vzw') { activePill.setAttribute('style', 'background-color: ##0d6efd;'); } if (activeCarrier ==='') { activePill.setAttribute('style', 'background-color: #0d6efd;'); } if (activeCarrier === '') { activePill.setAttribute('style', 'background-color: #0d6efd;'); } //update gradient keyupdateGradient(); } function clearPills() { //in map's main pils nav, make sure none of the pills are active if (document.getElementById('vzw')) { document.getElementById('vzw').className = 'nav-link'; } if (document.getElementById('att')) { document.getElementById('att').className = 'nav-link'; } if (document.getElementById('tmo')) { document.getElementById('tmo').className = 'nav-link'; } if (document.getElementById('usc')) { document.getElementById('usc').className = 'nav-link'; } if (document.getElementById('dsh')) { document.getElementById('dsh').className = 'nav-link'; } if (document.getElementById('vzw')) { document.getElementById('vzw').setAttribute('style', ''); } if (document.getElementById('att')) { document.getElementById('att').setAttribute('style', ''); } if (document.getElementById('tmo')) { document.getElementById('tmo').setAttribute('style', ''); } if (document.getElementById('usc')) { document.getElementById('usc').setAttribute('style', ''); } if (document.getElementById('dsh')) { document.getElementById('dsh').setAttribute('style', ''); } } function updateTechMenus() { network=activeCarrier; /* get nice format for tech menu item & get onclick value for each menu item */ let t1 = ''; let t2 = ''; let t3 = ''; let o2 = ''; let o3 = ''; if (activeTech == 'any') { t1 = '4G & 5G Coverage'; t2 = '4G Only'; o2 = 'changeTech('+"'"+network +"'"+",'4g')"; t3 = '5G Only'; o3 = 'changeTech('+"'"+network +"'"+",'5g')"; } if (activeTech == '4g') { t1 = '4G Only'; t2 = '5G Only'; o2 = 'changeTech('+"'"+network +"'"+",'5g')"; t3 = '4G & 5G Coverage'; o3 = 'changeTech('+"'"+network +"'"+",'any')"; } if (activeTech == '5g') { t1 = '5G Only'; t2 = '4G Only'; o2 = 'changeTech('+"'"+network +"'"+",'4g')"; t3 = '4G & 5G Coverage'; o3 = 'changeTech('+"'"+network +"'"+",'any')"; } document.getElementById('tech-1-main').innerHTML = t1; document.getElementById('tech-1-mobile').innerHTML = t1; document.getElementById('tech-1-main').setAttribute("onclick", ''); document.getElementById('tech-1-mobile').setAttribute("onclick", ''); document.getElementById('tech-2-main').innerHTML = t2; document.getElementById('tech-2-mobile').innerHTML = t2; document.getElementById('tech-2-main').setAttribute("onclick", o2); document.getElementById('tech-2-mobile').setAttribute("onclick", o2); document.getElementById('tech-3-main').innerHTML = t3; document.getElementById('tech-3-mobile').innerHTML = t3; document.getElementById('tech-3-main').setAttribute("onclick", o3); document.getElementById('tech-3-mobile').setAttribute("onclick", o3);//hide tech menu if on crowd map if (activeMap =='crowd') { document.getElementById('pre-tech-spacer').setAttribute("style","display: none;"); document.getElementById('pre-tech-spacer-mobile').setAttribute("style","display: none;"); document.getElementById('tech-main').setAttribute("style","display: none;"); document.getElementById('tech-mobile').setAttribute("style","display: none;"); } //make sure tech menu shows if it might have been hidden if (activeMap =='default') { document.getElementById('pre-tech-spacer').setAttribute("style",""); document.getElementById('tech-main').setAttribute("style",""); document.getElementById('tech-mobile').setAttribute("style",""); document.getElementById('pre-tech-spacer-mobile').setAttribute("style",""); }}function changeTech(network, tech) { activeTech = tech; painter(activeCarrier, activeTech); updateTechMenus();} function plans() { clearMap(); changeCarrier("tmo"); var bar = document.getElementById('collapsePlansTmo'); bar.setAttribute("class", 'accordion-collapse collapse show'); bar = document.getElementById('fohbar'); bar.setAttribute("class", 'accordion-button show'); }function getPropertyName(carrier, tech) { let propertyName = 'None'; //check if crowdsourced map is in use. if so, assign property name of a/t/v if (activeMap == 'crowd') { if (carrier == "tmo") propertyName = 't' else if (carrier == "vzw") propertyName = 'v' else if (carrier == "att") propertyName = 'a' else console.log ('Error: no V/T/A carrier selected for crowd map.'); return propertyName; } else if (carrier == "att" && tech == '4g') propertyName = 'a4'; else if (carrier == "att" && tech == '5g') propertyName = 'a5'; else if (carrier == "att" && tech == 'any') propertyName = 'aa'; else if (carrier == "tmo" && tech == '4g') propertyName = 't4'; else if (carrier == "tmo" && tech == '5g') propertyName = 't5'; else if (carrier == "tmo" && tech == 'any') propertyName = 'ta'; else if (carrier == "vzw" && tech == '4g') propertyName = 'v4'; else if (carrier == "vzw" && tech == '5g') propertyName = 'v5'; else if (carrier == "vzw" && tech == 'any') propertyName = 'va'; else if (carrier == "usc" && tech == '4g') propertyName = 'u4'; else if (carrier == "usc" && tech == '5g') propertyName = 'u5'; else if (carrier == "usc" && tech == 'any') propertyName = 'ua'; else if (carrier == "dsh" && tech == '4g') propertyName = 'd4'; else if (carrier == "dsh" && tech == '5g') propertyName = 'd5'; else if (carrier == "dsh" && tech == 'any') propertyName = 'da'; return propertyName;}function painter(carrier, tech) { let propertyName = getPropertyName(carrier, tech); let layer = getLayerId(); let awfullyLowStop = stopAdjuster(-125); let lowStop = stopAdjuster(-120); let midStop = stopAdjuster (-110); let highStop = stopAdjuster(-85); let noneColor = 'hsla(360, 100%, 100%, 0.3)'; //white if (colorScheme == 'blue' && activeMap == 'default') { noneColor = 'hsla(50, 100%, 50%, 0.7)'; //yellow } if (colorScheme == 'default' && activeMap == 'default') { noneColor = 'hsla(4, 82%, 51%, 0.5)'; //red } let awfullyLowColor = noneColor; if (colorScheme == 'default' && activeMap == 'crowd') { awfullyLowColor = 'hsla(4, 82%, 51%, 0.5)'; //red } if (colorScheme == 'blue' && activeMap == 'crowd') { awfullyLowColor = 'hsla(50, 100%, 50%, 0.7)'; //yellow } if (colorScheme == 'default') { comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[awfullyLowStop, awfullyLowColor], [-118, 'hsla(19, 100%, 54%, 0.6)'], [-112, 'hsla(74, 51%, 67%, 0.7)'], [-103, 'hsla(118, 56%, 67%, 0.85)'], [-85, 'hsla(115, 97%, 33%, 0.90)'], [-2, 'hsla(115, 97%, 33%, 0.90)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); } else if (colorScheme == 'blue') { comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[awfullyLowStop, awfullyLowColor], [lowStop, 'hsla(94, 100%, 50%, 0.7)'], [midStop, 'hsla(176, 100%, 31%, 0.7)'], [highStop, 'hsla(223, 100%, 45%, 1)'], [-2, 'hsla(223, 100%, 45%, 1)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); } else if (colorScheme == 'grayscale') { comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[awfullyLowStop, awfullyLowColor], [lowStop, 'hsla(7, 0%, 75%, 0.7)'], [midStop, 'hsla(7, 0%, 45%, 1)'], [highStop, 'hsla(0, 100%, 0%, 1)'], [-2, 'hsla(360, 100%, 100%, 1)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); } else if (carrier == "tmo") comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[-120, 'hsla(0, 100%, 97%, 0.5)'], [-50, 'hsla(307, 81%, 53%, 0.7)'], [-2, 'hsla(307, 81%, 53%, 0.7)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); else if (carrier == "att") comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[-120, 'hsla(223, 99%, 93%, 0.5)'], [-60, 'hsla(223, 79%, 53%, 0.7)'], [-2, 'hsla(223, 79%, 53%, 0.7)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); else if (carrier == "vzw") comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[-120, 'hsla(0, 100%, 94%, 0.5)'], [-60, 'hsla(0, 74%, 50%, 0.7)'], [-2, 'hsla(0, 74%, 50%, 0.7)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); else if (carrier == "usc") comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[-120, 'hsla(210, 82%, 92%, 0.5)'], [-60, 'hsla(210, 82%, 36%, 0.7)'], [-2, 'hsla(210, 82%, 36%, 0.7)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] }); else if (carrier == "dsh") comb_map.setPaintProperty(layer, 'fill-color', { property: propertyName, stops: [[-120, 'hsla(39, 77%, 93%, 0.5)'], [-60, 'hsla(39, 77%, 47%, 0.7)'], [-2, 'hsla(39, 77%, 47%, 0.7)'], [-1, noneColor], [0, noneColor]] });}

- ◄ Signal Strength ► +

Xfinity Mobile's combined 4G and 5G coverage is automatically shown in the map. Xfinity Mobile subscribers with compatible devices have access to Verizon's 5G network, including both Verizon's Ultra Wideband 5G and Verizon's low-band 5G. You can switch to a 5G-only map.

Wi-Fi Coverage

Xfinity Mobile subscribers can automatically connect to Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots. Access to these hotspots is a great perk:

  • While connected to an Xfinity hotspot, subscribers can access the internet without using their allotted cellular data.
  • Hotspots often provide strong connections in areas where cellular signals would be weak or non-existent (e.g., in basem*nts).
  • Xfinity hotspots are extremely common.

An interactive map displaying the locations of Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots is available on Xfinity's website. Here's a snapshot from downtown Chicago:

Here's a snapshot near where I live:

The maps only show Xfinity hotspots associated with commercial subscribers. The total number of hotspots is much larger since Xfinity has a huge number of residential subscribers.

Xfinity Mobile Coverage Maps (2024)


Does Xfinity Mobile have a good network? ›

There's a lot to like about Xfinity Mobile, which offers an assortment of unlimited and by-the-gig plans. Xfinity is an affordable option among the larger-scale providers, with prices that rival smaller companies. Thanks to the Verizon network it relies on, you get perhaps the best nationwide coverage.

Whose towers does Xfinity Mobile use? ›

The wireless service relies on Verizon's network (the clear winner in our fastest wireless networks testing), along with access to Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots nationwide. If you subscribe, you can pick between an unlimited data plan and paying only for the data you use.

Does Xfinity Mobile work in rural areas? ›

The coverage map highlights Verizon's 4G LTE dominance across the United States. With exceptional signal strength in both urban and rural regions alike, Verizon remains a reliable carrier. Accordingly, Xfinity Mobile gets you best-in-class coverage.

Is Xfinity Mobile really Verizon? ›

Xfinity mobile is a Verizon MVNO (mobile virtual network operator), meaning it purchases network space from Verizon and sells that coverage to its customers at a discounted rate, since it doesn't own or operate its own towers.

Which is better, Verizon or Xfinity? ›

Xfinity Internet has 2-4 times less lag than Verizon 5G Home Internet – with 5G, you never know what you'll get. Plus, Xfinity Internet is 7-14x faster than Verizon 5G. Verizon's 5G download speeds can range from 85-300 Mbps, while Xfinity's speeds of up to 1.2 Gbps stay consistent.

Why is my Xfinity Mobile so slow? ›

Network congestion commonly causes slower cellular data speeds in crowded places, like music festivals and sporting events. When many people are using their mobile devices in the same area, cellular networks can become congested. This results in slower data speeds.

What is the most reliable cell phone service? ›

Best Cell Phone Providers for 2024
  • Best Overall: Verizon.
  • Best for 5G: T-Mobile.
  • Best Prepaid Carrier: Mint Mobile.
  • Best Basic Option: Republic Wireless.
  • Best Value: RedPocket.
  • Best for International Use: Google Fi.
  • Best for Customizing Plans: US Mobile.
  • Best for Phone and Internet: Xfinity Mobile.

Which is better, Xfinity Mobile or T-Mobile? ›

T-Mobile offers multi-line discount pricing, so every additional line is cheaper to add. Each Xfinity Mobile line is added at a flat rate. Xfinity Mobile doesn't bundle in extra perks, while T-Mobile's mid-level and premium plans bundle in some streaming services.

Is Xfinity Mobile GSM or CDMA? ›

Many cell carriers in the US use GSM, as does the rest of the world. There are some carriers in the US only (no overseas carriers) that use CDMA networks. Xfinity uses the Verizon network, which is CDMA, so this phone will not work with Xfinity.

Does Xfinity Mobile work out of state? ›

Nationwide coverage

You're covered nationwide with 5G, 4G LTE, and millions of secure Xfinity WiFi hotspots — all in one powerful network.

What phone service works best in rural areas? ›

Which Cell Phone Provider Has the Best Cell Service in Rural America?
Rural RegionBest Mobile Network
Southeast Rural AmericaVerizon
North Central Rural AmericaVerizon
South Central Rural AmericaAT&T
Northwest Rural AmericaAT&T
2 more rows
Apr 8, 2024

Is Xfinity a good cell phone carrier? ›

Network: Xfinity Mobile uses Verizon's network, which offers the best coverage in the country. Customer service: Xfinity Mobile has the best customer service rating among full-service MVNOs. Phones and devices: Xfinity Mobile offers deals on the latest flagship smartphones and rewards for bringing your own device.

What carrier owns Xfinity Mobile? ›

Xfinity Mobile uses Verizon's cellular network, so any Xfinity Mobile plan comes with convenient features like nationwide phone coverage and 5G support.

Does Xfinity get the same priority as Verizon? ›

Xfinity is on the same network, but not the same tier. It's priority is lower than Verizon prepaid.

Which is better, Xfinity or T-Mobile? ›

Xfinity has faster internet plans and more variety. It offers speeds anywhere from 75Mbps all the way up to multigigabit speeds. T-Mobile has just one internet plan that packs a perfectly respectable speed with additional perks like unlimited data, no term contracts, or any extra fees.

What are the benefits of having a Xfinity Mobile? ›

Included With your Plan
  • 5G, 4G LTE and millions of WiFi hotspots. Connect with nationwide 5G and 4G LTE networks. ...
  • No term contracts, fewer monthly fees. No phone line access fees There is a one-time $25 line setup fee for all new lines added. ...
  • Xfinity Mobile support. ...
  • WiFi calling.

Who provides the network for Xfinity Mobile? ›

Xfinity Mobile uses Verizon's network, the nation's second-largest wireless carrier. Their 4G LTE Network covers 99 percent of the U.S. population, making it the best of the big three in terms of coverage. In 2019, Verizon was the first carrier to launch a 5G network in the US.

What phones work best with Xfinity Mobile? ›

In short, most iPhones, Samsung Galaxy phones, and Google Pixel phones are all compatible with Xfinity Mobile. If you bought an Android like a Motorola or an LG phone directly from Xfinity Mobile, those phones are also compatible.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Views: 5928

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.