Bank of Baroda e-Banking:Internet Banking Login (2024)

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Retail Users Corporate Users

Bank of Baroda e-Banking:Internet Banking Login (1)



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24x7x365 Helpline 1800 5700 / +9179 6629 6629(For NRI Customers)

Authenticate yourself on your mobile

You have confirmed the Login Process

Remember User ID

Unlock User Id

Reset Security Answers

Forgot User ID

Disable User ID

Online Registration using Debit Card

Set Password/Forgot Password

Mobile OTP Activation

Secure Login Practices

  • • Dear Customer . Please download your annual bank statement for this financial year by logging into Net Banking: Accounts -> Select Account Type (Like 'Loan Accounts') -> More Actions -> Generate Account Statement -> Search Transactions -> Enter Date Range -> SEARCH.
    Security Alert

    • Dear Customer - Do not save your Internet Banking password on any web browser using the default save password option. For security reasons, Bank of Baroda recommends entering the Internet Banking password manually every time

    • In case your mobile is deactivated without your request or you get a call in this regard, somebody may be trying to get a duplicate SIM/ steal your credentials like OTP (One time password), Tracker ID for beneficiary registration etc

    • Our bank does not ask for the details of your account like /PIN/ Password/ mobile numbers etc. Therefore any one pretending to be asking you for information may be fraudulent entities.

    • Any caller pretending to be from our Bank / Contact Centre may persuade you to reveal your credentials like User Id and password stating that password sent to you is erroneous and correct password needs to be sent. Please do not entertain such requests as they are fraudulent entities.

    • In case any unauthorized access to your information, accounts or disputed transactions, using internet Banking service, please check immediately with telecom service provider and contact the Bank on 1800 5700/+9179 6629 6629(For NRI Customers).

    • Change Passwords immediately on any such suspected activity/ as frequently as possible.

What Can You Do?

What Can You Do?

    A S B A

    Form 26AS

    Utility Payments

    NPS Registration(KFintech)

View Demo

View Demo

  • Account Details
  • Transfers
  • Services
  • Investment
  • Details of Home Page, Login Page and Pre Login Options
  • Profile, Security Setting and Preferences

Useful Information / Links

Useful Information / Links



  • General FAQs
  • FAQ on Fraud Management Solution (Baroda iSecure)
  • Trouble in Login?
  • Trouble Receiving OTP

Security Alert

• In case your mobile is deactivated without your request or you get a call in this regard, somebody may be trying to get a duplicate SIM/ steal your credentials like OTP (One time password), Tracker ID for beneficiary registration etc

• Our bank does not ask for the details of your account like /PIN/ Password/ mobile numbers etc. Therefore any one pretending to be asking you for information may be fraudulent entities.

• Any caller pretending to be from our Bank / Contact Centre may persuade you to reveal your credentials like User Id and password stating that password sent to you is erroneous and correct password needs to be sent. Please do not entertain such requests as they are fraudulent entities.

• In case any unauthorized access to your information, accounts or disputed transactions, using internet Banking service, please check immediately with telecom service provider and contact the Bank on 1800 5700/+9179 6629 6629(For NRI Customers).

• Change Passwords immediately on any such suspected activity/ as frequently as possible.

• Dear Customer - Do not save your Internet Banking password on any web browser using the default save password option. For security reasons, Bank of Baroda recommends entering the Internet Banking password manually every time.

Privacy Policy

The information of customers and others who visit the Bank's website we believe it is necessary to post a privacy statement. The information shared with the Bank will be treated as private. We also desire to say explicitly that adequate precautions have been taken to protect information relating to customers and their dealings with the Bank from the mischievous and the fraudsters.sters.

The Bank has adopted the privacy policy aimed at protecting the personal information entrusted and disclosed by the customers.This policy governs the way in which the Bank collects, uses, discloses, stores, secures and disposes of personal information and sensitive personal data or information.

The Bank collects and uses the financial information and other personal information from its customers. This information is collected and used for specific business purposes or for other related purposes designated by the Bank or for a lawful purpose to comply with the applicable laws and regulations. The Bank shall not divulge any personal information collected from the customer, for cross selling or any other purposes.

The authenticity of the personal information provided by the customer shall not be the responsibility of the Bank. Any information that is freely available or accessible in public domain or furnished under the Right to Information Act, 2005 or any other law for the time being in force shall not be regarded as personal information for the purposes of this Policy and the Bank shall not be responsible for the same.

Bank endeavours to safeguard and ensure the security of the information provided by the Customer. Bank uses 128-bit encryption, for the transmission of the information, which is currently the permitted level of encryption in India. When the information provided by the Customers is not transmitted through this encryption, the Customers' system (if configured accordingly) will display an appropriate message ensuring the best level of secrecy for the Customer's information.

The Customer would be required to cooperate with Bank in order to ensure the security of the information, and it is recommended that the Customers necessarily choose their passwords carefully such that no unauthorised access is made by a third party. To make the password complex and difficult for others to guess, the Customers should use combination of alphabets, numbers and special characters (like #,$,@,&,%). The Customers should undertake not to disclose their password to anyone or keep any written or other record of the password such that a third party could access it.

Bank undertakes not to disclose the information provided by the Customers to any person, unless such action is necessary to:

  • Conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process;
  • Protect and defend Bank's or its Affiliates' rights, interests or property;
  • Enforce the terms and conditions of the products or services or;
  • Act to protect the interests of Bank, its Affiliates, or its members, constituents or of other persons.

Cookie Policy

Cookies are a kind of short term memory for the web. They are stored in your browser and enable a site to 'remember' little bits of information between pages or visits.

They are widely used to make the web experience more personal, which is generally seen as a positive thing. However some cookies collect data across many websites, creating 'behavioural profiles' of people. These profiles can then be used to decide what content or adverts to show you. This use of cookies for targeting in particular is what the law was designed to highlight. By requiring websites to inform and obtain consent from visitors it aims to give web users more control over their online privacy.Cookies are used for lots of tasks like remembering your preferences & settings, provide personalized browsing experience and analyze site operations. These cookies collect information about how users use a website, for instance, how often visited pages. All information collected by third party cookies is aggregated and anonymous. By using our websiteuser/s agree that these types of cookies can be placed on his/her device. User/s is free to disable/delete these cookies by changing his/her device / browser settings. Bank of Baroda is not responsible for cookies placed in the device of user/s by any other website and information collected thereto.

How we use, collect, and retain customer information

We collect and retain information about you only for specific business purposes.

How does Bank use Cookies?

Bank uses cookies to capture following information -

  • Source of visit to the website
  • Time spent on the website
  • Pages viewed on the website

How we restrict the disclosure of customer information

Bank does not release customer information except as directed by law or as per your mandate. We do not share specific information about customer accounts or other personally identifiable data with nonaffiliated third parties for their independent use unless:

  • The information is provided to help complete a transaction initiated by you;
  • You request or authorize it;
  • The disclosure is required by/or directed by law; or
  • You have been informed about the possibility of such disclosure for marketing or similar purposes through a prior communication and have been given the opportunity to decline.

Notice of changeThe Bank may, from time to time, change this Policy. The effective date of this Policy, as stated below, indicates the last time this Policy was revised or materially changed.

Terms and Conditions

Retail Users

1. Definitions:In this document the following words and phrases have the meaning set opposite them unless the context indicates otherwise: Bank refers to Bank of Baroda (BOB), a banking company having its Head office at Baroda House, P.B.No.506, Mandvi, Baroda -390 006, Gujarat, India and Corporate Office at Baroda Corporate Centre at C-26, G-Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai-400051 including any branch / office thereof. E-Banking is the Bank's Internet Service, offering the various facilities to the Retail User such as Accounts enquiry, Statement of account, Funds Transfer, Utility Bills Payment, Stop payment, request for issuance of cheque book, request for issuance of DD, other requests, etc., alerts, financial modelling and other facilities as the bank may decide upon to provide from time to time. User refers to any individual user availing Internet banking facility of the Bank and such user is identified as a Retail User. Account refers to the User's Savings and / or Current Account and / or Time Deposit and / or Cash Credit, Overdraft, Loan Account and / or any other type of account as available in the Bank to be covered under the e-banking facility. Terms refer to terms and conditions for use of e-banking as detailed in this document. 2. Applicability of terms:These terms form the contract between the User and the Bank. By applying for e-banking of BOB to access and utilize the various services so offered, the User acknowledges and accepts these terms. These terms will be in addition and not in derogation of the terms and conditions relating to any account of the User. 3. a) Application for e-banking:The Bank may extend e-banking facility to selected customers at its discretion. The User need to be a current legal Internet user or has access to the Internet and knowledge of how the Internet works. The application form for e-banking may either be downloaded and printed or the same can be received from any branch of BOB. The said form is to be filled up and duly signed by the User and submitted either to Centralised E-Banking Division, Mumbai or any of the BOB branches. Upon receipt of request in the bank's prescribed application form for internet banking and subject to the satisfaction of the eligibility criteria laid down by the Bank from time to time, internet banking access shall be provided to the User by the Bank. The User shall not attempt or permit others to attempt accessing the account information stored in the bank's computers through any means other than e-banking. The User shall not attempt or permit others to attempt accessing the account information stored in the bank's computers which does not relate to his/her account and / or for illegal and / or improper purposes which, if done and proved to be so, will be liable for action under the appropriate law and withdrawal of the e-banking facility. b) Instructions:Bank shall provide all instructions for operating the e-banking facility to the User. The user is also responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the instructions so provided to the Bank and the same shall be considered to be sufficient to operate the internet banking facility. The Bank shall not be required to independently verify the instructions and the instruction once given is effective unless countermanded by further instructions. The Bank shall have no liability if it does not or is unable to stop or prevent the implementation of the initial instructions. Where the Bank considers the instructions to be inconsistent or contradictory, it may seek clarification from the User or may act upon as it may think fit. 4. Software:The Bank will advise from time to time the Internet software such as Browsers, which are required for using e-banking. There will be no obligation on the Bank to support all the versions of this Internet software. The User shall upgrade his software, hardware and the operating systems at his own cost from time to time and the Bank shall be under no obligation to support the software, hardware, operating systems of the User and that the same shall be the sole responsibility of the User. 5. Joint Accounts: E-banking facility can be availed by the following persons for a Retail User:1) Individuals 2) Joint account holders with operating instructions as Self, Either or survivor, Anyone or survivors or survivor clause The user who is desirous of availing the e-banking facility should authorise a single signatory to act independently to operate the e-banking account notwithstanding the fact that the joint accounts are operated on E or S / Anyone or Survivors or survivor. The said e-banking user should submit necessary authority duly signed by all accountholders, who in the normal course, have to operate the accounts as per the operating instructions. All transactions arising from the use of e-banking in the above account shall be binding on the account holders jointly and severally. The Bank, in no way, shall be liable for any loss / damages whatsoever that may be incurred or alleged to be incurred by the said account holders in such an event. 6. Accounts in the names of minors: In case of accounts opened for and on behalf of minors, the natural guardian shall undertake to give all instructions relating to the operation of the account and further undertake not to reveal the User ID and Password to the minor, which if done so, will be at the risk and consequences of the guardian and the Bank shall not be liable for any loss on that account in case the account is operated by the minor. In such an event the transaction will be deemed to have been undertaken by the guardian. 7. Security:The Bank shall take adequate and reasonable care to ensure the security of and prevent unauthorised access to the e-banking service using 128 bit Secured Socket Layer which is the highest level of security available for the internet banking services. 8. Password: The user accepts and unconditionally agrees to the following:-i) Upon approval of the account holder's application, the customer will be allotted a user Id and password to access the e-banking facility.ii) The user id and password will be mailed separately by the Bank to the mailing address in terms of the option exercised by the customer in the Application Form.iii) The password so mailed is not known to anyone including the Bank staff. In the event of the mails containing user id and password reaches the customer in a tampered / damaged condition, contact the Bank immediately.iv) On accessing e-banking for the first time, the user has to compulsorily change the password assigned by the Bank through the relevant option. The user is at liberty to change the password as many times as possible at his risk and consequences. The user will be solely responsible for maintaining secrecy of the password, so changed, and the Bank shall in no way be responsible for the misuse of the said password by any person other than the authorised user.v) The Bank does not assume any responsibility in this behalf including against loss incurred by the user as a result of misuse / unauthorised use of user Id / In case the user forgets the password, a new password may be obtained from the Bank against a written request in the prescribed Bank's format available on Internet or from Bank's branch. Such replacements shall not be construed / deemed as the commencement of new contract. In such an event the Bank shall provide the new password within a reasonable period of time. However, till such time no transactions could be effected. 9. Charges: The Bank reserves the right to charge and recover from the User charges, if any fixed, for providing any service under e-banking facility. The user hereby authorises the Bank to recover the service charges by debiting one of the accounts of the user to make the payment within a specified period. However, there are no charges levied to the customers for e-banking services at present. Charges such as exchange on DD, commission on Bankers' Cheque, postages, courier charges, etc. be borne by the customer. 10. Mailing Address:All correspondence / delivery of any instructions by the Bank or their communication shall only be made at the normal postal address and / or e-mail address as registered with the Bank. The Bank shall in no way be held responsible for non-receipt of the same. 11.Cheque Book Issue:The user can request for issuance of a chequebook and the same will be mailed by the Bank to the address given in the Request. The courier charges will be borne by the customer. 12.Demand Draft/Bankers' Cheque Request:The user can request for Demand Draft/Bankers' Cheque and opt for mailing the DD / Bankers' Cheque to the communication address of the customer or delivered to the beneficiary's address as given in request. The courier/postage charges, exchange on DD and commission on Bankers' Cheque will be borne by the customer. 13. Transaction Processing:All the Fund Transfers will be effected instantaneously in the account after invoking Instant Funds Transfer. All the Scheduled Funds Transfer will be carried out on the scheduled dates subject to availability of clear balance in the account. In case Funds Transfers scheduled for effecting any transactions are received on weekly off / holiday / public holidays, they shall be effected on the immediately succeeding working day. The user shall not hold the Bank responsible for not processing/effecting any transactions in case the Bank does not receive instruction to this effect even though the customer has forwarded the same. 14.Funds Transfer: The user shall not use or attempt to use e-banking for funds transfer without sufficient funds in his account or without a pre-existing arrangement with the Bank by way of Cash Credit/overdraft. The Bank will endeavour to effect such funds transfer transactions received through e-banking provided there are sufficient funds available in the User's account. The Bank shall not be liable for any omission to make funds transfer (s) due to circ*mstances beyond the reasonable control of the Bank. 15.Bill Payments :The user shall maintain sufficient balance in his account for payment of bills on the scheduled date. The Bank shall not be liable for non-payment due to insufficient balance or circ*mstances beyond the reasonable control of the Bank, including technical problems of connectivity, computer breakdown, non-availability of communication links, etc. The Bank shall in no way be responsible for the non-payment of the User's bills within the time stipulated and the User alone shall be bound to pay or discharge interest, penalty or any such charges. Further, the Bank shall not be called upon to indemnify the user. All disputes such as excess billing, disconnection of service or facility, wrong credit or debit, shall be resolved by the User only, and the Bank shall in no way be responsible for the same. 16.Authority to the Bank:E-banking transactions in the User's Account(s) are permitted only after authentication of the User Id and transaction Password of the User. The User grants express authority to the Bank for carrying out the banking transactions performed by him through e-banking. The Bank shall have no obligation to verify the authenticity of any transaction received from the User through e-banking or purporting to have been sent by the User via e-banking other than by means of verification of the User-Id and the transaction password. Illegal or improper use of the e-banking facility shall render the user liable for payment of financial charges as decided by the Bank or will result in the suspension of the operations through e-banking. The display or printed output that is produced by the User at the time of operation of e-banking is a record of the operation of the Internet transactions. 17.Accuracy of Information:The User is responsible for the correctness of information provided to the Bank through the use of e-banking or through any other means such as electronic mail or written communication. The Bank accepts no liability for the consequence arising out of erroneous information provided by the User. The user shall at periodic intervals check the correctness of the statement and shall inform the Bank about any discrepancies that may occur. However, Bank does not accept any liability. All outputs of statements are duplicate statements of account and will be prepared by electronic means and the information contained therein will be extracted from a computerised back-up system maintained by the Bank. While the Bank will take all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the statement, the Bank is not liable for any error. The User shall hold the bank harmless against any loss, damages, etc. that may be incurred /suffered by the User if the information contained in the above said outputs turns out to be inaccurate / incorrect. 18.Liability of the User:The User alone shall be liable for any loss from unauthorised transactions in the e-banking accounts if he has breached the terms or contributed or caused the loss by negligent actions such as the following: Keeping a written or electronic record of e-banking password. Disclosing or failing to take all reasonable steps to prevent disclosure of the e-banking password to anyone including any minor, Bank staff and/or failing to advise the Bank of such disclosure within reasonable time. Not advising the Bank in a reasonable time about unauthorized access to or erroneous transactions in the e-banking accounts. The Bank shall in no circ*mstances be held liable by the User if e-banking access is not available in the desired manner for reasons including but not limited to natural calamity, floods, fire and other natural disasters of any kind, legal restraints, faults in the telecommunication network or Internet or network failure, power breakdown or UPS breakdown, software or hardware failure and or error or any other reason beyond the reasonable control of the Bank. The Bank shall in no way be liable for any loss or damage that may occur due to hacking of the account by any persons other than the user, which fits in the definitions of a 'Cyber Related Crime' as accepted internationally. The Bank shall under no circ*mstances be liable for any damages whatsoever whether such damages are direct, indirect, incidental, consequential and irrespective of whether any claim is based on loss of revenue, investment, production, goodwill, profit, interruption of business or any other loss of any character or nature whatsoever and whether sustained by the User or any other person. 19.Indemnity: The User shall indemnify and hold the Bank harmless against all actions, claims, demands, proceedings, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever which the Bank may at any time incur, sustain, suffer or be put to as a consequence of or by reason of arising out of providing e-banking facility or by reason of the Bank in good faith taking or refusing to take or omitting to take action on any instruction given by the User. 20. Disclosure of Personal Information:The User agrees that the Bank may hold and process his Personal Information on computer or otherwise in connection with e-banking services as well as for statistical analysis and credit scoring. The User also agrees that the Bank may disclose, in strict confidence, to other institutions, such Personal Information as may be reasonably necessary for reasons inclusive of, but not limited to, the following:
  • participation in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network
  • compliance with a legal directive
  • credit rating by recognized credit rating / scoring agencies
  • fraud prevention purposes.

21.Bank's Lien:The Bank shall have the right of set-off and lien, irrespective of any other lien or charge, present as well as future on the deposits held in the User's accounts whether in single name or joint name(s), to the extent of all outstanding dues, whatsoever, arising as a result of the e-banking service extended to and/or used by the User. 22.Proprietory Rights:The User acknowledges that the software underlying the e-banking service as well as other Internet related software which are required for accessing e-banking are the legal property of the respective vendors. The permission given by the Bank to access e-banking will not convey or confer any proprietory or ownership rights in the above software. The user shall in no way try to alter / tamper or experiment with the said program. Any breach on the part of the user will be dealt under the appropriate law and user shall be liable for damages that may be incurred by the Bank. The User shall not attempt to modify, translate, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the software underlying e-banking or create any derivative product based on the software. 23.Change of Terms and Conditions:The bank has the absolute discretion to amend or supplement any of the Terms at any time without prior notice to each user about the same. The changes so made will be available on the website of the bank which the customers are requested to refer to from time to time. Proposed and existing users to the services are advised to confirm themselves about the terms and conditions contained therein to take note of any changes, modifications and/or amendments which may be made to the scheme from time to time by the Bank. The bank may introduce new services within e-banking from time to time. The existence and availability of the new functions will be displayed on the bank's website along with the revised/changed terms and conditions applicable to such other e-banking services. By using the services, it is deemed that the User agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions applicable. 24. Non-Transferability:The grant of facility of e-banking to a User is not transferable under any circ*mstance and shall be used only by the User who will be responsible for all the consequences thereof. 25.Cancellation / Termination of e-banking:The User may request for cancellation of the e-banking facility any time by giving a reasonable notice to the Bank. The User will remain responsible for any transactions made in his accounts through e-banking prior to the time of such cancellation of the e-banking Service as informed by Bank after accepting such request. The Bank may withdraw the e-banking facility anytime provided the User is given reasonable notice. The closure of all Accounts of the User will automatically terminate the e-banking service. The Bank may suspend or terminate e-banking facilities without prior notice if the User has committed breach of these terms and conditions or the Bank learns of the death, bankruptcy or legal incapacity of the User. 26.Notices:The Bank and the User may give notices under these Terms and Conditions:

  • Electronically to the mailbox of either party. Such notices will be regarded as being in writing.
  • In writing by delivering them by hand or by sending them by post to the last address given by the User

In addition, the Bank may also publish notices of general nature, which are applicable to all Users of e-banking on its web site. Such notices will have the same effect as a notice served individually to each User and or that of a notice published in a newspaper of print media. 27.Governing Law:The terms and conditions and/or the operations in the accounts of the User maintained by the Bank and/or the use of the services provided through e-banking shall be governed by the appropriate laws as prevalent in India and no other nation. The User and the Bank agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts located in Mumbai, India as regards any claims or matter arising under these terms and conditions. Any dispute or difference arising between the User and the Bank shall be settled by mutual consultation /discussion failing which, the same shall be referred to Arbitration. The Arbitration proceedings shall be governed and conducted in accordance with the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and that the Arbitration proceedings shall take place in Mumbai. The Bank accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for non-compliance or breach of the laws of any country other than the Republic of India. The mere fact that the e-banking Service can be accessed through Internet by a User in a country other than India shall not be interpreted to imply that the laws of the said country shall govern these terms and conditions and/or the operations in the e-banking accounts of the User and/or the use of e-banking. The user of the e-banking facility by a person from any place other than India will not alter the situation and the said user shall be deemed to have submitted himself to the laws of the Republic of India and only the Indian courts shall have the jurisdiction. 28.General:The clause headings in this agreement are only for convenience and do not effect the meaning of the relative clause. The User shall not assign this agreement to anybody else.

Terms and Conditions

Corporate Users

1. Definitions:In this document the following words and phrases have the meaning set opposite them unless the context indicates otherwise: Bank refers to Bank of Baroda (BOB), a banking company having its Head office at Baroda House, P.B.No.506, Mandvi, Baroda -390 006, Gujarat, India and Corporate Office known as Baroda Corporate Centre at C-26, G-Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai-400051 including any branch / office thereof. E-banking is the Bank's Internet Service, offering the various facilities to the Corporate User such as Accounts enquiry of corporate in various locations and divisions, statement of account, Funds Transfer, Utility Bills Payment, stop payment, request for issuance of cheque book, request for issuance of DD, alerts, salary uploads, trade finance, financial modelling and other requests etc. and other facilities as the Bank may decide upon to provide from time to time. User refers to any person other than individual user such as sole proprietorship, partnership, public limited companies, private limited companies, HUF, Co-operative Societies, Clubs, Associations, Trusts and any other corporate concerns having internet banking facility of the Bank and such user is identified as a Corporate User. Account refers to the User's Savings / Current / Time Deposit / Cash Credit / Overdraft / Loan Account and / or any other type of account as available in the Bank to be covered under the e-banking facility. Terms refer to terms and conditions for use of e-banking as detailed in this document. 2. Applicability of terms:These terms form the contract between the User and the Bank. By applying for e-banking of BOB to access and utilize the various services so offered, the User acknowledges and accepts these terms. These terms will be in addition and not in derogation of the terms and conditions relating to any account of the User. 3. a) Application for e-banking: The Bank may extend e-banking facility to selected customers at its discretion. The User need to be a current legal Internet user or has access to the Internet and knowledge of how the Internet works. The application form for e-banking may either be downloaded and printed or the same can be received from any branch of BOB. The said form is to be filled up and duly signed by the User and submitted either to the Centralised E-Banking Dept., Mumbai or any BOB branch. Upon receipt of request in the bank's prescribed application form for internet banking and subject to the satisfaction of the eligibility criteria laid down by the Bank, from time to time, internet banking access shall be provided to the User by the Bank. The User shall not attempt or permit others to attempt accessing the account information stored in the Bank's computers through any means other than e-banking. The User shall not attempt or permit others to attempt accessing the account information stored in the Bank's computers which does not relate to his or its account and / or for illegal and improper purposes which, if done and proved so, will be liable for action under the appropriate law and withdrawal of the e-banking facility. b) Instructions:Bank shall provide all instructions for operating the e-banking facility to the User. The user is also responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the instructions provided to the Bank and the same shall be considered to be sufficient to operate the internet banking facility. The Bank shall not be required to independently verify the instructions and the instruction once given is effective unless countermanded by further instructions. The Bank shall have no liability if it does not or is unable to stop or prevent the implementation of the initial instructions. Where the Bank considers the instructions to be inconsistent or contradictory, it may seek clarification from the User or may act upon as it may think fit. 4. Software:The Bank will advise from time to time the Internet software such as Browsers, which are required for using e-banking. There will be no obligation on the Bank to support all the versions of these Internet software. The User shall upgrade his software, hardware and the operating systems at his own cost from time to time and the Bank shall be under no obligation to support the software, hardware, operating systems of the User and that the same shall be the sole responsibility of the User. 5. Accounts: e-banking facility can be availed by the following accountholders :1) Sole Proprietor 2) Corporate Bodies (Public Ltd. Co., Private Ltd. Co. etc.) 3) Partnership firms 4) HUF 5) Trusts 6) Clubs 7) Association 8) Co-operative Societies The Corporate user who intends availing the e-banking facility should delegate suitable powers in the hierarchy of the Corporate to the identified persons who are given the authority for logging in the internet banking of the Bank as a Corporate user for view, transact and approve the transactions on internet banking on behalf of the Corporate. Accordingly, the said e-banking Corporate should submit necessary authority to the Bank duly signed by the Authorised signatory alongwith the workflow for the users to use the e-banking on behalf of the Corporate. Corporate Bodies should ensure to submit the necessary special Resolution passed by the Board of Directors and should also satisfy the Bank that the said authorisation is within the parameters of law and its Memorandum & Articles of Association. In the case of partnership firms, joint holders and other categories, necessary Declaration in such formats as may be prescribed by the Bank should be submitted. All transactions arising from the use of e-banking in the above account shall be binding on the account holder jointly and severally. The Bank, in no way, shall be liable for any loss / damages whatsoever that may be incurred or alleged to be incurred by the said account holders in such an event. 6. Security:The Bank shall take adequate and reasonable care to ensure the security of and prevent unauthorised access to the e-banking service using 128 SSL (Secured Socket Layer) which is the highest security available for the internet banking services. 7. Password:The Corporate User accepts and unconditionally agrees to the following:-i) Upon approval of the account holder's application, the customer will be allotted Corporate user, user Id and login and transaction password to access the e-banking facility.ii) The user id and password will be mailed by the Bank separately to the mailing address in terms of the option exercised by the Corporate customer in the Application Form.iii) The password so mailed is not known to anyone including the Bank staff. In the event of the mails containing user id and password reaches the customer in a tampered / damaged condition, contact the Bank immediately.iv) On accessing e-banking for the first time, the user has to compulsorily change the password assigned by the Bank through the relevant option. The user is at liberty to change the password as many times as possible at his risk and consequences. The user will be solely responsible for maintaining secrecy of the password, so changed, and the Bank shall in no way be responsible for the misuse of the said password by any person other than the authorised user.v) The bank does not assume any responsibility in this behalf including against loss incurred by the user as a result of misuse / unauthorised use of user Id / In case the user forgets the password, a new password may be obtained from the Bank against a written request in the prescribed Bank's format as available on internet / Bank's branch. Such replacements shall not be construed / deemed as the commencement of new contract. In such an event the Bank shall provide the new password within a reasonable period of time. However, till such time no transactions could be effected. 8. Charges: The Bank reserves the right to charge and recover from the User charges, if any fixed, for providing any service under e-banking facility. The user hereby authorise the Bank to recover the service charges by debiting one of the accounts of the user to make the payment within a specified period. However, there is no charges levied to the customers for e-banking services at present. Charges such as exchange on DD, commission on Bankers' Cheque, postages, courier charges, etc. to be borne by the Corporate user. 9. Mailing Address:All correspondence / delivery of any instructions by the Bank or their communication shall only be made at the normal postal address and / or e-mail address as registered with the Bank. The Bank shall in no way be held responsible for any non-receipt of the same. 10.Cheque Book Issue:The user can request for issuance of a cheque book and the same will be mailed by the Bank to the address given in the Request. The courier charges will be borne by the customer. 11.Demand Draft/Bankers' Cheque Request:The user can request for Demand Draft/Bankers' Cheque and opt for mailing the DD / Bankers' Cheque to the communication address of the customer or delivered to the beneficiary's address as given in the request. The courier/postage charges, exchange on DD, commission on Bankers' Cheque will be borne by the customer. 12. Transaction Processing:All the Funds Transfer will be effected instantaneously in the account after invoking Instant Funds Transfer. All the Scheduled Funds Transfer will be carried out on the scheduled date subject to availability of clear balance in the account. In case Funds Transfer are scheduled for effecting any transactions are received on weekly off / holiday / public holidays, they shall be effected on the immediately succeeding working day. The user shall not hold the Bank responsible for not processing/effecting any transactions in case the Bank does not receive instruction to this effect even though the customer has forwarded the same. 13.Funds Transfer: The user shall not use or attempt to use e-banking for funds transfer without sufficient funds in his account or account without a pre-existing arrangement with the Bank by way of Cash Credit/overdraft. The Bank will endeavour to effect such funds transfer transactions received through e-banking provided there are sufficient funds available in the User's account. The Bank shall not be liable for any omission to make all or due to circ*mstances beyond the reasonable control of the Bank. 14.Bill Payments :The user shall maintain sufficient funds for payment of bills on the scheduled date. The Bank shall not be liable for non-payment due to insufficient balance or circ*mstances beyond the reasonable control of the Bank, including technical problems of connectivity, computer breakdown, non-availability of communication links, etc. The Bank shall in no way be responsible for the non-payment of the User's bills within the time stipulated and the User alone shall be bound to pay or discharge interest, penalty or any such charges. Further, the Bank shall not be called upon to indemnify the user. All disputes such as excess billing, disconnection of service or facility, wrong credit or debit by the Bank, shall be resolved by the User only, and the Bank shall in no way be responsible for the same. 15.Authority to the Bank:E-banking transactions in the User's Account(s) are permitted only after authentication of the User Id and transaction password of the User. The User grants express authority to the Bank for carrying out the banking transactions performed by him through e-banking. The Bank shall have no obligation to verify the authenticity of any transaction received from the User through e-banking or purporting to have been sent by the User via e-banking other than by means of verification of the User-Id and the transaction password. Illegal or improper use of the e-banking facility shall render the user liable for payment of financial charges as decided by the Bank or will result in the suspension of the operations through e-banking.. The display or printed output that is produced by the User at the time of operation of e-banking is a record of the operation of the Internet transactions. 16.Accuracy of Information:The User is responsible for the correctness of information provided to the Bank through the use of e-banking or through any other means such as electronic mail or written communication. The Bank accepts no liability for the consequence arising out of erroneous information supplied by the User. The user shall at periodic intervals check the correctness of the statement and shall inform the Bank about any discrepancies that may occur. All outputs of statements are duplicate statements of account and will be prepared by electronic means and the information contained therein will be extracted from a computerised backup system maintained by the Bank. While the Bank will take all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the statement, the Bank is not liable for any error. The User shall hold the Bank harmless against any loss, damages, etc. that may be incurred /suffered by the User if the information contained in the above said outputs turns out to be inaccurate / incorrect. 17.Liability of the User:The User alone shall be liable for any loss from unauthorised transactions in the e-banking accounts if he has breached the terms or contributed or caused the loss by negligent actions such as the following: Keeping a written or electronic record of e-banking password. Disclosing or failing to take all reasonable steps to prevent disclosure of the e-banking password to anyone including any minor, Bank staff and/or failing to advise the Bank of such disclosure within reasonable time. Not advising the Bank in a reasonable time about unauthorized access to or erroneous transactions in the e-banking accounts. The Bank shall in no circ*mstances be held liable by the User if e-banking access is not available in the desired manner for reasons, including but not limited to, natural calamity, floods, fire and other natural disasters of any kind, legal restraints, faults in the telecommunication network or Internet or network failure, power breakdown or UPS breakdown, software or hardware failure and or error or any other reason beyond the reasonable control of the Bank. The Bank shall in no way be liable for any loss or damage that may occur due to hacking of the account by any persons other than the user, which fits in the definitions of a 'Cyber Related Crime' as accepted internationally. The Bank shall under no circ*mstances be liable for any damages whatsoever whether such damages are direct, indirect, incidental, consequential and irrespective of whether any claim is based on loss of revenue, investment, production, goodwill, profit, interruption of business or any other loss of any character or nature whatsoever and whether sustained by the User or any other person. 18.Indemnity: The User shall indemnify and hold the Bank harmless against all actions, claims, demands, proceedings, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever which the Bank may at any time incur, sustain, suffer or be put to as a consequence of or by reason of arising out of providing e-banking facility or by reason of the Bank in good faith taking or refusing to take or omitting to take action on any instruction given by the User. 19. Disclosure of Personal Information:The User agrees that the Bank may hold and process his Personal Information on computer or otherwise in connection with e-banking services as well as for statistical analysis and credit scoring. The User also agrees that the Bank may disclose, in strict confidence, to other institutions, such Personal Information as may be reasonably necessary for reasons inclusive of, but not limited to, the following:
  • For participation in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network
  • In compliance with a legal directive
  • For credit rating by recognized credit rating / scoring agencies
  • For fraud prevention purposes.

20.Bank's Lien:The Bank shall have the right of set-off and lien, irrespective of any other lien or charge, present as well as future on the deposits held in the User's accounts whether in single name or joint name(s), to the extent of all outstanding dues, whatsoever, arising as a result of the e-banking service extended to and/or used by the User. 21.Proprietory Rights:The User acknowledges that the software underlying the e-banking service as well as other Internet related software which are required for accessing e-banking are the legal property of the respective vendors. The permission given by the Bank to access e-banking will not convey or confer any proprietory or ownership rights in the above software. The user shall in no way try to alter / tamper or experiment with the said program. Any breach on the part of the user will be dealt under the appropriate law and user shall be liable for damages that may be incurred by the Bank. The User shall not attempt to modify, translate, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the software underlying e-banking or create any derivative product based on the software. 22.Change of Terms and Conditions:The Bank has the absolute discretion to amend or supplement any of the Terms at any time without prior notice to each user about the same. The changes so made will be available on the website of the Bank which the customers are requested to refer to from time to time. Proposed and existing users to the services are advised to confirm themselves about the terms and conditions contained therein to take note of any changes, modifications and/or amendments which may be made to the scheme from time to time by the Bank. The Bank may introduce new services within e-banking from time to time. The existence and availability of the new functions will be displayed on the Bank's website alongwith the revised/changed terms and conditions applicable to such e-banking services. By using the services, it is deemed that the User agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions applicable. 23.Non-Transferability:The grant of facility of e-banking to a User is not transferable under any circ*mstance and shall be used only by the User who will be responsible for all the consequences thereof. 24.Cancellation / Termination of e-banking:The User may request for cancellation of the e-banking facility any time by giving a written notice to the Bank. The User will remain responsible for any transactions made in his accounts through e-banking prior to the time of such cancellation of the e-banking Services. The Bank may withdraw the e-banking facility anytime provided the User is given reasonable notice. The closure of all Accounts of the User will automatically terminate the e-banking services. The Bank may suspend or terminate e-banking facilities without prior notice if the User has committed breach of these terms and conditions or the Bank learns of the death, bankruptcy or legal incapacity of the User. 25.Notices:The Bank and the User may give notices under these Terms and Conditions:

  • Electronically to the mailbox of either party. Such notices will be regarded as being in writing.
  • In writing by delivering them by hand or by sending them by post to the last address given by the User

In addition, the Bank may also publish notices of general nature, which are applicable to all Users of e-banking on its web site. Such notices will have the same effect as a notice served individually to each User and or that of a notice published in a newspaper of print media. 26.Governing Law:The terms and conditions and/or the operations in the accounts of the User maintained by the Bank and/or the use of the services provided through e-banking shall be governed by the appropriate laws as prevalent in India and no other nation. The User and the Bank agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts located in Mumbai, India as regards any claims or matter arising under these terms and conditions. Any dispute or difference arising between the User and the Bank shall be settled by mutual consultation /discussion failing which, the same shall be referred to Arbitration. The Arbitration proceedings shall be governed and conducted in accordance with the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and that the Arbitration proceedings shall take place in Mumbai. The Bank accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for non-compliance or breach of the laws of any country other than the Republic of India. The mere fact that the e-banking Service can be accessed through Internet by a User in a country other than India shall not be interpreted to imply that the laws of the said country shall govern these terms and conditions and/or the operations in the e-banking accounts of the User and/or the use of e-banking. The user of the e-banking facility by a person from any place other than India will not alter the situation and the said user shall be deemed to have submitted himself to the laws of the Republic of India and only the Indian courts shall have the jurisdiction. 27 General:The clause headings in this agreement are only for convenience and do not effect the meaning of the relative clause. The User shall not assign this agreement to anybody else.


BANK OF BARODA (BOB) has made all efforts to ensure that the contents of this website do not contain any mistakes, omissions, inaccuracies, typographical and other errors. However, BOB assumes no responsibility, if any such errors are there in the contents of the website. BOB makes no warranty orRepresentation that this website is free from all errors, mistakes, etc.Hyper links, if any, to other Internet websites are at user's own risk. The contents of these sites are not verified or endorsed by BOB in any way.BOB makes no warranty or representation that the contents of such websites are error-free and correct.BOB has taken all steps to prevent the introduction of viruses, worms or other destructive material to this website. However, BOB does not guarantee or warrant that this website or the material that may be downloaded from this website does not contain any such destructive material. BOB shall not be liable for any harm or damages which may be caused due to such destructive Material if present in this website.BOB has taken all steps to protect the customer information. However, BOB shall not be liable or responsible and expressly disclaims any liability arising on account of information passing through unauthorized access of the website or otherwise.It is the understanding that the customer shall make use of the BOB e-channel facility inter alia for carrying out valid and legal transactions and shall in no way violate the provisions of law in force from time to time. The Customer alone shall be responsible for all or any such violations, including any money laundering, both attempted and otherwise.It is the understanding of BOB and the Customer that all the transactions carried out by the Customer are valid transactions and shall not be disputed, the very fact that the Customer, if not well versed in the operation of internet and/or computers, gets the transaction done or carried out through his agents shall not alter the basic structure and it shall be deemed that all such transactions are carried out by the Customer himself.Under no circ*mstances shall BOB be liable to any User for any loss, claim, liability or damages of any kind and/or any special, direct, incidental, punitive, exemplary or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever resulting from:-
  • the use of or the inability to use the Web Site or its content / materials;
  • the failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation, transmission or system failure;
  • any computer viruses or harmful components;
  • any other reason;even if BOB had been advised of the possibility of such claim, loss, liability or damages.

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Security Alert

• In case your mobile is deactivated without your request or you get a call in this regard, somebody may be trying to get a duplicate SIM/ steal your credentials like OTP (One time password), Tracker ID for beneficiary registration etc

• Our bank does not ask for the details of your account like /PIN/ Password/ mobile numbers etc. Therefore any one pretending to be asking you for information may be fraudulent entities.

• Any caller pretending to be from our Bank / Contact Centre may persuade you to reveal your credentials like User Id and password stating that password sent to you is erroneous and correct password needs to be sent. Please do not entertain such requests as they are fraudulent entities.

• In case any unauthorized access to your information, accounts or disputed transactions, using internet Banking service, please check immediately with telecom service provider and contact the Bank on 1800 5700/+9179 6629 6629(For NRI Customers).

• Change Passwords immediately on any such suspected activity/ as frequently as possible.

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Bank of Baroda e-Banking:Internet Banking Login (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.