Nikto's Favorite Subordinate - EeveeOfEternity (2024)

Chapter 1: Nikto Drabbles: Introduction

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Captain George F. Norris
An old-fashioned man. Set in his ways, he will make things difficult for anyone who doesn't show him the 'proper' respect. He's an asshole plain and simple. Turned the squad against mc after she disrespected him. Constantly berating her over little things. Every report she made against him fell on deaf ears.
Call-Sign: Eagle
Age: 29
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Features: Deep scar on upper left arm
Specialty: Recon

He's good with a gun but isn't as well built as the other members of his team. Speed and agility are more his style. Skilled in Taekwondo. Often compared to a street cat, sleek, fast, and angry.

Main character details:
Call-Sign: n/a
Age: 29
Eyes: Heterochromia, One blue, one light brown
Hair: Dark Blonde
Features: Electrical burns splattered on her body.
(Like survivors of being struck by lightning)
Specialty: Recon/Basic

Chapter 2: Water & Sparks


How mc got her scars and how she became a member of KorTac

Honestly these might jump around a little


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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Mc woke up to water pouring over her. She was tied to a chair in the shower room. Her squad surrounded her, Captain Norris in front holding a taser. "Now pay attention, if your target is wet the greater the pain. Like so, " He demonstrated on mcs shoulder. Of course, she yelped. He slid her chair so she was directly under the faucet. "If you do it like this then..." She screamed that time. It went on until another higher up heard the screams and intervened. In the incident report that followed, he said it was interrogation training and that it was a justified part of training.
Mc woke up a day later in the medbay. Electrical burns splattered on her body. She immediately put in a transfer for whatever team needed someone. She didn't care where as long as it was away from there.
Obviously, she doesn't trust anyone anymore. She puts in 110% in her new training and on missions. Follows every order, is respectful. Long sleeves and pants all the time. Hiding the scars. Doesn't interact with others for the longest time. Gets put under Nikto's section. Initial meeting goes okay, she thinks his eyes are pretty. Likes his voice. The first month in and everything is working out, the easy missions come and go. Doesn't try and stand out, simply follows Nikto's instructions.


Feel free to as questions

Chapter 3: Muffins & Males


First meeting between Krueger and mc

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It happened a little after you transferred to KorTac.
It was an accident you swear! Why would you do it on purpose!? After the constant fear of Norris and his goons to say you flinch at fast movements near your person is an understatement.
It was during mandatory breakfast that it happened. You were perched on a barstool, legs not touching the floor under the counter. Damn all these tall people. You were away from most of the people, only 2 others around you. The man across from you, Eagle you think they call him was slowly eating from a chocolate muffin. The platter in the middle of the table was for everyone, with various flavors. You picked at a banana nut muffin.
Movement catches in your peripheral, instinct brought your elbow back harshly. A knee jerk reaction really, defensive. Your elbow collided with a hard wall of someone's face. An angry groaned out "черт возьми!" A laugh escaped Eagles mouth, Your faced turned white as you finish the turn your elbow initiated.
Krueger stood a bit behind you holding his cloth covered face. A singular blueberry muffin dropped on the foor at his feet. "I...I'm so f*cking sorry! I didn't mean to! You stumble over your words, horrified. Fight or flight kicking in, you bolted. Straight out of the cafeteria. Missing the way Eagle casually held Kruegers chin, moving the fabric away a bit to check his nose. "That was your fault Seb, knew she's skittish." "не ожидал, что меня ударят!" "Seb, English. Know I can't understand ya unless ya speaking German." "Didn't f*cking think she'd clock me." Eagle snickered. "Don't laugh, Brat. I'll take you over my knee."

Chapter 4: Eagles Fly


Eagle and Krueger

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When he first joined KorTac many of the other soldiers dismissed him, until he beat their asses on the mat. Sure he wasn't built like a brick house like most of them but he held his own. Krueger was one of the first to joke about his size. Patting his head, cooing at him until Eagle grabed his arm and slammed him on his back.
Instead of this deterring Krueger, it just made him pick on him more. The two slipping into a comfortable friendship. That soon slipped into something neither wants to put a label on. A few drinks to many, a dirty comment. Krueger laughing with a "Oh go f*ck yerself!" To which Eagle responded with "f*ck me yourself coward."
Cue Eagles bed breaking through the night, his moans bouncing off the walls, ending with a stern reprimand from the Colonel in the morning
Both had received a text from König. Krueger smirking the whole was to his office while Eagle shuffled in pace with him, scowl on his face. Eagle hated having to wake up early. Sleep was his favorite thing, well second favorite now that he knows how being f*cked by Krueger feels. f*cking co*cky bastard. "Aww done already wenig Liebe?" He had said after he had ripped an intense org*sm from him. They enter and sit across from the Colonel.
Paperwork is one thing König hated. Preferring to be on the field than in the office. "You two caused a damn racket last night. ich schwöre, if you two cause me any trouble with this" He points between the two of them. "I will kastriere euch beide! Understood, Ja?" Krueger eagerly nodded. Eagles sleep deprived brain taking a minute to translate the German. Yawning with a "As if that'll stop us.."
Krueger cackled, not even trying to hide it. König narrowed his eyes at him. "Du hast einen schlechten Einfluss,Krueger!" He sat at his desk "Out of my office, go run laps or something." As their walking out Eagle mentions "Ooh yea, Hey Colonel! Order me a new bed yea?" They could hear Königs head hit the desk.
"Runde sechs?" Asked Krueger, putting his arm around Eagle with a smirk.

Chapter 5: Summer & Blood


The scars get seen

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Alway in pants, with long sleave or wearing a jacket over a tank top to hide her scars.
Summer hits hard where the base is located, though, and the new squad questions her attire on off days. "Arnt you hot? It's 94° and you're wearing a jacket."
Mc knew it'd happen eventually. Couldn't always wait to shower at 3am when everyone else is asleep.(knows how to pick locks the little dear) Couldn't always do training in such clothes in the heat. It happened after running the course. She was helping Nikto with something after completing it. She bent to pick something up and went to stand. Then the world spun and went dark. She woke up to Königs voice. An angry hushed tone, talking quickly with Nikto, his voice angry. "He did what!" and two others she didn't know. The curtains were pulled so she couldn't see. As quietly and quickly as she could, she got out of the bed. Thankful she wasn't hooked up to anything. Her jacket was nowhere to be found, the scars on her arms and chest were visible. She shuttered in her tank top, they've all seen them. She looks at the open door. Maybe she could sneak back to her room and pretend nothing happened? She almost made it, just past the door when an arm strong as iron wrapped across her, holding her in place.
"Tell us what happened, need to know." Nikto's voice was soft in her ear.

Chapter 6: Blades & Blood


Them panic attacks though

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Scared, you were terrified. Nikto could feel you shaking while they held you. Your heart beating to fast under his hand. "I don't want to cause problems, I'm fine.." You whisper as the others came to stand behind Nikto. König scoffed "Fine? I looked into your medical file. Norris should be discharged immediately. The fact that he's still active is sh*t!"
You flinched at his name, one hand grabbed Nikto's arm, the other dug into your side. "Just leave it, it's not important..." You felt Nikto tilt his head to the side mumbling something in Russian. König and the other two started arguing again, loud. It was to loud. Norris's name sounding off repeatedly. Each time your grip got tighter, your breathing erratic.
"ебаное дерьмо...." Nikto grunted grabbing the back of your neck, forcing you out the doorway. Moving down the hall away from the medbay, his eyes scanning the doors until he found what he was looking for. Roughly opening the door he shoved you inside, shutting the door behind him.
Storage closet of course. You shoved yourself in a corner, trying to breathe. "It's fine, it's fine, it's fine.." You repeated as Nikto watched you. His eyes glinting in the low light. Your breathing coming out ragged, shoulders shaking. "должны ли мы? Hmmmm....." Shaking his head side to side he pulled out a small knife. Squatting close to you, grabbing your arm you don't even notice. Slowly he dragged the blade against your skin. Not deep but enough to draw blood and sting. You flinched, eyes flashing to his. A whimper sneaks it's way out as your arm tingles. Eyes drifting down focusing on the crimson dripping to the ground. Your breathing slowing down, the cold of blade leaving you skin as he withdrew it.
"Сейчас все в порядке?" He asked standing up. Slowly nodding, still watching the blood. He smirks under the mask. "твоя кровь прекрасна..."

Chapter 7: Places up high

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It's been a month since having a breakdown infront of your superior. Thankfully nothing was said about it. Once you were calm again Nikto simply left the closet, you assumed he went to his quarters. You don't wear your jacket anymore in the heat but feel a little bare without it. People asked a bit about your scars at first but before you could ever answer them they always got a bit nervous and said nevermind, leaving you in a hurry. You didn't think much of it, not seeing the glare that had startled them off.

You were afraid things would be awkward around Nikto, afraid that the easy work flow you shared on missions would be disrupted but were relieved when nothing had changed. Sometimes at night you'd hold your arm thinking it was all a dream. But you swear you could still feel the cold of his blade on your skin. Those nights were hard to sleep.

A few days ago you had a nightmare about Norris. Waking up in a cold sweat, body shaking. Harshly wiping the tears off you face you got out of bed. At least tomorrow was an off day, you could afford a night without sleep. The clock on your desk reads 3:47am. "Everyone should be sleeping by now, a walk will do me good." Muttering to yourself as you slip your shoes on, glancing at your night wear. Should be fine, tank and shorts. It's nice out at night now anyway.

Being up high always had a calming effect for you. Might be because you could see everything, or because of the breeze, you didn't know. Heading off to your favorite spot on base, you quietly step through the halls. Coming around the last corner to the door that leads outside, you paused. König's room, he had ears like a f*cking rabbit. It was useful, of course, but not when you're trying to sneak past his room. You'd not only get docked for being out of your room past lights out but also for trying to go out. You couldn't hear anything, he's either asleep or in his office. Letting out a small breath, you continue on your way, thinking stealthy thoughts.

After making it outside, you made your way to the bases water tower. Your little hideaway, the ladder is partially broken, so no one really goes up unless necessary. Once at the top, you could feel the tension slowly roll off you. Smiling to yourself, you get comfy facing the direction the sun will rise on. Your legs hanging off the side. Breathing in the cool air you get thinking. You do enjoy it here. Everyone has been nice or at least not mean to you. Hell even Krueger is at least passive towards you. Even after the muffin incident.

You hope you can stay here, you feel safe. Not stressed out, constantly fearing to breathe. Hiding constantly, being sorry for existing. Norris is no longer a constant threat, merely a nightmare or passing panic attack. You startle a bit when the light begins peeking on the horizon. A new day dawning, hopefully bringing good things. You watch the sun rise in peace, unaware of the watchful gaze on you.

Chapter 8: Make the tires squeal!


Vroom vroom

I'm starving

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The first time you were witness to Nikto's driving was when the two of you were sent to pick up a package off base. This was also the third time you were witness to his...'condition' the other called it.
You were walking to the car digging out the keys from your pocket. Nikto already walking to the drivers door, hand in the air calling for the keys. "I'll drive. No I will! No me!" He shook his head angrily back and forth. Not bringing any attention to it you tossed him the keys, hand resting on the passenger door handle. Him glancing at you before he got in. The car ride silent as you made your way to the package. You didn't mind, content to gaze out the window. Fingers absentmindedly fidgeting with the texture of the interior.
"быстрее." "заставить шины визжать!" You've no idea what he's saying but you know he's not talking to you. With the windows down in the jeep you felt the wind pick up. Sand and dirt kicking up behind the vehicle as Nikto pressed the pedal farther down. You glanced at him only to startle a little when he was already staring at you, not even trying to watch the road. A glint in his eyes. Granted it's a damn near straight shot but still. You giggled smiling at him, a real smile. "I like fast too, Sir!" You stated. The corner of his eyes crinkled, and with a nod he turned his eyes back to the road. The car flying through the desert.

Chapter 9: Room & stitches


See what fixing your clothes gets you

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You made the mistake of sewing a rip in your jeans in the rec room. That then started a snowball of stitching. Be it from Kruegers torn pockets, Horangi asking you to fix a backpack, you refused to try and sew könig's shoe back together, they were beyond fixing. "Bitte! You dont know how hard it is to find shoes that fit! Especially out here!" Was his response. Nikto tapping your arm thrice, a signal for you to follow him. That's how you found yourself in Nikto's room at his desk. Small radio softly playing, a mask in hand, delicately stitching the holes. A small pile of 5 more waiting to be fixed. Honestly, though, it was peaceful here. Your little sewing kit resting by the radio, it playing whatever channel it was set to. You couldn't understand what was being said, but the gentle music was nice background noise.
He'd given you permission to be in here to touch his things while he's at sparring drills. You told him you could just sew them up in your room, didn't want to invade his space, but he shook his head with a "Our things stay in our room" Couldn't argue with that, he left with the door cracked open. Holding up the mask making sure all the holes were fixed you moved on to the next. This went on for about an hour. Last mask almost done, the eye part had been torn so stitching it was proving difficult. You'd have to put it on to make sure the stitches were secured. Nervousness wove itself around you as you glanced at the door. Surely he wouldn't mind? After all you were just making sure it was fixed properly... Taking a deep breath you slipped it on, moving it into place. You've never worn a mask before, kinda restrictive. Nose plate heavy. Your hand brushes against the stitches feeling for any tension, pulling the fabric slightly to check the strength. "Hmmm it seems to be holding up okay" You whispered to your self fidgeting with it.
A cold sweat sweeps it's way across your body making you pause. Turning to the door slowly, eyes wide you see him in the doorway. Eyes narrowed slightly, f*ck is he mad? You go to stand up "Sir! I was only checking the-" A raised hand made you stop. "Sit" He closed and locked the door as you sat back down, your hands going to pull the mask off. "Оставь это...Leave it" Your eyes snap back to him. He points to the mask he's currently wearing and you see a tear under the eye part. "Fix?" He asked coming and making you face forward in the seat again. "I can try to Sir, here are theses ones. I had to throw one away though, the whole seam was busted and didn't want to stay stitched up." He grabbed them off the desk patting your head. "хорошая девочка, eyes forward soldier." You glue your eyes forward and sat up straight. "Yes Sir." Letting out a sigh you continued with "Between you and Krueger, I should start learning some Russian. I know for a fact Krueger mocks me with it." "возможно" was all you got before the squeaking of the mattress was heard. The mask landing on the desk startled you a bit. A test....this was a test, your sure of it. The weight of his gaze on your back dared you to turn around. Follow orders like a good soldier you told yourself. The mask is warm in your hands as you start working on it.

Chapter 10: Beers & Blankets


Poor Nikto

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Nikto moved through the base with quiet irritation. Its 2am, König called saying it was an emergency. He doubted it, hearing laughing in the background. "Gotta come reel in your subordinate, acting silly" he'd told him. Of course they would drag you to drink with them. No doubt you'd want to keep up only to be thoroughly wasted. You were lucky no on here would take advantage of such a state, they all knew not to touch. His subordinate he muses, theirs indeed. Whether you knew it or not, you've caught their interest and have successfully held it. He inwardly groans at the noise up ahead. Entering the rec room he can see you in an animated discussion with König. Stopping arms length behind you, tapping your back thrice. "спать сейчас." It comes out calmly. You turned, face all red from alcohol smile plasterd on your face. "Nikto! Nikto!" You grabbed his arm and held it to your chest beaming up at him. He can feel the way you sway a little. "Come, to bed with you. We'll make you run laps in the morning" "Mmm cum in bed with you, you say?" Rubbing your cheek on his arm. Nikto could feel his face heat up, glad again for the mask as the men all hooted and howled. "Not allowed more than 2 drinks that one!" König snorted out. Nodding his head he directed you out the room and down the halls of the base. "Nikto! Wanna touch you!" "You are" A pout crossing your features. Making it to your door, he waits patiently for you to unlock it. You all but drag him in and fumble with the lock, only succeeding after 3 times. "Into bed маленькое лезвие, you need to sleep." "Noo~! Wanna touch! Nikto~" Having you whine out his name wasn't on their bingo card but damn does it get memorized quickly. Sitting on the bed with a sigh, Nikto relented. "Can touch us for 1 minute then sleep?" You cheered coming forward. Nikto knew you would likely not remember this encounter at all. You'd wake up groggy and hungover wondering how you got back to your room.
He comes out of his thoughts to you straddling one of his legs, arms clutching his shirt. His eyes zeroing in on you. Your parted lips, your half lidded eyes. Groaning, one of his hands finds your hip stabilizing you. A small gasp leaves you as he drags your against his thigh. "Playing with fire маленькое лезвие." He muttered darkly. You rubbed your face under his neck not paying attention, he always smells so good. Your arms move to around his middle, hugging him tightly. This is what you wanted, to hear his heartbeat. Your head all dizzy, feels like your floating. You two stay like that for a little while.
His head throbs, voices so loud. "Bruise" "Taste!" "Bite" "Take!"
"Your minute is up маленькое лезвие, off." He manhandled you off him and on your bed. Proceeding to cocoon you in your blankets much to your displeasure. "No! Nikto! I wanna...I wanna ughh"
No matter how much you wiggle you can't escape your blanket. Nikto is not happy as he exists your room, slipping your room key underneath after locking it. Your little whines through the door make his co*ck even harder. Angrily stomping to and slamming his door. He shouldn't be thinking about his subordinate this way. His eager to please, sweet yet ferocious subordinate. His hand palms his co*ck through his pants. "я не могу...I'll ruin her..."

Chapter 11: Depraved

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Unbeknownst to Nikto, Krueger saw him come out of your room hard as a f*cking rock. Of course he clocked what was going on. Nikto having an internal battle with himself instead of just taking what he wanted. Honestly, acting like he ain't as depraved as everyone else in command here. f*ck even he took what he f*cking wanted, Eagle was underneath him moaning like a whor* in 2 weeks.
"Dummer Mann, der mit sich selbst streitet, anstatt etwas zu tun. Wird seine Chance verlieren, wenn er nichts unternimmt..."

Chapter 12: The jugular & Cops

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You couldn't believe this. These damn idiots, getting you mixed up from who they were apparently looking for. Roughly tackling you to the ground from behind while you were on your way to meet the Colonel at the train. Cuffed and dragged into the back of a cop car. Your yells fell on deaf ears.
It got even worse when you arrived at the station. A small place really, local cops just wanted to throw their weight around. They hated having a base so close. You try to explain that you've done nothing wrong but they don't care. One searches you, his hands lingering in places they shouldn't. "Hands off f*cker!" You kick back at him, hitting him in the shin. Then it all went to sh*t.
They took your jacket, shoes, socks. Everything from your pockets. You were seething, your eye swelling from where the guard had hit you. The last straw was when said guard picked up your knife, giving it an appraisal, the blade glinting in the light. "This is nice, all you military assholes get all the cool sh*t." "Don't touch that! It's special!" You spat, fighting against the cuffs keeping your hands behind your back. "Oh? Don't touch it she says." The other cops laugh. It's the knife that Nikto had given you for completing your first solo mission, It was one of his. He came closer to you waving it around. "You military brat, what's one knife? I think I'll just keep it." He turned slightly and tossed it on a bag sitting on a desk.
Krueger had always said to use what you got if you were ever disarmed. "Just bare your teeth and snap at the enemy!" He'd laugh. You lunged forward. The cop making a strangled off sound as your teeth latched onto his throat, biting as hard as you could. You tasted blood as he tried to pull you off. Pulling, pushing, hitting, yelling. Something collided with the back of your head. Everything went dark.
That's how you woke up barefoot in a cell with dried blood on your face and front of your shirt. Still seething you started pacing. "Hope he bleeds to death." You mutter, even though you knew the probability of that was low. You honestly don't know how long you've been pacing at this point. A few hours at least. Your eye hurts.
Commotion alerted you to the arrival of your Colonel. Him no doubt being absolutely pissed. This is gonna be so much paperwork, your in so much trouble. To make it even worse you could just hear the rough voice of your superior. Nikto angrily shouting something in Russian only for König to silence him. They were soon led to your cell where you give them a little wave.
König deadpanned at your appearance. "Look like sh*t." You chuckle a bit "I feel like sh*t Sir." "You bit him....tried to rip out his damn throat?" He asked. "f*cking asshole deserved it Sir. They all do, f*cking pricks." You muttered back. Nikto's light chuckle was barely heard but his shoulders shook a little. After a discussion of how much trouble you're in and Nikto saying he agrees with the decided punishment, "маленькое лезвие, should of known better." God you loved it when he called you that, König leaves to go back to talk to the officers about getting you out. Nikto going to follow but stops at your voice.
"Wait, Sir please!" He turns to you in question."They took my knife Sir, Its the one you gave me. He put it in his bag! I want it back...please" His hand gently touch the black eye you were sporting.

"Consider it done."

👇just a link to him saying it 🥰😏

Chapter 13: Bullets & Besties


Ah yes core building time

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Nikto's head was quiet for once as he floated in the darkness. Wasn't he doing something? Something important? He blinked a few time. What was it?

You were dragging your unconscious superior. Nikto's head was bleeding badly as well as a deep laceration on his side. One minute the mission was going great, seemed easy even. "Too easy....Bad feeling." Nikto had told you. Bad feeling was right, after clearing the next section and securing the data you came for on the flash drive an explosion happened. Solders storming through corridors. The two of you ran as careful as you could, finding a way out.
The trees were a blur as the two of you ran, dodging bullets. Stopping just long enough to shoot back before launching yourselves through the forest again. The adrenaline pumping through your system making your heartbeat skyrocket. You take cover behind an outcrop of rocks, both panting. At first it's faint, a soft huffing noise. Then it gets louder making you glance at Nikto. He's laughing, his eyes look wild. "You were right Sir, was a trap." You took another gulp of air, "Bad Intel or Deceit?" You asked, his eyes snapped to yours. "Doesn't matter. Lucky for you we are here!" You can't help the smile that splits across your face. "I really am, I'd be screwed without you Sir." "Ready Soldier?" You nod bringing you gun up with an evil smirk. "Good! I like the way you do violence!" And with that the two of you slowly took out as many enemies as you could.
Thought it would be okay, thought you'd gotten them all on your side. You made your way back to Nikto, giving him a small wave as you got closer. At first he raised his hand to wave back, froze, yelled something in Russian as he started toward you in what felt like slow motion, his eyes wide. Turning around you barely miss the knife that was ment for your neck. The blade digging into the flesh under your left eye. You fall backwards, legs automatically kicking out like you've been trained to do. The enemy lunges for you only to be tackled to the ground by Nikto, the blade coming down on his side. It felt like your world stopped. All you could do was watch your superior literally beat the man to death with his hands.
Nikto stood and spun to face you. His mask and gloves tinged in red. "I'm sorry...I thought...I thought I got them all Sir, I'm sorry.." You breathed out. "Status?" "Face hurts but I'm solid, Sir." He has blood slowly spilling out of his side. Needs treated asap, bleeding to death was a horrible way to go. He inhaled like he was about to say something only for a shot to ring out. Time stilled again as blood started to drip down his mask. His eyes sliding closed as his body jerking back, his foot slipping, body submitting to gravity. You returned fire, shooting at the enemy until getting them in the head. Tears gathering in your eyes as you check Nikto, panic in your chest. Breathing? Check... bullet graze? Yes, why wasn't he waking up? It's just a graze! "Sir! Sir please! Nikto!" You carefully lifted his head. Blood underneath, hard impact? Knocked out, still breathing. Had to move, get somewhere safe. He needs the knife wound treated. Quickly securing the wound with your outer jacket, you start dragging Nikto.

He can hear gunfire in the distance of this darkness. Walking towards it but never quite getting there. A muffled voice keeps calling him. "Was doing something important.."

10? 20? 30 minutes later you've found a small cave behind a waterfall. A few elevated parts, good air supply, surprisingly not to damp. You've taken all steps to hide your tracks the best you could with Nikto's pack and gear on your person as well as yours. Dragging him was tiring but you're not leaving him behind. If your being honest with yourself, you've grown very fond of him. Quickly dragging him inside you gently lay him down, accessing the stab wound first. Clean cut, bleeding has somewhat stopped thanks to your quick thinking of wrapping it before setting out, needs stitches. You're greatful he's still unconscious, this is going to hurt like a bitch with no numbing. You quickly cut his top layers of clothing, "He can bill me for em" you muttered. Stopping once you see skin, your eyes narrow. Deep scars run across his body, Your eyes flicker to his covered face. One thing at a time.You clean the stab wound with the little disinfectant you have in your pack, taking a deep breath you begin to stitch his skin together.
Burning! His side is burning! He struggles against the darkness yelling out and thrashing. His eyes open, clouded. Enemy!? Cutting into him! He lunged forward his hands enclosing around their throat, yelling curses at them. The enemy yelled, pushed him, tried to break his grip. Fingernails digging into his hands and wrists. Muffled gasps, straining muscles...A hard whack across his face. The force had his head turning, bouncing off something hard, then back to the blackness he went.
You clutched your throat gasping for breath. Blood under your nails, your fist throbbing. He almost f*cking killed you, the damn bastard. You coughed, throat burning. You could already imagine the damn bruise that'll leave. You really couldn't blame him though, it was all him trying to defend himself. After you could breathe again without coughing you re checked his stitches. Cleaned what you could and wrapped it with some gauze, finally securing the bandage in place. You know you'd only be able to lift his heavy ass once more before your body gave out, so you threw your sleeping bag on top of his. Laying them on the flatest elevated surface. Then you drug and maneuvered his body up on them. Your legs felt like jelly and your arms shaking when you got him situated. Finally you turned your attention to his head.
This is a huge invasion of his privacy, you know that he's probably going to never want to speak to you again, but his head wound needs treated to. Breathing deeply you slowly slide his mask up and off his face, once you managed to remove it your breath catches in your throat. Scars, deep ones, painful looking one's. His mouth pulled on one side, some visable teeth. His ear is missing a chunck out of it. Your hands twitched, wanting to touch, to soothe them, would they feel like yours? Smooth, waxy?...but instead you rummage through the med kit. Luckily after cleaning the graze, you found it didn't need stitches. A few butterfly bandaids would do. Once Nikto was all fixed up you fix up your wound. Butterfly bandaids fixed it right up, then you called in your location, explained everything that happened to the Colonel, well minus Nikto almost strangling you to death. He didn't need to know that. Your body slumps in dismay when König tells you that your to far into enemy territory for a helo. That he can send a team to you for extraction but its going to take 2 days to get to you. If Nikto wakes up at any point and is coherent he is to radio in immediately, and you'll all meet in the middle. "Over and out Colonel, Sir." After checking your superior once more you reloaded your gun and made yourself comfy facing the entrance of the cave. "Eyes in front Soldier..." You whispered to yourself. This was gonna be a long night.

Trapped in the darkness he remembered now. Mission, enemies, pain, his subordinate on the ground bleeding. Something hitting his head, then he fell in this blackness that seemed to hold him down. His head throbbed. Yelling, they were yelling so loud! "Wake up! "Up!" "Up!"

Chapter 14: Bad eyes

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The darkness was clearing up, soft sounds faintly heard. Nikto's eyes flickered open, darting around, taking in the surrounding area. Echos of water, dim light from a small flashlight, small breeze. His mind supplies the word Cave for him. Theres pain radiating from his side, his head is heavy as he lifts it.
"Маленький клинок, статус?" Nikto eyes closed as he called out. Movement to his right, then pressure on his chest. His head being gently pushed back down. "You scared the sh*t out of me Sir." Your voice sounds strained, hoarse. Injured?
"что случилось?...What happened after I eliminated the target?" "Well Sir...I had to drag your ass through the forest. Which by the way, your heavy." Nikto snorted. "I treated your wounds and called in. When your up to it your supposed to call the Colonel. Can't get to us here." "Treated my wounds..." His hand flew to his face. "Черт возьми, ты не должен был видеть!" Nikto spat out, shutting his eyes. "I..I dont know what you're saying but I know you're mad at me though. I'm sorry for breaking your trust but I had to check your wounds." "Should have left us, should of ran."
" wanted me to leave you..?" Niktos eyes opened. You hands were shaking, balled into fists. "You think I'd leave you behind?" "маленькое лезвие I-" He paused, sitting up and finally looking at you, his eyes zeroing in on your throat. Thoughts drifting back to the feeling of being attacked. His hand gently touching your neck. "We..We did this.." "Its fine, I-" "Это не хорошо! Я наложил на тебя руки, я мог убить тебя! I could of killed you" "Nikto, I'm alright. It's not the first time I've been choked, granted it was a little harder than what I'm used to." It's off your tongue before you even think about what your saying. You stare at each other for a heartbeat before your face turned red, pulling away. "I, I mean...I uh Im so sorry Sir." You cover your face with your hands. It starts softly, a huff of air. Then it morphed into a full blown laugh. The serious mood lifted. You peeked out between your fingers. Nikto's head was thrown back as he laughed. "I was not expecting that." He chuckled. You couldn't help but stare, even with the scars all over his body, even with his lip pulled taunt, teeth showing a bit, a chunk of his ear missing, He was beautiful. Your stomach did a soft little flip as you smiled. You turned and grabbed his mask, clean of dirt and blood. "I cleaned your mask as best as I could. It's got a hole in it though, don't have my sewing kit with me." His hand reached our quickly to grab it but you pulled your hand back. He narrowed his eyes. "маленькое лезвие mask. Now"
"Sir, I just want to say that..." You bit your bottom lip, looking down at your feet shifting back and forth. "That I'm sorry for looking without your permission, but I'm not sorry that I've seen...I think..I think your handsome even with your scars Sir.." You nervously hand him back the mask, risking a peek at his face. His eyes were narrowed away from you, quickly putting his mask back on, but you didn't miss the red dusting across his face. "должно быть слепой....get your eyes checked." He mumbled before swinging his legs to the floor. "My shirt..." "Oh yeah....about that..." You nervously laughed.
The trip to extraction was filled with Nikto's grumbles about his clothes and a cheeky subordinate with bad eyes.

Chapter 15: Party & Piercings

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12 months. 12 long months since you joined KorTac but you've loved almost every second. You were celebrating with the others. Well minus Nikto, he still wasn't back from his mission yet. Supposed to be back 56 minutes ago, not that your counting. You've had about 3 to many, pleasantly warm and buzzing. The conversation taking a turn when Eagle drunkenly admitted to wanting to get his nipples pierced. You all laughed when Krueger choked on his drink. Eagle playfully sticking his tongue out until Krueger scuffed his neck. "Thanks for that lovely image Brat." Hmmm tongue...tongue...
"I wanna get my tongue pierced" You slurred knocking back the last bit of your drink. König shook his head with a snort. With mock offense you gasped, hand to your heart. "Colonel! That was rude" Eagle eyed something over your shoulder, "Ah I know, You should ask Nikto's opinion about it." Confused you turned towards the door. Nikto was making his way to your little group. Drunken giggles escaped you as you jumped to your feet and went to him.
When you were a few feet from him you jumped with a "Catch me Sir!" You smiled wide when he didn't hesitate to catch you, your legs wrapping around his waist locking you in place. His hands resting almost on your ass. You could only imagine the glare he sent the boys way. "She's not allowed to drink more than 2, König you made that rule." He spat without any venom behind it. "Ja, but it was a celebration Nikto." You wiggled in his grip to look at him. Silly smile on your face, "Hey, hey Sir. Gotza question for you." His attention focused back on you, tilting his head. "I wanna get my tongue pierced, what cha think?" You asked poking your tongue out. You could feel him tense, his deep inhale. "ты будешь моей смертью" He gritted out.

Chapter 16: Naughty Nikto

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Poor Nikto, they shouldn't be thinking about his subordinate this way. Dreams leak your darkest desires...
His eyes absorbed everything, You rubbing yourself on his thigh, your hip gripped in a bruising hold while he has 2 finger shoved in your mouth. Your hands clutching at his shirt, moaning like a little slu*t as you suck his fingers. Panties soaked leaving his leg damp as he helps you grind down just right. "так хорошо... so f*cking good for Us..." The whine you let out is music to his ears. He removes his fingers and holds you with both hands now. Moving you faster on his thigh. Your a shuttering mess, tears in the corner of your eyes. You lean forward suddenly, hands resting on his neck. Kissing him through the mask, tonguing the fabric, biting his lip through it. He groaned bucking his hips up. Your breath hitching, close you were so close he could tell. Trying to get closer your fingers accidentally slid under his mask, a snarl ripped out of his chest. "No, bad girl." Hand grabbing your hair, pulling backwards. "Ooh f*ck! Ah Nikto, f*ck!" You came hard.
Nikto woke up panting, blinking up at the ceiling of his room. Taking a shuttering breath he ran his hand down his face. "я чертовски облажался..."

Chapter 17: Schemes & Dreams


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Your not sure what you've done to make Nikto avoid you. Anytime you see him or try to talk to him he's always busy, leaving with a "We'll talk to you later." Yet he will stare at you whenever he can, It's getting really frustrating. While eating lunch in the mess you frown sipping your water.
"I just dont understand Eagle, what could I have done?" You whined staring into your half drunken glass. Eagle bites his knuckle with a hmmm. "You didn't mess up on your last mission together?" Sinking back in your chair you shake your head. "No, our last mission went really good." "Nikto doesn't usually mind having you around...In fact your the only one he let's hang around him really. I'll text Seb, see if he knows anything we dont." "Oh please no not Krueger!" "Oops, to late. Already sent it." "You really are a brat."
Kruegers phone buzzed in his pocket as he handed in the last bit of paperwork for access to one of the jeeps. Oh a message from his love?

-What's up Nikto's ass?-
-Wie meinst du das?-
-I hate you, it's to early for my brain.-
-Oh? Habe ich dich erschöpft, meine Liebe? Lass es mich noch einmal tun, dieses Mal drücke ich dich an die Wand...-
-f*ck, you can't just say things like that Seb.-
-Du hast es geliebt, dass ich letzte Nacht solche Dinge gesagt habe-
Krueger smirked wickedly as he watch the text bubble pop up, go away, then pop back up again.

-You are a monster-
-You like it Love. Where are you?-
-caff with y/n, join us?-
-Ja, auf dem Weg.-

Krueger makes his way around the base debating with himself. On one hand, ha hates dealing with other people's personal affairs, but on the other hand if this stuff doesn't get sorted quick it'll cut into his time with Eagle. Knowing that y/n and eagle are good friends, that's all he'll hear about when the day is over...well unless he gags Eagle with his co*ck. He looks so pretty with his mouth full. Hair all messy, tears in his eyes as he looks up at Krueger.
Scheiße Krueger could feel his co*ck twitch at the thought.

-Cancel that, gotta stop at my room. Meet on the mats in 30.-
-?? All good?-
-Ich dachte an deinen Mund um meinen Schwanz."
-Sebastian, I swear your insatiable....Need a hand?-
-As much as I'd love it, we'd be here all night if you did.-

After finishing your meager lunch you follow Eagle to the gym. Both starting your stretching waiting for Krueger to join you. "So your going to help me confront him?" "Of course, it's fun putting your man in his place every now and then" Eagle said smirking as he stretched his fingers to his toes. A blush quickly spreading across your face. "He's not my man Eagle! He's my superior! A good friend, a comrade!" Eagle blanched at you. "Seriously? Your gonna stand there and lie to my face that there's nothing going on between you two?" "There isnt!"
Eagle stood and stared at you intently for a minutes before speaking. "Nikto doesn't let anyone touch him except for you, no close your mouth. A shoulder pat after a mission doesn't count. He let's you grab his arms, sit close enough to him that your legs brush. If you run and jump at him he will drop whatever hes doing or holding to catch you. He let's you in his room, his room for f*cks sake." You look down to your feet. "I'm..." "On top of that, he let's you 'sneak up' on him." Eagles air fingers made you scoft. "You scoft now but one of the other soldiers tried to and he punched them square in the face. He calls everyone else by their name except you. What is it he calls you? Small Blade? Yeah a special little nickname for his favorite person." You grip your shirt nervously. "There really isn't anything going on though..."
"Nothings going on yet but that's about to change." Kruegers voice cut through your conversation. He's walking up with a wave. "Nikto will be here after hours to spar with me, to bad for him I won't be here"


👋 Hello

Chapter 18: Practice

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"Alright, To do an inside leg sweep, you will need to be standing in front of your opponent. You will then need to step forward and place your left leg inside of your opponent's right leg. You will then need to use your body weight to push your opponent backwards. Or alternatively, once youve unbalanced your opponent your can grab their arm above the elbow with both hand and pull them forward. Successfully sending them sprawling on their back. You can use this to your advantage as the wind gets knocked out of them. Understand?" Eagle has the patience of a saint you swear by it. It's been 2 hours of him teaching you the best ways to complete this move. The word Krueger taught you was a much easier lesson.
"Think you got it now, looks good." He smiles at you while helping Krueger stand up.
"Not sure how I became the potato sack.." Krueger muttered. His breath hitched as Eagle brushes pretend dust from his shirt once he's up. Fingers purposely brushing over his nipples, fluttering his lashes up at him. "Time to go Seb, need your help with some paperwork." You snorted, "Paperwork my ass, you two have been making eyes at each other this whole time."
"Shush, we're busy." Krueger gruffed at you pulling Eagle quickly with him as he walked out of the room. Now you just had to wait for Nikto to arrive. He was gonna talk to you whether they wanted to or not! After being so close to him for so long then having their presence torn away hurt more than you'd like to admit. Sure nothing romantic was going on between you but you cared so much for him. When you'd first arrived at KorTac it was difficult for you to interact with others. Many would try to talk, invite you to join them but you couldn't. Your anxiety of 'what if they'll be just like Norris and your x squad' made you hide in your room mostly. When you were assigned under Nikto it was calming. They didn't try to talk to you, mostly ignored you other than to correct you on something you were doing wrong. Didn't try to get you to open up. You worked together smoothly. You wanting to do your best, following his orders to the T. It pleased him, that made you happy. Even with his condition startling you the first time you saw it. It didn't deter the slowly forming bond between you. Truth be told after seeing him without his sh*t and mask, you've been having dreams. Dreams that leave you hot and wanting. His voice echoing in your head when you wake up... Shaking your head you glanced around for a hiding place, settling on laying behind the pile of extra mats. Now to wait..

Chapter 19: Lady Dreams

Chapter Text

You toss and turn on the mat. Hot and wet between your legs. Dreaming about your superior? Gods what would he say if he knew.

You were on your back, legs tossed over his shoulders. Your thighs in a bruising grip, you squirmed wanting there to be marks. You look down your body catching Nikto's eyes as he stared at you with such reverence it make your heart stutter. A smirk on his maskless face, "Ours, all Nikto's, only for us." His rough voice making you shiver. Your hips wiggled helplessly in his hands. "Please...please Nikto, I- I need-" "Тише, моя дорогая, мы точно знаем, что тебе нужно. Посмотри на себя, умоляешь нас просто прикоснуться к тебе. Черт, ты такой идеальный, ты нас погубишь..." His hips rock absentmindedly. A small whine leaves you as he lowers his mouth to where you need him. "Ты будешь такой мокрой, ты такая сладкая на вкус, что я могу оставаться здесь часами, наслаждаясь тобой." He whispers before he descended on your warm heat.

You wake with a loud moan, rolling on your side. Breath coming out in ragged pants, you could feel the wetness between your legs. "What am I doing...I..He..." Groaning you cover your face with your arm. f*ck you want him, want his body on you, his fingers deep in your c*nt, want his voice in your ear, want to be theirs entirely. Sometimes you scare yourself with this sudden possessiveness...

Nikto's Favorite Subordinate - EeveeOfEternity (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.