Delta-8 Side Effects Next Day (2024)

Compared to Delta-9 THC, Delta-8 THC is relatively new. However, it is quickly becoming extremely popular. This is not only due to the way it makes people feel and because of its potential benefits but also due to its legal status.

According to the two 2018 Farm Bills, Delta-8 THC is legal so long as it is hemp-derived and contains less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC. Delta-8 THC is completely legal at a federal level.

That said, much more research has been done on Delta-9 THC than on Delta-8 THC. While you might be familiar with the potential side effects of high doses of Delta-9 THC, you might not know what to expect from Delta-8 THC.

Although the side effects of Delta-8 THC are much milder than Delta-9 THC, there are still some potential side effects. Remember, Delta-8 THC is a psychoactive compound, so it does have the potential to cause some side effects.

Right now, we want to figure out what exactly Delta-8 THC is, where it comes from, how long the effects last, and yes, what some of the side effects are that you should expect if the worst comes to pass.

Key Takeaways

  • Delta-8 THC is a naturally occurring cannabinoid.
  • It is usually synthesized out of hemp-derived CBD.
  • Delta-8 THC has various potential benefits.
  • It's much milder than Delta-9 THC but is still intoxicating.
  • It may have various mild side effects.

First Things First – What is Delta-8?

Delta-8 THC or Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol is one of the psychoactive cannabinoids that can be found in both hemp and cannabis plants. It is actually an isomer of Delta-9 THC.

First of all, Delta-8 THC is not nearly as potent as Delta-9 THC. It does still interact with the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors in your body, although not quite to the same degree as Delta-9 THC.

There are some indications that it is roughly 50% to 70% as potent as Delta-9 THC. This means that while it is psychoactive and intoxicating, it won't get you quite as high as Delta-9 THC. Yes, it does produce a psychoactive high, and depending on the exact strain, this could resemble more of a sleepy and body-centric Indica high, or a cerebral and euphoric head high, as is often the case with Sativas.

That said, it's just not nearly as strong as Delta-9 THC. Although it might not get you quite as high, the potential side effects are also less severe and less frequent.

High doses of Delta-9 THC produces a variety of side effects, mainly paranoia, anxiety, confusion, impaired coordination, dizziness, stomach aches, headaches, drowsiness, increased appetite, and more. While you might experience some of these side effects from Delta-8 THC, they usually won't be as severe.

Simply put, Delta-8 THC is a less potent version of THC that can be found in cannabis and hemp plants.

Where Does Delta-8 THC Come From?

Delta-8 THC is a naturally occurring cannabinoid. It's found in hemp and cannabis. However, it is a minor cannabinoid, which means it generally exists in very small concentrations.

Due to this, extracting Delta-8 THC from cannabis and hemp plants tends to be relatively ineffective as far as costs are concerned. There's just not enough of it present in plant matter to make the extraction process worth it.

For this reason, Delta-8 THC is most often synthesized or made in a laboratory setting. Hemp plants are taken, and CBD is extracted from them. That CBD then undergoes a special chemical processes, including hydrogenation, to turn that CBD cannabinoid into Delta-8 THC.

Interestingly, Delta-8 THC is usually made out of CBD that comes from hemp plants. It is also totally legal according to the federal government of the United States.

What Are the Effects of Delta-8 THC?

If this is about how Delta-8 THC makes you feel, it will definitely get you high. Remember, it's only about 50% as potent as Delta-9 THC, so the effects are not nearly as strong or pronounced.

However, realistically, if you take twice as much Delta-8 THC as Delta-9 THC, you should achieve more or less the same result. That said, if we do a one-to-one ratio, then Delta-9 THC will always get you much higher. The good news is that the side effects of Delta-8 THC are generally much milder and less pronounced.

In terms of how Delta-8 THC makes you feel, it is often said to feel like a mild Indica high. It produces a fairly mild yet enjoyable body high, characterized by feeling a bit heavy, relaxed, mellow, and feeling like you are sinking into your couch.

You might also feel a slight tingling in your extremities. It may also be able to help relieve some pain and bodily stress. Delta-8 THC may also produce a slight cerebral head high. This may be characterized by feeling happy, elated, euphoric, mentally relaxed, less stressed, anxious, and depressed.

You may also feel slightly more talkative, creative, social, and giggly. Exactly how Delta-8 THC makes you feel does, however, depend on the strain. Some Delta-8 THC may lean more towards the Indica side, whereas others may lean more towards the Sativa side.

How Long Do the Effects of Delta-8 Last?

How long the effects of Delta-8 THC last mainly depends on your consumption method. If you smoke or vaporize Delta-8 THC, the effects should last for between two and four hours. However, if you ingest Delta-8 THC in the form of edibles, the effects may last for up to 8 hours or even longer.

Therefore, if you are doing edibles, make sure to adequately prepare yourself. Furthermore, doing edibles results in a much stronger high than smoking or vaping, due to how your body processes THC when you eat it.

So, if you are taking Delta-8 THC edibles, it's wise to start very slow with low doses. This is the best way to avoid side effects from occurring.

Potential Next Day Side Effects of Delta-8

There are quite a few potential next-day side effects of Delta-8 THC. These tend to be relatively mild, particularly when compared to those of Delta-9 THC. Either way, all of the side effects listed below are possible, particularly if you take high doses of Delta-9 THC. Let's take a closer look at exactly what to expect.

Anxiety and Stress

Although Delta-8 THC may help reduce anxiety and stress for some people, it may have the opposite effect on others. Why Delta-8 THC and other forms of THC cause paranoia, stress, and anxiety is not exactly known, it is assumed to be related to the dose you take.

They can change your state of mind and affect various hormones in your brain. THC may overstimulate the amygdala in your brain, which regulates responses to fear and fear-related emotions. The higher the dose of THC, the more likely this is to occur.


Just like with Delta-9 THC, Delta-8 THC may also result in some general confusion, particularly the next day. One reason for this is that Delta-8 THC affects the areas of the brain that are responsible for your cognitive abilities.

In other words, Delta-8 THC impairs and intoxicates you. It reduces your cognitive abilities. This means that it reduces your problem-solving skills, through general deduction skills, your short and long-term memory, and your general reasoning skills. It just makes you feel slower and it makes it harder for you to solve problems, to remember things, and make basic intellectual connections.

Coordination Impairment

Not only does Delta-8 THC impair your cognitive abilities, such as reasoning, memory, and problem-solving, but it also impairs your overall coordination and motor skills.

Just like Delta-8 THC interacts with the areas of your brain that control emotions and cognition, it also interacts with areas of the brain that control coordination and fine motor skills. You might find yourself a little slow, stumbling around a bit, dropping things, or anything else of the sort.

The bottom line is that it's just much harder to be physically coordinated when you are high and impaired, or even after the initial effects have worn off.


Very high doses of Delta-8 THC may also make you feel dizzy. This side effect may occur during your high or the next day. Although why THC may cause dizziness is not known, it may have something to do with your blood pressure.

It's possible that Delta-8 THC may cause mild cases of so-called orthostatic hypotension, which essentially means that you have low blood pressure. Low blood pressure may lead to dizziness.


One of the most common side effects of Delta-8 THC, especially if you consume high quantities, is general sedation and drowsiness. Both Delta-9 and Delta-8 THC are sedatives, and they can make users feel tired, which is why they're used as sleep aids.

However, if you take high doses, the THC may not have worn off yet by the time you wake up. Many people who do edibles, especially potent edibles, report waking up still groggy and even stoned. Don't take too much THC if you have somewhere to be the next day.

Dry Mouth

Another potential side effect of THC, whether Delta-8 or Delta-9, is dry mouth. The reason for this is that cannabis usage tends to lower the production of saliva in your mouth. Saliva keeps your mouth lubricated, so if you have less of it, you'll feel really dry. Among stoners, this is usually known as cottonmouth, because your mouth feels dry like a cotton ball.


Interestingly, many people use cannabis and related products to get rid of headaches and migraines. However, there are some cases where people report getting migraines and headaches as from consuming too much Delta-8 or Delta-9 THC.

It may be the case that THC causes mild inflammation in the brain, which may cause headaches. Simply put, overusing THC, combined with potential dehydration, may cause headaches to occur.

Increased Appetite

Yes, the munchies is one of the main side effects of THC. That said, many people take THC to reduce nausea and induce hunger. It is thought that THC may prevent your brain from producing the signals that make you feel full.

So, even if your stomach is full, your brain might not recognize it. THC may also simply lower your inhibitions to the point where you give in to your cravings. THC may also stimulate hunger hormones.

Low Blood Pressure

An interesting dichotomy here is that Delta-8 THC may at times raise blood pressure, but it may also lower blood pressure. However, this lowered blood pressure is generally not very severe or extreme, and usually doesn't lead to any other negative side effects. As mentioned above, however, it may make you feel a bit dizzy.


Generally speaking, THC is supposed to reduce nausea. However, in some people, excessive use of THC may lead to the body not being able to control vomiting and nausea reflexes. Why THC makes some people feel nauseous is not known, though it's a common occurrence.


THC may overstimulate the amygdala in the brain which controls responses to fear. This, coupled with the potency of THC and the way it interacts with the brain, may cause paranoia and anxiety.

Rapid Heart Rate

Cannabinoids can also have a variety of complex effects on the cardiovascular system. Although this is honestly way too scientific to explain, the bottom line is that cannabis, specifically THC, may affect your autonomic nervous system, which may produce increased cardiac output. In simplest terms, high doses of THC may cause your heart to race a little bit.

Red Eyes

Cannabinoids like Delta-8 THC dilate or widen your blood vessels, which makes your eyes look red. It's what gives you that classic Stoner appearance when your eyes look like the devil's!

Short-Term Memory Loss

Delta-8 THC alters the way your hippocampus forms and retains memories. The hippocampus is the part of your brain that is responsible for forming, processing, and storing memories. Delta-8 THC impairs your cognitive abilities, and this includes memory. You are much likelier to forget various events when you are high.

Potential Drug Interactions with Other Medications

There are also many potential drug interactions between Delta-8 THC and sedatives, pain medications, antidepressants, and anti-anxiety medications. If you are on any medications such as these, you definitely want to consult your healthcare practitioner before using any kind of THC or cannabinoid.

Ways to Reduce the Potential of Negative Side Effects

Now that we know the potential side effects of Delta-8 THC, let's take a quick look at ways to reduce these side effects. The methods listed below may reduce both the severity and the frequency of these side effects from occurring.

Stay Hydrated

A great way to try and avoid these side effects is to stay hydrated. Water is essential for the normal function of your body. Some of the side effects of Delta-8 THC may potentially be attributed to dehydration, so keeping hydrated is essential.

Furthermore, for many people, putting something in their stomachs, even something as simple as water, can help to prevent nausea from occurring. On that note, sipping on a glass of water is just also something to concentrate on when you feel anxious or paranoid.

Start with a Low Dose

Simple logic, the more Delta-8 THC you take, the higher the chances of suffering negative side effects. Therefore, the solution is to start slow and take a low dose.

If you have no idea how Delta-8 THC affects you, start with just 5 milligrams or 10 milligrams at the most. You can always take a little bit, wait awhile, see how it affects you, and then take more if you desire. It's always better to start slow than to hit the ground running and realize that you've gone in way over your head.

Be Mindful of your Surroundings

It is thought that many of these side effects produced by Delta-8 THC may be mental. In other words, your mental state may have a lot to do with whether or not you'll suffer from side effects, and a lot of this could have to do with your surroundings.

If you are in a happy, warm, bright, and calm place, you're much less likely to suffer from side effects. However, if you are in a very uncomfortable environment, any side effects you do feel may be exacerbated.

Be in a Good Headspace

Related to the above point, you're much more likely to suffer some kind of negative side effects, especially in terms of mental side effects like paranoia and anxiety, if you start off in a bad headspace.

If you are already feeling sad, angry, depressed, or anxious, you might want to wait until you feel better to consume any Delta-8 THC.

Allow Time to Pass

The unfortunate reality is that when you do feel these side effects, one of the only things you can actually do is wait. Time heals all, and this goes for side effects induced by high doses of THC too. If all else fails, just try to go to sleep, and by the time you wake up, you'll likely feel better.

Avoid Consuming it with Other Substances

As mentioned earlier, Delta-8 THC may have negative interactions with other medications and substances. Therefore, you always want to avoid taking THC with other intoxicating substances or prescription medications.

For instance, taking THC with alcohol can make you feel extremely impaired and intoxicated, and it makes many people feel very ill. Never start mixing drugs.

If You Are Unsure, Consult Your Doctor

If you just don't know how your body will react to Delta-8 THC, or if it is safe to mix it with the other substances and medications you take, it's best to just ask your doctor.

So, Is Delta-8 Safe?

In the grand scheme of things, yes Delta-8 THC is safe. The side effects are shown to be much less severe and infrequent than with Delta-9 THC. Even the side effects of Delta-9 THC aren't overly severe.

Just don't take too much of it, stay calm, and drink some water. The side effects here are very mild and certainly nothing super dangerous or life-threatening. You might feel a little uncomfortable, but that's about it.

Are Delta-8 Side Effects Permanent?

No, the side effects of Delta-8 THC are certainly not permanent, that is if they occur at all. You can expect these side effects to pass within a few hours.

Who Shouldn’t Take Delta-8?

You should not take Delta-8 THC if you are nursing or pregnant, have any kind of heart, kidney, or liver conditions, or are on other medications or substances that may produce negative interactions.

The bottom line here is that before you take Delta-8 THC, particularly if you are concerned, it's best to consult a healthcare practitioner.

Final Thoughts

Delta-8 THC has plenty of potential benefits, but caution needs to be exercised. If you are a beginner, start with very low doses, as this is the best way to avoid negative side effects from occurring.

If you do suffer from any negative side effects, stay calm, drink some water, and maybe just go to sleep. The side effects will pass before you know it.

Where to Buy Delta-8

If you want to buy some Delta-8 THC, there is no better place than right here at botany farms. We have a massive selection of Delta-8 THC products for you to check out, so let's take a quick look.

One of the fan favorites is this Delta-8 Godfather OG strain, or if you’re feeling a bit lazy, check out our own Delta-8 Sugar Queen Pre-Rolls. If you’d rather vape than smoke, check out this Delta-8 THC Vape Cartridge. Better yet, check out this edible Live Resin Delta-8 THC tincture, or these Botany Farms Delta-8 Tropical Mix Gummies.

Delta-8 Side Effects Next Day (2024)
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