» Used Vehicles | Veho (2024)

  • » Used Vehicles | Veho (2)

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Used Vehicles

You are sure to find a used car that suits your needs from the dealerships of Veho AS. We have the largest selection of Veho’s main brands, in terms of passenger and commercial vehicles, and trucks. The assortment also covers lots of vehicles with a factory guarantee; there is also an option of taking out an additional warranty from Marsh Kindlustus. We have also checked the technical condition of the vehicles on offer; however, as always with used vehicles you need to take into account the wear from life span and mileage.

Veho does not deal with commission sale but, if you wish to buy a new vehicle, we will evaluate your existing vehicle, make a buy-back offer and then help solve all matters involved in car changing – both on the side of the return of the used car and purchase of a new one.

View the selection of Silberauto’s used vehicles here:
Veho used vehicles

' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '' + car['Brand'] + ', ' + car['Model'] + '
' + '' + car['Location'] + '' + '

' + '' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

' + 'Keretüüp
' + '' + car['BodyType'] + '' + '

' + '

' + 'Lisavarustus
' + '' + car['Equipment'] + '' + '

' + '

' + 'Navigatsioon
' + '' + hasNavigation + '' + '

' + '

' + 'Automaatkäigukast
' + '' + hasAutoTransmission + '' + '

' + '

' + '

' + ''; return htmlString; }, servicesTable: { workerInfo: function(emplyy) { var workerFields = '» Used Vehicles | Veho (3)' + '
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  • ' + '
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  • ' + '
  • ' + emplyy.Sector + '
  • ' + '
  • ' + emplyy.CellPhoneNumber + '
  • ' + '
  • ' + emplyy.InternetAddress + '
  • ' + '
'; return '

' + workerFields + '

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'+ '

'+ '

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' + '

' + '' + '' + '' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '' + car['Brand'] + ', ' + car['Model'] + '
' + '' + car['Location'] + '' + '

' + '' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

' + 'Keretüüp
' + '' + car['BodyType'] + '' + '

' + '

' + 'Lisavarustus
' + '' + car['Equipment'] + '' + '

' + '

' + 'Navigatsioon
' + '' + hasNavigation + '' + '

' + '

' + 'Automaatkäigukast
' + '' + hasAutoTransmission + '' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

'; return htmlString; }, servicesTable: { workerInfo: function(emplyy) { var workerFields = '» Used Vehicles | Veho (5)' + '
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  • ' + '
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  • ' + '
  • ' + emplyy.Sector + '
  • ' + '
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  • ' + '
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  • ' + '
'; return '

' + workerFields + '

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'+ '

'+ '

' + sectionTitle + '

Töötajate kontaktid

' + content + '

' + '

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' + duplicate_translations['Järelteeninduse juht'] + '

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' + duplicate_translations['Dealership manager'] + '

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' + duplicate_translations['Järelteeninduse juht'] + '

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' + duplicate_translations['Järelteeninduse juht'] + '

', sectionTitle = ''; } else { var HTML = '', sectionTitleString = '

' + duplicate_translations['Dealership manager'] + '

', sectionTitle = ''; } $('#sub-city').text(''); for (var key in data) { HTML = ''; if (data.hasOwnProperty(key) && (data[key].employees.length > 0)) { sectionTitle = data[key]['titleHTML'] ? data[key]['titleHTML'] : sectionTitleString; data[key].employees.forEach(function(emplyy) { // show office number instead of mobile number for managers if (emplyy.OfficePhoneNumber && key === 'ADMIN') { emplyy.CellPhoneNumber = emplyy.OfficePhoneNumber; } HTML = HTML + formTables.servicesTable.workerInfo(emplyy); }); HTML = formTables.servicesTable.servicePage(HTML, sectionTitle); $('#sub-city').append(HTML); } } history.pushState('', '', '?' + serviceKey + '=' + getParameterValue); $('.loading').fadeOut(); }, error: function() { $('.loading').fadeOut(); $('#sub-city').append('Error'); } }); } else { $('#sub-city').text(''); $('.loading').fadeOut(); } $('body').find('.service-content').hide(); $('body').find('.service-content.' + getParameterValue).show(); } function handleServiceClick(e) { var $targetEl = $(e.target); e.preventDefault(); $targetEl.parent().siblings().children('a').removeClass('active'); $targetEl.addClass('active'); getServiceInfo($targetEl.attr('href'), 0, $targetEl.data('get-ajax')); } function passInputTest(type, passValue) { var pass = 0; if (type) { pass = (type && passValue); } else { pass = !type; } return pass; } function processCarRows(formType, data, location, isListSelected, period, bodyType, firstInput) { varrowsHtml = '', passCar = 0; //console.log('informatsioon,', formType, data, location, isListSelected, period, bodyType, firstInput); $('#rental-cars').empty(); if (location || period || firstInput || bodyType) { var passLocation = 0, passPeriod = 0, passInput = 0; passBodyType = 0; data.forEach(function(car) { passLocation = passPeriod = passInput = passBodyType = 0; hasNavigation = car['Navigation'] ? 'Jah' : 'Ei'; hasAutoTransmission = car['AutomaticTransmission'] ? 'Jah' : 'Ei'; if (bodyType) { if ((car['BodyType'].toLowerCase() == bodyType.toLowerCase()) || bodyType == 'Kõik keretüübid') { passBodyType = 1; } //console.log('Bodytype pass pas', passBodyType); } if (location) { if ((car['Location'] == location) || location == 'Kõik esindused') { passLocation = 1; } //console.log('Location pas', passLocation); } if (period) { switch (period) { case '12': if (parseInt(car['AvailableFor12Months'])) { passPeriod = 1; } //console.log('pass 12', parseInt(car['AvailableFor12Months'])); break; case '24': if (parseInt(car['AvailableFor24Months'])) { passPeriod = 1; } //console.log('pass 24', parseInt(car['AvailableFor24Months'])); break; case '36': if (parseInt(car['AvailableFor36Months'])) { passPeriod = 1; } //console.log('pass 36', parseInt(car['AvailableFor36Months'])); break; default: passPeriod = 0; } //console.log('Periood pass', passPeriod); } if (parseInt(firstInput)) { var inputType = (firstInput.indexOf('%') > -1) ? 'percent' : 'sum' if (inputType == 'sum' && (car['DownPaymentSum'] <= parseInt(firstInput))) { passInput = 1; } else if (inputType == 'percent' && (car['DownPaymentPercent'] <= parseInt(firstInput))) { passInput = 1; } //console.log('Input pass', passInput); } if (passInputTest(parseInt(firstInput), passInput) && passInputTest(period, passPeriod) && passInputTest(bodyType, passBodyType) && passInputTest(location, passLocation)) { rowsHtml = rowsHtml + formTables.rentalElement(car, hasNavigation, hasAutoTransmission); } }); } else { //console.log('Pole väärtusi'); data.forEach(function(car) { hasNavigation = car['Navigation'] ? 'Jah' : 'Ei'; hasAutoTransmission = car['AutomaticTransmission'] ? 'Jah' : 'Ei'; rowsHtml = rowsHtml + formTables.rentalElement(car, hasNavigation, hasAutoTransmission); }); } return rowsHtml; } function handleRentalSearch(e) { //e.data.type = short / long e.preventDefault(); var parentForm = $(this).parents('form'), formType = e.target.id, period = $('#period-button .ui-selectmenu-text').text().replace(/\D/g,''), firstInput = $('#first-input-button .ui-selectmenu-text').text(), location = $('#kattesaamine-button .ui-selectmenu-text').text(), bodyType = $('#bodytype-button .ui-selectmenu-text').text(), isSelected = $('#kattesaamine-button').attr('aria-activedescendant'), hrefAttr = $(this).attr('href'), HTML = '', hasNavigation = 'Ei', hasAutoTransmission = 'Ei', targetId = e.target.id; $('.loading').fadeIn(); $.ajax(configs.siteUrl + hrefAttr, { success: function(data) { if (formType == 'long') { HTML = processCarRows(formType, data, location, isSelected, period, bodyType, firstInput); } else { HTML = processCarRows(formType, data, location, isSelected); } $('#rental-cars').append(HTML); $('.loading').fadeOut(); }, error: function() { $('#rental-cars').append('Error'); $('.loading').fadeOut(); } }); } function onReserveClick(e) { $this = $(e.target); if ($this.attr('data-target')) { $('.rental-cars__item').removeClass('currently-being-reserved'); $this.closest('.rental-cars__item').addClass('currently-being-reserved'); } } function toggleElement(elSelector) { elSelector.toggle(); } function onTestDriveMarkClick(e) { varactiveBrand = jQuery('#mark :selected').text(); if (activeBrand === 'Kasutatud autod') { jQuery('#car_link_block').removeClass('d-none').show(); jQuery('#model_block').addClass('d-none').hide(); jQuery('#model').removeAttr('required'); jQuery('#car-link').attr('required', 'required'); onTestDriveModelClick(); $("select#esindus").selectedIndex = 0; } else { jQuery('#car_link_block').addClass('d-none').hide(); jQuery('#model_block').removeClass('d-none').show(); $body.find('#model').empty(); $body.find('#esindus').empty(); var $model = jQuery('#model'); jQuery('#model').attr('required', 'required'); jQuery('#car-link').removeAttr('required'); $model.append(''); for(car in carsForRent) { if (carsForRent[car]['Brand'] == activeBrand) { appendCarInfoTo($model, carsForRent[car], 'Model'); } } jQuery("select#model").selectedIndex = 0; } } function onTestDriveModelClick(event) { varactiveModel = $('#model :selected').text(); varactiveBrand = $('#mark :selected').text(); $body.find('#esindus').empty(); var $service = $('#esindus'); $service.append(''); console.log(activeModel); for (car in carsForRent) { if (carsForRent[car]['Model'] == activeModel && carsForRent[car]['Brand'] == activeBrand) { var allServices = duplicate_translations['All services']; $service.append(''); appendCarInfoTo($service, carsForRent[car], 'Dealers'); } else if (carsForRent[car]['Brand'] == activeBrand && activeBrand == 'Kasutatud autod') { var allServices = duplicate_translations['All services']; $service.append(''); appendCarInfoTo($service, carsForRent[car], 'Dealers'); } } $("select#esindus").selectedIndex = 0; } function appendCarInfoTo($element, car, info) { var dealers = car[info].split(', '); for (current in dealers) { $element.append(''); } } function getRentalCars() { $.ajax({ method: 'GET', url: configs.siteUrl + 'api/test_drive_cars.php' + '?lang=' + apiLang, }).done(function(response) { carsForRent = response; for(var i = 0, l = carsForRent.length; i < l; ++i) { if (brands.indexOf(carsForRent[i]['Brand']) < 0) { brands.push(carsForRent[i]['Brand']); $('#mark').append(''); //console.log(carsForRent[i]['Brand']); } } }); } function handleSentEmail(response, $clickedElement) { //console.log(response); //console.log($clickedElement); if(response.message == 'working') { isEmailSent = 1; $clickedElement.css('background-color', '#30ad44').text('Saadetud'); $('.modal-body .form-item').css('opacity', 0.3); } else { isEmailSent = 0; $clickedElement.css('background-color', '#c62f39').text('Midagi läks valesti. Palun laadige leht uuesti.'); } $('.car-rental-form fieldset').prop('disabled', true); $('#modal-form fieldset').prop('disabled', true); } function handleModalFormSubmit(event) { event.preventDefault(); var $modalForm = $('#modal-form'), $carRentalForm = $('.car-rental-form'), sentInformation = {}; var rentalType = $carRentalForm.find('#rental-type').val(); //console.log('Rental type:', rentalType); sentInformation['emailType'] = rentalType; sentInformation['name'] = $modalForm.find('input[name="client-name"]').val(); sentInformation['email'] = $modalForm.find('input[name="email"]').val(); sentInformation['phone'] = $modalForm.find('input[name="telephone"]').val(); var extrasinfo = $modalForm.find('input[name="extrasinfo"]').val(); sentInformation['prefService'] = $('#kattesaamine-button').find('.ui-selectmenu-text').text(); sentInformation['take'] = $carRentalForm.find('#take').find('.ui-selectmenu-text').text(); sentInformation['give'] = $carRentalForm.find('#give').find('.ui-selectmenu-text').text(); sentInformation['date1'] = $carRentalForm.find('input[name="aeg1"]').val(); sentInformation['date2'] = $carRentalForm.find('input[name="aeg2"]').val(); sentInformation['time1'] = $carRentalForm.find('input[name="kell1"]').val(); sentInformation['time2'] = $carRentalForm.find('input[name="kell2"]').val(); sentInformation['esindus'] = $modalForm.find('select[name="esindus_rent"]').find(":selected").text(); sentInformation['bodyType'] = $carRentalForm.find('#bodytype-button .ui-selectmenu-text').text(); sentInformation['firstInput'] = $carRentalForm.find('#first-input-button .ui-selectmenu-text').text(); sentInformation['period'] = $carRentalForm.find('#period-button .ui-selectmenu-text').text(); sentInformation['auto'] = $('body').find('.currently-being-reserved .car-name').html(); sentInformation['carLocation'] = $('body').find('.currently-being-reserved .car-service-location').html(); sendEmail(configs.infoEmail, 'Broneerimine Veho kodulehelt', sentInformation, 'info@veho.ee', handleSentEmail, '', 'f3dSdsd', extrasinfo); } function handleFormErrNotification(isFormValid, $formElement) { var $formErrorEl = $formElement.find('.form-error-message'); if (isFormValid) { $formErrorEl.addClass('d-none'); } else { $formErrorEl.removeClass('d-none'); } } function onTestDriveSubmit(event) { event.preventDefault(); var $testDriveForm = $('#test-drive'), sentInformation = {}; sentInformation['emailType'] = 'test-drive'; sentInformation['carMark'] = $testDriveForm.find('#mark > option:selected').text(); sentInformation['carModel'] = $testDriveForm.find('#model > option:selected').text(); sentInformation['carLink'] = $testDriveForm.find('#car-link').val(); sentInformation['prefService'] = $testDriveForm.find('#esindus > option:selected').text(); sentInformation['firstName'] = $testDriveForm.find('#name-first').val(); sentInformation['lastName'] = $testDriveForm.find('#name-last').val(); sentInformation['email'] = $testDriveForm.find('#email').val(); sentInformation['phone'] = $testDriveForm.find('#phone').val(); sentInformation['aeg1'] = $testDriveForm.find('#aeg1').val(); sentInformation['kell1'] = $testDriveForm.find('#kell1').val(); sendEmail(configs.infoEmail, 'Proovisõit Veho kodulehelt', sentInformation, 'info@veho.ee', handleSentEmail, '', 'f3dSdsd'); } function sendEmail($eMail, $subject, $fields, $from, callback, $clickedElement, $code) { $.ajax({ method: 'GET', url: configs.siteUrl + 'saada-email/', data: { email: $eMail, subject: $subject, fields: $fields, from: $from, code: $code }, success: function(returnData){ jQuery('form.was-validated').removeClass('was-validated'); jQuery('.form-success-message').removeClass('d-none').show(); jQuery('input, select, textarea').val(''); }, error: function(xhr, status, error){ jQuery('.form-error-message').removeClass('d-none').show(); } }) } if (teenindusParameter) { //console.log('Teenindusparameeter on', teenindusParameter); getServiceInfo(teenindusParameter, 1); } $giveAwayCheck.change(function() { //console.log('Muutus'); toggleElement($giveAwayField); }); getRentalCars(); jQuery(function(){ $body.on('click', '.prevent-default', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $body.on('click', 'button.reserve', onReserveClick); //PROOVISÕIT $('#model').change(function() { onTestDriveModelClick(); }) $('#mark').change(function() { onTestDriveMarkClick(); }) $('.search-rental-cars').on('click', handleRentalSearch); $('#teenindus-menu a').on('click', handleServiceClick); //Other $('.cat-item > a').attr('href', ''); $('.cat-item > a').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); var formstest = document.querySelectorAll('.needs-validation-testdrive') Array.prototype.slice.call(formstest) .forEach(function (formstest) { formstest.addEventListener('submit', function (event) { jQuery('.form-success-message, .form-error-message').addClass('d-none').hide(); if (!formstest.checkValidity()) { event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() } else { onTestDriveSubmit(event); } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); formstest.classList.add('was-validated'); }, false) }) var formsrent = document.querySelectorAll('.needs-validation-rent') Array.prototype.slice.call(formsrent) .forEach(function (formsrent) { formsrent.addEventListener('submit', function (event) { jQuery('.form-success-message, .form-error-message').addClass('d-none').hide(); if (!formsrent.checkValidity()) { event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() } else { handleModalFormSubmit(event); } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); formsrent.classList.add('was-validated'); }, false) }) })

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» Used Vehicles | Veho (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Last Updated:

Views: 5714

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.